He didn't want to hear it?

That's it. Get her down the steps.

Xiuqiqi, however, hung his face and shook off his hand. "Lingxi, we can't, but I'm still very kind. I'll help you bring your ex-wife. Why is a man sentimental? You go back to your position and be your master. I'll help you and Miss Lin make a ticket. It's the first class. I won't invite you to have a farewell dinner. Anyway, bon voyage, Never see you again. "

Never see you again

Even a goodbye, would not give.

Now she hated him for his part.

Ling Xi wants to strangle her now.

"I won't go." No matter how upset he was, Ling Xi still didn't show it face to face. He gave her enough patience and wanted to tell her that he had become different. He really wanted to get back together.

Xiuqiqi has some accidents, which can't represent anything. She thinks that he regretted leaving the company, but as a man, he still wants to play with her and doesn't want to go abroad to return to the company so soon.

He bowed his head and thought for a while, but he laughed, "don't worry. You can think about it slowly. When you want to leave, let me know. Repair seven seven, I still have something to do, there are other drivers to pick me up, you first and Miss Lin reminiscence

When Xiu Qiqi's figure disappears, Ling Xi questions Lin Yanyan, "did she ask you to come to me?"

"I want to come here myself. I want to know what else you can get for her. So I deliberately contacted Xiu Qiqi. Unexpectedly, she was more active and happy than me. She sent someone to pick me up and help me arrange the hotel. In that case, I was very worried that I couldn't come."

At first, she was forced to divorce by her family. Lin Yanyan also hated it, but she still felt that divorce was too impulsive. She knew that she still had feelings for Ling Xi, especially when she saw Ling Xi's low attitude towards Xiu Qiqi. She was jealous and angry, and finally had a little heartache.

The man who has never been indifferent before actually gives his mind to a woman who is not worth it.

Lin Yanyan touched his hand, "don't you understand her attitude towards you? She doesn't like you. She doesn't want you

"When you've finished, go back by yourself." Ling Xi's cold and deep attitude, he can't lift his spirit to anything now, so he wants to know what Xiu Qiqi is doing behind his back.

"Can't you take me to the hotel?" Lin Yanyan softened her attitude.

"Of course not." Ling Xi refused without much thought. It's a subconscious reaction.

"Oh, you are worried that she will be jealous when she knows. Are you crazy? How can she be jealous? Even if we sleep together, she will be able to laugh." Lin Yanyan didn't hold back her temper, and she said something ugly.

"Go away." Ling Xi has no patience any more and turns around and leaves.

"What did you say?"

"I'll get the hell out of you."

Ling Xi sneered, "don't say it's useless in front of me. I didn't think much about marriage, but I didn't touch you. I gave you a lot of benefits. If you want to get married in the shopping mall, what are you dissatisfied with? I said, I can't give you what you want. Don't mention feelings to me. I don't love you."

Lin Yanyan is trembling when she hears that, "but one day you will know that I am the one who loves you most. No matter what you become, I will stay with you. Lin Yanyan, I'll help you with your career. I'll wait for you to come to me. "

"I won't look for you. I advise you to go home quickly and mix less with my business." Ling Xi really left now.

The next few days, repair seven seven or should go out, also not afraid of cup Lingxi entanglement.

She didn't fire Ling Xi. She just hung him up and found a driver.

"You're done. I'll wait for you in the garage." Ling Xi drove all the way and calculated the time. Xiu Qiqi played too much today and refused to go home at night. What do you mean?

"Go back first. I don't live at home today." Xiu Qiqi should have drunk some wine and his tone was light.

"Then you are really looking for death. Where do you want to live if you don't go home, and with whom can you be so bad?" Ling Xi is so angry that he doesn't talk anymore. He goes into the club and kicks the door open.

"Come out."

He's a bit of a traitor.

"You're just one of my drivers. Dare you yell at me?" Xiu Qiqi sneered, "what's the matter? You want to be dissatisfied. You want to vent your anger on me. Is Miss Lin not willing to ask you?"

"Yes, I'm very dissatisfied. I'll wait for you to help me solve it." Ling Xi suddenly a smile, smile very bad very bad.

"What kind of toad do you want to touch me?" Xiu Qiqi's sarcasm is not good. Yes, she reminds him that they are not from the same world.

"I'm not in the mood to joke with you right now."

Ling Xi grabs Xiu Qiqi's shoulder, but is knocked off by her hand.

"You go out first." Calm face, Xiu Qiqi is a little angry.

"Come here." Ling Xi also wants to control her.

Xiu Qiqi hid behind, "they are all my classmates. What are you doing? You don't give me face so much. Can I go out when you ask me to go out?"

"Ha ha, who is this? Is it Qiqi's boyfriend?"

Someone asked jokingly.

"Those who have nothing to do with it, help me get out." Xiu Qiqi casually picked up the red wine and drank it with a smile.

"Can't it be a little couple fighting?"

"That's right. I'm not willing to be such a handsome little brother."

"I'm tired of it. I won't give it to you?"

"77, are you kidding or are you serious..."

There was laughter all around.

"Isn't this... Ling Shao?"

I don't know who suddenly recognized Ling Xi.

"Oh, the poor boy who was driven out by the family?"

"This kind of identity is really a little unworthy of Qiqi. You go out first. When she thinks of it and wants to find you, you can have a chance to approach her."

"Come with me." Lingxi also regardless of these people's ridicule, and to grasp the wrist repair seven seven.

"Let go, go out by myself, I don't want to make it too ugly." Xiuqiqi frowned fiercely, and she felt strange. How did he rush in? What did the security of the club eat?

"Xiuqiqi, what do you want?"

Lingxi gnashing his teeth, he is not patient, and rarely exposed his emotions, but now his eyes are red, a cannibal expression.

When Xiu 771 saw him like this, he somehow felt that she must be finished. He said anxiously, "stop playing, help me call the police..."

Ling Xi was angry at first, but she was so scared that her face turned white that she got angry. She reached out to touch her head and said, "follow me, I won't hit you."

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