It cost her a lot to finally see that familiar face again.

She came back this time to take away what belonged to her!

Whether it's people or things, she will take them away!

Get it back!

Just thinking of the woman I just met

Li Ruoxi can't help but sink her eyes. The gentle voice is as if it will be broken by the wind in the next second, but it's still very clear. A word doesn't fall into the man's ear, "Yao, I'm back."

"Li... Ruoxi."

Repeat the name again, Quan Yao just feel too funny, he turned slightly, plain eyes seem to across a gray.

At a time like this

Why did she come back?

"You should be happy to see me, aren't you?" Li Ruoxi would not have been so anxious to return home if she had not received an inexplicable phone call saying that Quan Yao had other women around her. After all, she has not recovered!


An shengxia never thought that the car broke down on the way!

A red Ferrari suddenly passed by.

Clearly, on purpose, Chutian stops the car at anshengxia's feet and whistles with pride, "it's you. What's the matter? Is the car broken?"

"It's broken down!" I don't believe he really can't see it. Is he laughing at her on purpose?

No wonder, after all, she betrayed him in front of Quan Yao!

Sure enough, the next second, Chutian unkindly turned his neck, very social way, "an shengxia, you really can, finally let me know, what is to tear down the bridge, do you know that the last person who betrayed me, has long been thrown into the high seas?"

"I'm guilty, aren't I?" Of course, I know that Chutian is not easy to be provoked. An shengxia is like a grass on both sides. He says with a smile, "my family has little power. It's easy to be jealous. Besides, he doesn't allow me to be a monk. You don't know. I'm going to discuss with him slowly, try to get his consent, and then sign a contract with you! I mean it

In the last sentence, an shengxia didn't cheat. She really wanted to find her own career instead of being around him all the time and being a woman who didn't deserve him.

She still knows herself.

"Just you?" Chu Tian holds his eyebrows, and Quan Yao agrees with an shengxia. What the hell?

"I'm in a good mood. I can give you a ride. It's on my way." The gentleman pushed the door open, and Chutian put on a "please" posture.

"Ann." It's just, are they really on their way?

"You remember wrong, your company and Andersen are in the opposite direction!" After getting on the bus, an shengxia asked to get off again, "no, I'd better go by myself, in case you go backwards?"

"Anshengxia, you are so honest." He said that "on the way" is "on the way". It's just a polite saying. Do you want him to say that I have to send you off because I can't bear to see you miserable?

"I'm honest!" Honest sound, feel and silly almost, AXA summer fruit broken ugly refuse!

"Anshengxia, in fact, my words are not for fun. If you encounter any difficulties in the future, you can come to me, really." Finally, he stopped the car at an's door, but Chu Tian turned his head and took out a card. He said with pride, "this is my business card, with my contact information on it. If you are in trouble, I can help you“

"You should not be to me..." holding the card, there is Truman's mobile phone number on it. An shengxia can't help but take a breath.

What kind of rotten peach blossom is this?

She's a married woman!

How can I ask for a man's business card?

Quan Yao knows that it's possible to kill her.

On the right finger, Ansheng Xia sighed, "Chu Shao, in fact, you are good-looking, good family, also have the ability, but I have... Someone I like, and I'm married. I hope you can be a little more open, not on me..."

"Anshengxia, do you know it's an idiom to be amorous?" He is a good single noble, where the performance is in the pursuit of an shengxia, clearly in the rescue of an ignorant girl, OK?

An shengxia's mouth twitches, "..." is what she thinks, isn't it? This, very embarrassed, blush thoroughly!

"You like blushing so much. No wonder Quan Shao is different to you." Chutian laughs.

"He likes to see women blush?" What kind of quirk is this?

"It's a man who likes it. His woman is simple and clean." Out of the inner clean, just such a woman, I'm afraid not many, Chutian pull lip, "an shengxia, you get off."

Seeing the ferocious Ferrari, an shengxia calls the insurance company in a hurry to tow her car away.

"Sheng Xia, who is the man who sent you just now? You won't cheat, will you?" It seems that he knew something very big. Qin Sheng almost bit off his tongue and slapped himself again. Oh, it hurts. Ma, he read it right just now. Ansheng Xia is really cheating!

"What do you think? He is my brother with less power!" She's innocent, okay? Besides, after falling in love with a man like Quan Yao, who else can enter her eyes?

"Well, it's true. I don't think people have a high taste. They don't like you..."

Innocent of being despised by Qin Sheng, an shengxia can't help but look down at himself. His elegant little white skirt and slim little high heels are all in style!

Gently squinting, an shengxia rubbed his fist, then smashed at Qin Sheng's face, "baby Qin, do you know how to write these two words? If you really can't write, how about I teach you to write, eh? "

"Help In this way, Qin Sheng was chased by an shengxia, and they seemed to return to their childhood.

Not far away

Sitting in the driver's seat, Chutian watched quietly before driving away.

After working hard, an shengxia drove to Quan's branch in time.

We agreed to work with him in the evening.

"Madam, please go to the rest room for a while. Quan Shao is still in a meeting." Secretary that mouth, do not know how sweet, "you hungry, or I now go out to buy you some snacks?"

"No, you do your own business first." Sitting on the sofa, an shengxia always feels guilty. After all, during the day, he is on the sofa

"Cough, I think the color of this sofa cushion looks strange. Let's change it later." An shengxia coughs constantly.

"Strange color?" But what's so strange?

"Oh, maybe I don't have good eyes." Ansheng Xiaguo shakes his head.

"I won't disturb you. It's estimated that after ten minutes, the meeting will be over..." before leaving, the Secretary closed the door thoughtfully.

Not far away

Micro Shen's eyes are fixed on the door of the rest room. Li Ruoxi immediately dials Quan Yao's phone, but then gives his cell phone to the bodyguard beside him.

"I don't feel well... I want to see him..."

Li Ruoxi would like to know, for Quan Yao, whether his wife Quan is more important or her Li Ruoxi is more important.

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