In order to wait for a mobile phone message that is not possible, Ling Xi almost stayed up all night.

Standing on the balcony with one hand holding a trouser bag, facing the cool wind, Ling Xi put out the cigarette butt in his hand, and then raised his mobile phone, still empty, no news from her.

He didn't think of it, or refused to admit it. Xiu Qiqi didn't want to look back at him even once.

In fact, the feelings of adulthood are not so persistent, which is why Ling Xi is conceited of marrying Lin Yanyan. Marriage is very common in the circle. Marriage is as simple as eating and drinking water, but he still hopes to stimulate xiuqiqi.

Suddenly thought, once repair seven seven also did the same stupid thing, in order to force Chu Hannian back casually married.

At the moment, he knew what it was like for her at that time, but she would go on making mistakes, but he was a little afraid that he and Xiu Qiqi would miss it, so he ignored it and chose to divorce, even if he gave up his identity.

He has his own property, so he will not starve to death, and he may turn over.

But now it's obvious that she doesn't like him any more.

Just then the cell phone rang.

"It's me." It's Xiu Qiqi.

"Ken contacted me. Why, do you miss me?" Involuntarily up the corner of the mouth, Ling Xi a night of boring all short.

"Where are you? I'll be there now." Can't wait, Ling Xi mind only one idea, he wants to see her, compared with waiting for a news, if can't wait, it's better to meet directly.

Xiuqiqi always thinks that Lingxi's tone is strange. He can't help reminding him, "it seems that you really forget your identity. I don't know how you became my driver. My father didn't even know about it, but I know that if you are fired, you will be entangled. Then I think it's meaningless. I don't want to entangle with you, Do you understand? "

Oh, I was afraid of his entanglement.

But this is where, he has not begun to pester, has been considered to control themselves, this is afraid?

Ling Xi is not angry but laughs, "but you still contact me." So it doesn't matter what she says. What's important is that she's what he wants.

In order to get her, he let go a lot. How can he let her go easily?

This woman is really naive enough to forget that he is a mercenary businessman. He wants her people and heart to give up Ling.

Repair seven seven didn't think much, may be in a bad mood, so, through irritable, "nonsense, you are my driver now, I want to go out, is not to contact you?"

"I thought you would hide and dare not go out. You are very kind and not afraid of me." Ling Xi's tone is cold, and he wants to bite her.

"I'm afraid of what you do. I'm the first lady of the Xius." She is that arrogant tone again, they are not people of the same world, turning the corner to remind him of this.

Ling Xi immediately drives to pick her up. Xiu Qiqi gets on the bus. He rubs his eyebrows and picks up his mobile phone from time to time. It seems that he has made an appointment with someone important.

"Have you had breakfast yet? How do I feel that you don't look very good today? Are you in a bad mood?" Ling Xi blurts out to ask, to her concern silk does not conceal, also cannot conceal.

Xiuqiqi was slightly stunned. She touched her face and said hatefully, "I'm a bit surprised. If I were you, I don't have the heart to think about whether others are in a good mood. Do I want to see how much stinky money you have on your bank card? It's really boring to chase women."

"Investigated me? I can't imagine that you are quite concerned. Do you care about my life? " Ling Xi pinches the steering wheel and looks at her side face quietly. After only one second, he doesn't forget that he is still driving. After all, she is also in the car. It's not good to be distracted.

"There are a lot of women around you who want to give you advice, so it's not my turn." When Xiu Qiqi thought of it, he thought it was funny. He thought he had no limit now.

"Jealous? Actually, I... "Ling Xi was about to speak.

Xiu Qiqi shook his head and said, "I don't want to know your gossip so much. We are all adults. Even if you have something, I think it's normal."

Ling Xi didn't miss the irony that flashed through her eyes. She was a little stiff. After a long time, he spat out word by word, "I didn't touch Lin Yanyan."

Xiu Qiqi was choked all of a sudden!

She followed his heart, probably think Ling Xi is very strange, but at the same time also a little joke meaning, "then you are really sick, get married, make yourself nothing, and divorce."

"I think you're miserable now." This is not a joke, but a serious one.

"You know there are many women out there who want to wrap me up, but if it's you, maybe I'll agree." Lingxi back to restore a smile, as if nothing.

"It's reasonable to eat soft food. You really make me look at it with new eyes. You don't have much backbone even if you don't have money."

Xiu Qiqi directly despised him.

The car was safely parked in a western restaurant.

Ling Xi looked at her and asked, "I'll go in with you, eh? Who do you want to see behind my back, men and women? "

"Well, you can come with me. Anyway, I'll make an appointment for you." Xiu didn't refuse, but winked at him.

When he saw Lin Yanyan's face again, Ling Xi turned black. He immediately guessed what was going on. The woman was eager to solve him as soon as possible. He suddenly got angry. "Xiu Qiqi, you asked me for a date for her. Do you want to die?"

When Xiu Qiqi saw that he was so angry, he was a little stunned. Then he gave a cold smile, "don't be angry. I'm also for you. You see, if you and Miss Lin make it clear that they are good for everyone, you're a good match, so you can go back to the company and continue to be your young master."

Xiu Qiqi thinks that Ling Xi and Lin Yanyan should need a separate environment, so he doesn't talk nonsense any more and turns around to leave.

But the wrist was held down by the man viciously, "just push me to other women in such a hurry?"

Ling Xi looks like she will not let Xiu Qiqi go. Lin Yanyan is shocked. She is impatient and angry. Finally, she becomes a kind of pitiful tone. "Ling Xi, you can't see it. She doesn't want you. Even if you do anything, she won't want you!"

"Go back by yourself. I'm very busy. I won't wait." Ling Xi's meaning is quite obvious. She doesn't want to persuade her. She wants Lin Yanyan to leave directly.

"No, I won't go! She doesn't want you, but I want you! " Lin Yanyan is so pathetic that she can't help crying.

"Did you come to her on purpose to annoy me? Or am I married at the beginning and really married, and you are not happy in your heart? " Ling Xi suppresses voice line, "today this matter, I when did not happen, repair seven seven, I forgive you."

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