At first, Li Ruoxi was not sure, but later she learned that he married an shengxia only for 10% of Quan's shares

She knows better than anyone that shares mean everything to Quan Yao!

If not, Quan Yao would never take a woman back to Quan's home at will.

So, anshengxia, don't blame me for everything.

I can only blame

It's you who took my place!

It's you who don't know who you are. You have to pester him!

When the mobile phone rang, Quan Yaogang stepped out of the meeting room and caught a glimpse of the familiar number. He was just stunned for a second and subconsciously chose to answer it.

However, it was not Li Ruoxi who spoke, but a man, "less power... Miss Ruoxi is ill. If you can come here, she will be very happy."

Holding the mobile phone tightly, Quan Yao stops moving forward and falls into a short silence.

"Less power, less power?"

Inside the receiver, the voice of the bodyguard was heard all the time, which meant that he would not give up.

"Big watermelon!" In the rest room, he was bored. An shengxia went out with a pinch of his hand. As he did, he hopped over, reached for the man's powerful arm and said intimately, "come on, let's go home!"

Quan Yao lowered his eyelashes and looked at an shengxia's bright smile, rippling in his heart.

"Well, whose phone is it?" An shengxia blinks curiously. She never checks his mobile phone, which is a respect and a trust.

However, this is the second time in a day that he is distracted by his mobile phone.

Any woman would be curious about the reason, not to mention the intuition of women, who always feel that there is something wrong with it.

Smart not to break, an shengxia raised scallion white wrist, tentatively holding the man's fingertips, so easy to take off the mobile phone, see the call is just a string of strange numbers, can't say what it's like in the bottom of my heart, just look at his side face, two innocent eyes asked, "I, can hang up?"


Getting a positive answer, an shengxia feels strange again. He puts his mobile phone in his palm and hums coldly from the tip of his nose, "hang it yourself. I'm not your secretary or your servant!"

This time, the man didn't think about anything, just press to cut off the call!

"..." Li Ruoxi knows that Quan Yao has hung up even if he doesn't need to be reminded by his bodyguard!

But there's no need to be nervous

She's willing to give him time!

Let him and Anson summer break clean!

"Next time, you come to the company to pick me up!" Make her, with upside down paste up like!

Eat, want her to take the initiative to find him, after work, also want her to take the initiative to meet him!

How to drop, his time is time, is her time not time?

"There's a meeting today. I've been waiting for you for a long time, so I've come to be a little grumpy, eh?" Holding the woman's slender waist tightly, Quan Yao lowers his head and smiles. Then he reaches out his hand to open the elevator. He says with a good temper, "in order to go home early, don't I push off all the social activities?"

"I'm not angry. I'm such a big man. I'm not a recipient." An shengxia is not a tangled person. When he lost his mind several times because of his work, he didn't mention it directly. Instead, he pulled his hand and swayed with joy.

Maybe the movement range is a little big, unexpectedly bumped into the side of the body, Ansheng xiahao's side head looked, it is a too beautiful face, without warning into the field of vision, it is before, and she had a meeting, Li Ruoxi.

"That... I didn't mean to. I'm sorry." Biting Bei's teeth, an shengxia nods to her in embarrassment.

"It doesn't matter. I know you didn't mean to. I didn't pay attention when I was walking just now. It's my fault..." but Li Ruoxi rubbed her shoulder with her hand. Her eyes looked like glue. It was too direct. She stuck to Quan Yao's body. If you want to ignore it, you can't do it!

"Still feel, very embarrassed..." pause a few seconds, an shengxia curiously asked, "Miss Li... Are you a new employee?"

"... No."

"Mrs. Quan, the elevator is on." The hand that originally pressed on an shengxia's waist was tight, but then he pulled away. After Quan Yao stepped into the elevator, he stretched out his hand toward an shengxia and said, "what are you still doing?"

"Oh." Clever with the man's side, an shengxia wants to ask, she came to the president's office during the day, at the moment, why not say hello to Quan Yao?

And Quan Yao, but also a strange face.

Right mansion.

"Mommy, our school is going to play a stage play. I'm the prince of snow white." Xiaobai chewed the drumstick, greasy on the corner of his mouth, but still raised his chin and said with a smile, "but do you know what brother is?"

"What is it?" In order to satisfy Xiaobai's vanity, an shengxia decides to pretend ignorance and actively cooperate with her son's performance!

"Hey, you'd better listen to your brother." Xiaobai chuckles!

"Dabai, why do you look unhappy?" An shengxia is also curious, "Dabai, can you tell mommy what you want to play?"

"Snow white." An Dabai blushes after saying that. He looks back and forth at an shengxia and Quan Yao with a pair of black gem like eyes. He feels that he has been ridiculed. He immediately puts down his chopsticks, jumps down from the bench, and goes to his room unhappily!

Protest with a hunger strike.

"Dabai, open the door. You haven't eaten yet. Why do you hide yourself?" An Sheng Xia coughs again, and then says, "don't worry, I really won't laugh at you!"

"Mommy, I know you'll laugh at me secretly." Actually playing snow white and wearing girl's clothes... Dabai is so ashamed!

"What kind of person am I?" Of course, he would laugh in his heart, but anshengxia was very serious, "Dabai, you believe me, you open the door, let me in first, let's have a serious talk."

"Mommy, you really don't laugh at me, do you?" Open the door only a crack, an Dabai is still a child in the end, so secretly stick out his head.

Bending down, doting on Dabai, Ansheng xiawen said gently, "Dabai, you can play snow white, which means you are beautiful. You are the pride of Mommy, you know?"

"But I'm a boy." Don't be so beautiful!

"Well, my Dabai is excellent, so the teacher will let you challenge the role of snow white, because my Dabai can play any role. At that time, your father and I, as well as aunt Miaomiao, will support you, Mommy promises!"

Under the persuasion of an shengxia, an Dabai was relieved, but raised his head, "Mommy, will you and daddy go to see my performance?"

"Of course!"

This is Xiaobai's and Dabai's first stage performance since they entered school. Quan Yao, a father, certainly won't be absent. He touched Dabai's head and said, "of course I want to go to my son's performance."

Just the next second, a special phone ring.

The man bowed his head and gave a light glance.

It's Li Ruoxi.

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