President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 937: Find a grandfather

Finally, ten minutes later, she saw the butler again. His pace was somewhat accelerated. He almost ran around. He asked Xia Ningning outside the door. "This jade is Miss you? Are you sure?"

"Yes! When I was very young, Yupei was on me, it was mine."

"Well, please come in, please! My master wants to see you!" After that, he opened the small door and greeted Xia Ning.

Xia Anning walked into the small door and saw it in the field of vision. It was a huge garden with many precious plants. Obviously the owner was very rich. Xia Ning followed him to a fountain at the door. The fountain was beautiful and transparent. The classical artistic beauty is the shape of a mermaid.

The gate is made up of a row of eight huge white Roman columns. It is very majestic. Xia Anning is shocked by everything here. Entering the hall, it seems to enter the luxurious hall. Her mouth is gently amazed. And open.

"Miss, please here." The butler stepped up to her upstairs, and Xia Ning could not help but be a little surprised. What is the owner of this family?

If it is really her relatives, then which role will she be her relatives?

Finally, the butler ushered her into a hall. In the entire golden hall, I saw a white man who was in a wheelchair and was over 60 years old. His face was not a foreign face, but the appearance of an Asian.

His gaze looked at the moment Xia Anning walked in, and he was excited and excited. He whispered, "Xiaomei."

Xia Anning looked at the old man in front of him, and he couldn’t help but see him. Even if she didn’t know who he was, she just felt the great fortune, especially when he lived alone and was in a wheelchair. , lonely look.

"Child, come over... come to me." The old man suddenly said Chinese, stretched out some shaking hands, and trembled toward her.

Xia Anning’s eyes were filled with tears. She walked step by step to the old man. She crouched down and looked at the old man. The old man looked at her facial features, her face, her eyes were wet, and he was dumb. Asked, "Child, what is your name?"

"My name is Anning." Xia Anning did not say the surname, because her mother is definitely not the summer name.

"Anny... Peace?" The old man whispered these two words. He almost didn't have to verify her identity. Just looking at this face similar to his daughter, plus the jade, he knew that this was The child born to her daughter.

"How old are you?"

"I am twenty-one."

In the 21st year of fullness, the old man can't forget for a moment. He thought that his granddaughter would return to his side. Isn't the daughter finally hating him and choosing to go home?

"Then your mother? Is she back?" asked the old man's eyes.

"She... she is not in the world." Xia Anning only has full of sadness and regret for the biological mother who has no memory.

The old man suddenly burst into tears. "I don't want to come back to see me when she dies? Xiaomei, you still don't forgive me. It's Dad's fault, it's Dad's fault!"

Xia Anning looked at the old man crying and heard his name to herself. She suddenly shed tears. Is this old man her grandfather?

The butler had been quietly waiting at the door and did not come in to bother them.

The old man resisted the sorrow and calmed down. "When did she go?"

Speaking of this, Xia Anning couldn't help but cry, she cried. "She left when I was three months old. She jumped into the river..."

"What?" The old man's face trembled, his eyes filled with self-blame and regret. He resisted the pain of the lost woman and reached out to help Xia Anning. "Child, tell me how you lived these years, tell me you. How did I find me!"

" don't need to verify my identity? Why do you think I am your loved one?" Xia Ning asked inexplicably, she really wished she was his granddaughter, but she needed evidence.

The old man smiled bitterly. "No, when you look younger than my daughter, there are seven points similar. I recognize my granddaughter." After that, he saw Xia Anning some doubts, he said again, "If you are curious about us Between the identity, let my people check the dna!"

After that, the butler immediately came over. He took the tray and cut a small section from Xia Anning's hair. He also cut some white hair from the old man's hair. He went out first.

Xia Anning was difficult to believe at one time. She would have seen her grandfather directly. Was the jade that her mother gave her from the grandfather side? Who is her biological father? where is he?

"Grandfather... Are you okay?" Xia Anning looked at his white hair and felt very sad.

"I am very good, very happy to see you before I die. I have been looking for your mother and daughter. I have been looking for more than 20 years, but I have no results. I didn't expect you to appear in front of me." Ji Senyang It is difficult for the elderly to express his excitement in words.

It’s just that he has been so sad all these years that even his excitement is hard to reveal.

Xia Anning’s eyes were wet. It turned out that her relatives had been looking for her. She was sitting opposite the old man of Ji Senyang, and told her the mother’s past events. I repeated it again. For the reason why the mother jumped into the river, she was just Only learned before the mother-in-law died.

Ji Senyang's tears of remorse and listening to her finished this thing, he did not expect that his daughter would be so utterly, leaving a child of three months, and found himself dead.

Ji Senyang wants to know the growth process of Xia Anning. Xia Anning wants to make him feel more beautiful in order to prevent him from being sad again. Although Xia Shuhua’s work in his later years is a bit confused, she is a very strange to her. good person.

Especially knowing that she is not her biological mother, but she is a biological mother, and she is only grateful to her.

"Good, good boy, from now on, you are not alone, you have my grandfather, in the future, we will live together!" Ji Senyang no longer wants to lose his granddaughter, he wants to put all his feelings for her daughter, Dedicated to this granddaughter.

Later, the butler took the test report back. They were indeed the blood relationship of the grandson. Even if Xia Anning did not use this report, she had already identified the old man as her grandfather.

Ji Senyang immediately gave Xia Anning a long-term residence certificate, and moved her identity to his name to become a citizen of the country as a granddaughter, and these things can be done with only time and money. Jijia is not short of money. (http://) "President's squatting super power" only represents the author's point of view, if it finds that its content is inconsistent with the national laws, please delete it, http:// is only committed to providing healthy green Reading platform.

【】,thank you all!

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