President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 936: Standing at the doorstep

Xia Anning knew the location of Mrs. Song. She walked directly toward her. Mrs. Song was discussing with her the donation tonight, and she apparently had a good time.

"Mrs. Song, may I ask if you have time? I want to ask you for a help." Xia Anning looked at her eagerly.

Mrs. Song saw her, she smiled and stood up, "Oh! What?"

Xia Anning looked at her and revealed her pleading color in her eyes. "I want to know the name of the donor of the last three items. Can you help me?"

Mrs. Song was a little surprised. "Why do you want to ask this?"

"Because...because I and the donor, it may be a loved one." After that, Xia Anning turned on the mobile phone and turned from inside to the phoenix jade, and said to the Song lady, "I have worn a pair of jade and this jade. I have been looking for my loved ones."

She said half of the panic, but half of it is true.

Mrs. Song is a jade-savvy person. When she looks at the photos in her mobile phone photo, she believes. She nodded cautiously. "Well, the organizer of this issue is my good sister. I will take you to see her. See if she is willing to tell you."

"Okay, thank you lady." Xia Ning was very grateful.

Mrs. Song took Xia Anning to the chief position. She called a woman in her early forties, who was the initiator of tonight and a very good philanthropist.

"Alian, I want to ask the young lady, can the name of the last three donors be?" asked Mrs. Song to her.

Alian groaned and looked at Xia Anning. "What do you want to do?"

"Because I am looking for my loved ones, this donor may be my loved one." Xia Anning finished, she handed the photo on the phone, Alian glanced at it, could not help but be surprised, "This jade and just now That is a pair!"

"Yes! It was this lady who was worn on her body." Mrs. Song said for Xia Anning.

Alian is now a charity, and her heart is very good. She thought about it and sighed. "To be honest, I don't know who the donor is. When he donated it, he didn't say the name. This batch of donations arrived only this afternoon."

"There is always a way to contact!" Mrs. Song was surprised.

"There is no contact method. Instead, there is an initial shipping address. I believe it should be the place where the donor lives now. I can give this lady."

Xia Anning’s eyes were already filled with tears, and she gratefully said to the two ladies, “Thank you two ladies.”

No one can understand the tears in her eyes, how fortunate it is, how amazing it is.

After a while, Alian asked the address of the goods to be handed over to Xia Anning, and wished her to find her relatives as soon as possible. Xia Anning took the address and was grateful again.

When she left, Alian said to Madam Song. "This lady is really a person who knows how to be grateful. She is saying thank you."

"Looking at it is also very poor." Mrs. Song is very accurate, and Xia Anning has a feeling that makes her feel bad.

Xia Anning resigned from her job the next day. She began to prepare for going abroad. The address in her hand was an address from country d, so she had to rush over. This is her last hope.

If she really couldn't find someone to go home, she decided to give up.

Xia Ning was a travel visa. It took more than a month to get down. When she set foot on the flight, her heart had already taken off in advance. She sat in the window and watched the plane take off. She can't wait. On a long flight, she said quietly, sitting next to her is a young man who wants to find a chance to say a few words along the way. She has been holding her eyes and looking out the window. Sad expression, time and mouth are light, as if immersed in her own world


When the plane landed, Xia Anning stood at the airport in a strange country. She was not confused or afraid. She exchanged all the money in her hand for US dollars. Although not much, she should have enough to complete this trip.

Xia Anning is an English major. Communication is not an obstacle. She has no more time. Therefore, she chose to take a taxi. She showed the address to the driver. This is a female driver. She is enthusiastic to tell. She is a bit far away and asks her if she is going to go?

Xia Anning nodded and she was sure to go.

The female driver let her get on the bus! Along the way, the female driver did not bother her, went straight to the place she was going to, a manor area dedicated to the rich people.

Xia Anning looked at the scenery outside the window. When the female driver told her that it was coming, she couldn’t hide her inner excitement. She asked the female driver to leave a number. If she didn’t find someone, she hoped to call her or her. The companion came over to pick her up to the airport.

This is also Xia Ning's just in case, because the road here is partial, it seems that it is difficult to get a taxi.

The female driver slowly searched for the road. Finally, her car parked in front of a white manor and said to her, "Miss, the place you are looking for is here."

Xia Anning squinted and looked at the white manor that looked like a castle. Some of them were unbelievable. Did the three items be sent from here? After that, she went to the address of the house and looked at it. It is indeed this address.

The taxi driver said to her, "Miss, I need to call me. I will go back first."

Xia Anning is also not good to stay with her, she must have been precious in her time, she smiled. "Okay, thank you."

Xia Anning stood in front of this huge carved iron facade, she took a deep breath, she saw the delicate doorbell, she reached out and pressed.

The doorbell was pressed for a while, because the manor was very big, and soon there was a foreign man in his early fifties coming over. He was dressed in a housekeeper, and he gently walked towards Xia Ning Road outside the door. "This lady, you press Got the doorbell?"

Xia Anning nodded. "It's me, I want to see the owner of this manor."

“Are you a guest of our husband?”

"I am a person who came to see him from afar. Can you let me in?" Xia Anning said, pleading.

"Sorry Miss, I can't let you in, because I'm not sure about your identity." The butler politely refused her.

Xia Anning was also prepared. She handed the printed photo of Yupei to him. "Please show it to your master. This is my jade. If he wants to see me, come over and open the door for me. Ok?"

The housekeeper took a look at Yu Pei, and was a little surprised. Then she said to her, "Okay, wait a minute." Xia Anning was waiting outside the door. Her anxious eyes were pressed down by her. She knew that she could not be anxious. Use, only calm face. (http://) "President's squatting super power" only represents the author's point of view, if it finds that its content is inconsistent with the national laws, please delete it, http:// is only committed to providing healthy green Reading platform.

【】,thank you all!

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