The nurse finally said, "I just saw miss an slip out of the door..."

"Damn it Never let Ann rush out of the summer, and Zhou Wu dragged a heavy shovel to the door.

"Doctor Zhou, go and catch miss an quickly, or she will run out, and our affairs will be exposed..." the nurse couldn't help staring at her eyes and hanging her heart.

"Damn it Trembling with uneasiness, Zhou Wu could not imagine the consequences of his disgrace. He rushed out of the door like a devil, but suddenly heard a mobile phone ring.

That's an Sheng Xia's alarm clock!


Zhou Wudang turns around and sees an shengxia running.

"Dr. Zhou, why don't we stop?" The nurse's mouth twitched and said, "just now, another patient left... I can't help it. I'm going to collapse..."

"Get out of here." Zhou Wu's voice was very calm, but he wanted to kill him.

"Dr. Zhou, I used to admire you very much, so I'm willing to start a business with you, but now, things have really become big, just can't hold the fire. How about this, I'm willing to help you answer the blame, but you don't want to continue, I don't want to see more people die on the stage..."

Every day, she smelled the pungent smell of blood, which almost became her nightmare. The nurse dragged Zhou Wu from behind, "I can't sleep every night recently. Don't do it any more. I beg you, OK?"

"You are so naive. Do you know how much I have lost for this? Only if I continue, can I turn over." Zhou Wu turned around and pinched the nurse's face. "Do you know how much money I owe, just like Ancheng, I've delayed at least five million. I've been losing money and making trouble. What money do I need to pay back?"

"It doesn't matter. I'm willing to give all my money out..."

Without waiting for the nurse to finish speaking, Zhou Wu almost kicked the nurse and put it on the ground viciously, "no, you can't die now. When I'm really desperate, you said that you want to help me take the blame..."

"Please stop..."

"Ha ha, anshengxia, come out for me!"

The sound of the spade on the floor was very sharp, as if it were a knife, cutting the fresh meat as stiff as it is.

Hiding behind a door, an shengxia took a deep breath. Even if he breathed, he did not dare to make a sound.

"Anshengxia, I have seen you. You'd better come out by yourself..."

"Anshengxia, where are you hiding? I have to find it, don't I? "

"Anshengxia, come out by yourself, I will never do anything to you..."

Looking for two rooms in a row, but still can't see the figure of an shengxia, Zhou Wu's mind at the moment is mostly collapsed.

Of course, an shengxia is not so stupid. He won't run out by himself.

She knew that Zhou Wu wanted to kill her.

"An shengxia, if I find you, don't blame me for being cruel. You are a friend of an Cheng. Originally, I didn't want to attack you, but it's a pity that you..."

Suddenly, he opened the door and pushed it away. Zhou Wu carried a shovel in an instant, but only to the empty air. He could not help frown, and turned around and looked at it fiercely.

"Damn, where are you hiding? Do you think I can't find you?" Zhou Wu confidently said, "there is no network and no signal here. The entrance is also electronic. Unless you want to starve here, you will come out for me!"


Frightened by the patients in the hospital bed behind him, it is clear that this is a special pile of meat without life. An shengxia can't imagine what kind of medicine Zhou Wu used to these patients, which will cause them continuous bleeding and eventually death.

No wonder there are few nurses in this hospital. It is estimated that Zhou Wu will drive them away, leaving only the people he trusts.

Fast out of the mobile phone, although can't make a call, but still can take pictures to leave evidence.

If she can get out alive, these photos will prove Zhou Wu's crime!

An shengxia stares big eyes immediately, no, she must get more photos!

But in my ear, men's footsteps are getting closer and closer.

There was no shelter in the room, and in the summer of Anne, only a shovel was hidden behind what was behind every door.

No way, Ann midsummer had to pick up the shovel slowly, standing on the wall of the guard.


When the door is pushed open, an shengxia bumps into the terrible eyes.

It's Zhou Wu!

That's it. Are you dead?

No, she doesn't want to give up.

She also has Xiaobai and Dabai, Miaomiao and Qinsheng.

She also wants Zhou Wu to be punished by law.

In the midst of madness, Ann was not at liberty to wave his shovel in his hands.

Zhou Wu did not expect that an shengxia still had weapons in his hand.

It's just the speed in the blink of an eye. An shengxia hits Zhou Wu's head and runs out quickly!

Whoosh, whoosh.

An shengxia's physical strength has been slowly overdrawn, but she dare not look behind her.

It was like a life-threatening step, heavy and powerful slapping in an shengxia's ear.


At this time, if someone shows up, just help her.

After all, she is just a woman, and Zhou Wu face-to-face confrontation, not to be killed just strange.

Maybe I heard an shengxia's prayer in my innocence

An shengxia ran into a meat wall with eyes closed!

An shengxia didn't have time to look up to see who that man was

A powerful hand has pulled her behind!


The shovel that was not open, beat down fiercely, and let the man knead down on his knees at once.

But the man quickly took out a scalpel and pointed it straight at Zhou Wu's temple, "listen, you come closer, I'll stick it in now!"

Hearing the words, an shengxia suddenly stares big eyes.

She never thought that the voice was

No, it's impossible.

She must have heard wrong!

But it's really him.

But even if it was him, she would not have any more feelings.

"Anshengxia, are you ok?" When Chutian rushes in with his horse, an shengxia's pale face is still silly, as if he hasn't recovered from the fright just now.

"I'm fine." An shengxia holds up his face, "you see, I have nothing, and I'm not hurt."

"In fact, seeing the business card in your hand that day, Quan Shao and I paid attention to this hospital, and always felt strange..." Chutian explained.

"No wonder you suddenly appear..." an shengxia is still scared at the moment.

But for him and Chutian

She'll die here.

"Anshengxia, can you spare me some snacks?"

"But I didn't let you take care of me." Oh, she just went through life and death, but she got reprimand?

But why should he?

"Quan Yao, you only yell at me, and don't ask about the process of things... But you..."

But when he treats Li Ruoxi, he's just too gentle.

"Anshengxia, you want to die in the future, don't let me know again!"

Hearing the speech, an shengxia turns around and tears fall from his eyes

"Quan Yao, please don't worry about me any more!"

"But an shengxia, I can't help it..."

He just couldn't help but to take care of anything about he

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