An shengxia stands in front of the door, her heart beats faster, and her heart seems to be separated from her body. She slowly reaches out her hand, presses the doorknob, and then slowly opens it

"What's the matter?" But see empty ward, an shengxia unbelievable stare big eyes, she went to the wrong room?

But, no way.

Last time, I clearly saw a patient in this room.

The nurse later also said that the general liposuction needs to lie down for three days.

But the next day, the patient disappeared!

In her breath, a familiar smell lingered all the time. An shengxia frowned again. She must have heard it somewhere, but it was not the smell of disinfectant, it was the smell of blood.

But even if the patient pulled the wound, it would not cause massive bleeding, right?

Frowning, an shengxia retreats from the room silently.

"Why are there so few nurses in such a big hospital?" Walking in the empty corridor for two minutes, but did not see half a figure, an shengxia subconsciously thought, maybe the hospital is too big!

Suddenly, a woman screams again, as if from hell. An shengxia is stunned for a long time.

Is she hallucinating?

Followed by the voice of the man anxiously, "impossible, how can it be? My medicine has been tested. How can it cause massive bleeding? "

"Dr. Zhou, let's stop the bleeding now. This medicine can't be used any more..." this voice should be from the nurse.

"What do you know as a woman? It took me all my life to study this medicine. How could it go wrong?" Men disdain the cold hum, "is you don't trust me, you wait, give me a little more time, give me a little more money, I'm sure I can research out the most effective medicine, at that time, I can be the most famous doctor."

"Doctor Zhou, but now I'm really afraid, afraid to be known..." legs are weak, and the nurse's face is pale, for fear of being discovered.

"No one said, how could anyone know?" "If you dare to betray me..."

"Of course not." The nurse shook her head and said, "doctor Zhou, I'll listen to you now."

"Well, it's really good..." Zhou Wu's mouth rose, "well, if this person can't survive, you can solve it according to the old method, don't let people know."

"Well, I see..." the nurse nodded heavily.

"Look, it scares you. Don't worry. It's always like this. Doesn't nobody know?" Zhou Wu pick eyebrow way, "is you too nervous, an city that kid is also like this, the heart is not ruthless, how to do big things?"

"But, in case the police know..." the nurse covered the corner of her mouth, "aren't we..."

"Don't worry, it won't be." Zhou Wu jokingly said, "when I become a celebrity and solve a world problem, what else can I do? I'm also for the good of the whole mankind. What's the sacrifice of a little insignificant person? You know, we are doing a good job... There will be more people who appreciate us... "

As if brainwashed by Zhou Wu, the nurse faltered and shook her head, but finally nodded, "Dr. Zhou, I'm going to deal with this patient now... You go out quickly, miss an is still waiting. If she goes to the wrong place, it's not good."

When Zhou Wu thought that an shengxia was going to do chin work today, he could not help picking his eyebrows. "Today, he sent another one to do experiment."


"What, no more?" Zhou Wu didn't expect that AXA would go back temporarily.

"Well, I don't want to do it now." Originally, he came here because he was curious, not because he really wanted to have a face lift. An shengxia was worried that Zhou Wu would see him, and this was his territory, so he had to squeeze out a smile. "I think it's better to do liposuction than sit on my chin. I'll come back tomorrow!"

He got up from the sofa in a hurry. As soon as Ansheng Xia took a step, he let Zhou Wu grasp his wrist. "Now that he's here, he's going to do it anyway. It's better to do it now."

Behind him, the cold voice of the man was strange.

An shengxia closed her eyes. She had just tried to block any network and signal in this hospital.

I'm afraid she can't get out.

"Miss an, let's do liposuction now. I've prepared the material..."

When Zhou Wu's voice came, an shengxia felt that his whole body was upside down.

"Miss ANN, what's the matter with you? What are you thinking about? " Zhou Wu seemed to see through an shengxia's uneasiness, so he laughed, "don't worry, my technique is the best here, I use the knife myself, what else can you rest assured about?"

"Well, ok..." he nodded dryly and agreed that an shengxia was so caught by Zhou Wu and went all the way to the operating room.

"Here, why is it so dark?" When passing by the corridor, an shengxia asked in surprise.

"Maybe I forgot to turn on the light. After all, this is a cosmetic surgery hospital. Many patients don't want to see the appearance of their surgery..." Zhou Wu explained calmly.

"Is it?" Every step, are startled, anshengxia slowly stabilize their voice.

"Well, you lie here first, I'll get some medicine, soon, just two minutes..." seeing an shengxia lying on the operating table, Zhou Wu turned to leave, but frowned and locked the door.

Hearing the sound of rubbing, an shengxia felt a stab in her heart.

No, she can't wait to die.

Turning around, an shengxia looks around and finds a ventilated window.

Biting his teeth, an shengxia pushed the window open, but he couldn't open it. He just picked up the bench and smashed the glass!


"What's the matter?" When Zhou Wu turned back, he saw that the window was broken and immediately gritted his teeth, "damned woman! You dare to run for me

Skilled in shovel a shovel from behind the door, and Zhou Wu was gloomy with a face. It looked almost crazy, and dragged a heavy shovel step by step, and jumped down from the window.

An shengxia, hiding under the bed, saw that Zhou Wu was about to leave. His originally tense heartstrings relaxed a little.

But just as she was about to climb out of bed, she saw the nurse who just came in

With her eyes wide open, an shengxia can't move, and her face turns white for a moment

Help me, help me

Dare not make a sound, an shengxia can only use the mouth, to the nurse for help

I hope the nurse doesn't tell Zhou Wu where she is hiding.

"What's the matter?" But suddenly turned around, Zhou Wu looked at the nurse, "what are you doing?"

"Doctor Zhou..." as soon as the corner of her mouth opened and closed, the nurse trembled with fright, and the tray in her hand was smashed with a piercing sound.

"..." aware of the abnormality, Zhou Wudang turned back and went to the operating table step by step

Hidden under the operating table, an shengxia's heart is almost separated from his body.

But the next second

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