President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1633: Isey's consciousness

Isey saw the lounge. When I first passed, I pushed in and pushed in.

In the lounge, two little guys sat on the couch, a female employee was pacifying them, greeted with snacks and milk. this

Engraved, two little guys who are tearing candy, surprised to see the man coming in.

Three pairs of blue eyes are similar, just hit together.

Yixi’s nerves are slack, and the two little guys are pleasant surprises, especially Xia Xiaoguo. The candy in her hand is not eaten. She quickly gets up from the sofa and squats to the legs of Isi’s slenderness. Two small hands clasped, only her long legs, hugged one of his thighs.

"Hey, hey, you are here." Summer

Xiao Cheng was slightly stunned, watching his sister's speed of ignorance, he was more calm, and Lan Hao looked at this tall mixed-race man.

Isi bowed his head and looked at the little girl who hugged her thighs. At this moment, the little girl raised a small face, and her face was similar to the summer, but the special blue eyes were like him. Coix seed color. Yi

West couldn’t help but smile. "I am not yours, you admit the wrong person."

Xiaoguo’s eyes widened. “No, you are ours!”

Xia Xiaoguo dreams of wanting a depression.

"Small fruit, he is not." Xia Xiao Chengsheng, came over and pulled her.

Xia Xiaoguo saw her brother talking. She gave up the thigh with some disappointment. She stepped back and looked up at the small head and looked at Isey.

Isi is very tall, he wants to communicate better with the two little guys, he kneels down and looks at them. "

How can you run around? Do you know how much your mommy is worried about you? ""

You know my mommy! "Xia Xiaoguo surprises, as if this relationship is more certain of his relationship with himself."

"Uncle, can call my mommy and tell her, are we safe?" Xia Xiaocheng is worried that Mommy will be insane.

Isi took out the mobile phone and unplugged Xia Wei’s phone. At that end, Xia Wei took over almost a second. "

Hey! Mr. Yixi, do you have any news? "The voice of Xia Wei is holding back and crying.

West listened, the apex of the heart was distressed, he screamed, "Miss Xia, don't worry, I found the children, they are with me now, very safe."

"What? Found? Did you really find it?" Xia Xixi, who was crying at the end, asked, "Can I listen to their voices? Please, let me talk to them."

West handed the phone over, Xia Xiao took over, took the turn and went to the corner, "Hey, Mommy."

"Xiao Cheng, where are you two? Are you going to scare Mommy?" Xia Wei’s voice was at that end, and he was really angry. "

Sorry Mommy, we are wrong, we will not run around in the future. "Xia Xiaocheng quickly admits the mistake. Summer

He groaned and groaned at the end and asked, "You stay well, don't go anywhere, I will come over and give the phone to the uncle."

"Well! We will." Xia Xiaocheng listened to Mommy's voice, very regretful, should not be so scared of her. summer

Xiao Cheng returned the phone to Yixi, and Isi stood up to answer. "

Mr. Yixi, where are you and your child? I will come over and pick them up. ""

Miss Xia, no trouble, I will send them home! You can give me your home address. "Isi is low, she is very excited now, not suitable for driving, not safe.

"Good! Thank you, I will send you the address right away." Xia Yan said with gratitude.

"You're welcome, I will send them safely home." Isai comforted.

"Mr. Isey, thank you very much." Xia Wei’s voice has never been so grateful to a person. Yi

West smiled. "I really don't have to be polite."

Although frightened by one, but these two little bit of running, actually let him in the heart of Xia Hao, increased the strong feelings.

At this moment, Isi remembered that the little girl had just held his leg and shouted at him. He couldn’t help but lean down and asked, "Are you coming out to look for awkwardness?"

Ok! "Xia Xiaoguo nodded honestly."

Isi couldn't help but wonder, such a big child, should not give his father a mistake! Xia Xiaocheng knows what he is thinking, he said, "I am sorry, uncle, we admit the wrong person, please send us home, okay?"

West smiled, "Of course! Let's go! I will send you home now!"

"Hey! My legs hurt so much!" Xia Xiaoguo squinted with big eyes. "Uncle, can you hug me?"

Isi smiled and leaned down, holding Xia Xiaoguo in his arms. Xia Xiaoguo was sitting in a comfortable arm and looking back at the big brother. summer

Xiao Cheng has some speechless sisters, even if this man is very handsome, very like a father, if he is not, he is not.

Isi smelled the little guy's body, and there was also a hint of Xia Wei's body. He felt very intimate. In particular, the little girls' clear blue eyes, even the depth of the color, looked like him. more

What's more, the little boy who followed, the five senses and him look exactly the same, this situation, it is not worthy of Isis thinking, what is going on? sit

Entering the car, Xia Xiaoguo came down from Isis's arms. Isi tied the seat belts to their two children. His eyes fell softly on their little faces. "

Children, what is your name? ""

My name is Xia Xiaoguo, this is my brother Xia Xiaocheng. Xia Xiaoguo replied happily.

"You sneak out from school, do you want to do something?" Isey asked again.

"We are coming out to find the land." Xia Xiaoguo said quickly. summer

Xiao Cheng felt that this kind of thing was too naive. He didn't want to say that he simply let his sister say that he was calmly looking at the man with his eyes. Inexplicably, he still felt kind.

As if he is most likely their father.

"You are looking for a land? Who are you on the ground?" Isai was very interested in this matter. I want to know what kind of man who gave birth to this beautiful baby with Xia Wei?

Xia Xiaoguo blinked and said, "We don't know who the land is!"

Isi was shocked to see the little girl. "You don't know who you are?"

We have not seen the land since birth until now! Mommy said that he is in a faraway country, my grandmother said that he is in e country, my brother and I want to find him. ”

Isey listened to this news, and there was a burst of ecstasy in her heart. What? Xia Wei turned out to be unmarried? She is not married at all? There is no husband? No family? In the heart of Isey, the mood surged and a decision was made almost instantaneously.

If she is willing, he would be happy to raise these two little cute baby with her. "

Will you be our land? Xia Xiaoguo looked at his head with a serious look.

Isi’s nose smelled the aroma of the little girl. His thoughts seemed to return to the night of six years ago. Then look at the age of the two little guys. About five years old, count the time, will not be with him. What about the night six years ago?

Is it true that Xia Wei is the girl who dropped him five dollars six years ago and gave him sleep?

Before, Isi annoyed this thing for a few years. Now, he is very much looking forward to it. Is it Xia Wei? "

Do you know your specific date of birth? "Isi did not reveal the sound of the question, a pair of eyes can not hide hope.

Xia Xiaoguo blinked and turned to look at his brother. Xia Xiaocheng told Isi calmly and said the date of birth.

Isi immediately counted in the heart, and the day he was asleep, the time difference is about ten days, which means that these two children are most likely to be him and Xia Wei. Now

The child is in front of him. He wants to determine if the child is his or her own. It is a solution. The best way is probably to check their DNA. "

Little guy, uncle wants one of your things, are you willing to give it to me? Isi asked softly.

"what is this!""

Give each one a hair to you. "Isis wants to make sure that this pair of babies is not his."

Xia Xiaocheng seems to know what he wants to do. He is willing to grab one for him, and Xia Xiaoguo is afraid of pain. Isi gently smashed one in her long hair, Xia Xiaoguo did not feel it. pain. Yi

West got their hair, and at this moment, the car is also driving to the door of Xia Wei's home.

After Isey saved his hair, he didn't want to ask Xia Wei today. He thought that when he got the DNA results with the children and came over to find her, she couldn't hide.

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