"Miss, if your stomach has been more than two months, taking medicine has no effect, you can only have an operation..." the clerk kindly reminded.

"No, it's really useless, isn't it?" It's nearly three months since her stomach, and an shengxia regrets it so much that she might as well take medicine earlier. Now, I'm afraid she can only have an operation, but the man always supervises her. It's more difficult for her to have an operation than to go to heaven.

"It's not easy to get rid of medicine. I suggest you go to a big hospital." The shop assistant's attitude was polite, and he didn't look down upon an shengxia.

"Yes, thank you." An shengxia still wants to take medicine, but he is afraid that after taking medicine, not only can he not kill the child, but also can affect the child's healthy development.

"Aren't you going to buy milk? How come it's been so long. " Sitting in the driver's seat, Quan Yao side head, saw an Sheng Xia's face is not good on the car, immediately seized her small hand, "you didn't buy anything?"

"Well, it's sold out." It's estimated that he is right. It's useless for her to take medicine now. This is the only way to take her out to breathe.

It has been boring for a week. An shengxia proposes to go out, but Quan Yao personally supervises him. It's really hard for him.

"Is it?" The man obviously didn't believe it. Then he looked around, but he saw a drugstore. He immediately understood an shengxia's mind, but he had a acne smile. "You wait here, I'll buy you something to eat."

"No, I'm going to the hotel soon." An shengxia shakes her head.

"Have some bread first." When he learned that an shengxia was pregnant, he prepared all kinds of snacks in the car.

Private rooms in the palace.

"I didn't expect that you were pregnant, and your stomach was bigger than mine." Chu Ge and Quan San are also in the private room, shocked to see an shengxia's stomach.

"Well, I just checked it out. I didn't notice it before." Shaking his head, an shengxia casually chooses a seat to sit down.

Quan Yao, of course, sat beside her and occasionally served her with vegetables. "If you eat more, there's too little meat on your stomach. If you look at Chu Ge, you'll be much fatter than you."

"It's not that Quan San asked me to eat more all day. I'm as fat as a pig now, and I have no waist!" Chuge reluctantly complains, but the corners of his eyes show a happy smile.

"If you are pregnant, don't pay attention to whether you are good-looking or not. What's more, you should not be hungry. Besides, I think you are good-looking, especially when you are fat." Right three this Muggle, can also say love words unexpectedly?

But an shengxia was also stunned, "Quan San, how did you learn these nice words? Must be from the Internet? "

"Of course not." Quan Yang shook his head seriously, "treat their own women, want to say anything does not need routine, I do not mean to say to her, I think she is good-looking, is good-looking, this is my most real idea."

"Well, he's always so glib recently, and I don't know who he learned from." Chuge has no choice but to smile.

"Wife, isn't it good for me to be like this? Do you want me to become as indifferent to you as before?" Quan San asked jokingly.

"Of course not!" Long for this man to say something nice around himself all day. Chu Ge hugs Quan San.

"You are a child." Right Yang heart a warm, also back to embrace Chu song, the eyes are gentle, "how do you seem to be fat?"

"You didn't feed it?" All of a sudden, the song of Chu has a temper.

The pregnant woman's temper is changeable, so Quan San doesn't care about her, but laughs more happily.

"Don't patronize, you have something to eat." On one side, Quan Yao also sees an shengxia's envy. In fact, he can spoil her like this, provided that she wants to learn to behave well, instead of trying to kill her baby.

Last time, if we didn't receive the news of Bo Yehan in time, I'm afraid that an shengxia would have been cruel to her children.

"I've had enough..." just now in the car, I ate some food. An shengxia was not very hungry, but a little nauseous.

"I'll go to the bathroom. You eat slowly." An shengxia covers the corner of his mouth, and his steps are a little messy.

"Does she want to throw up?" Also pregnant, of course, the songs of Chu can tell.

"Well, I'll follow you now, and you'll keep eating." Quan Yao was in a hurry when he left. He didn't even take his cell phone.


There's a clatter of water

An shengxia washed her face, which made her feel more comfortable.

"Do you want to go to the hospital?" Behind him is the voice of men's concern.

An Sheng Xia suddenly stares big eyes, "this is the lady's washroom!"

"Well, I know." Quan Yao's voice has never been any ups and downs, "I see you vomit, a little uneasy, it seems that my daughter is too naughty, are so big do not know to take care of your stomach, but also make you so uncomfortable."

"The baby is still small and doesn't know anything!" Subconsciously protecting her belly, an shengxia didn't realize that her heart actually liked the child.

"Anshengxia, you like this child, don't you?" Eyes suddenly bright, right Yao excitedly walked over, and then hugged the woman's shoulder, "you can like our children, I am very happy, it seems that you are not too cruel."

"Because this child, too, is mine." Anyway, it's the meat growing on my body. After a long time, how can I have no feelings?

Anshengxia bowed her head and stroked her abdomen again and again. Although the child was not at the right time, she was more and more reluctant to give up.

"You are a lively child in your stomach, and you will be a beautiful little girl in the future." Quan Yao also stretched out his hand and covered the woman's abdomen with extremely gentle movements.

An shengxia tried to clap his wrist several times, but the man stuck to her again, and then put the warm corners of his mouth in her ear. Her gentle words made her smart. "An shengxia, you give birth to the baby, and then we can remarry."

"..." for a moment, an shengxia only felt ridiculous. Even if she really gave birth to the child, she would not remarry with him!

Isn't this man enough to hurt her?

An shengxia laughs sarcastically, "Quan Yao, listen to me clearly, even if I want this child, I will not accept you again!"

What does a man like him want to do, to block himself?

Or keep it for the new year?

As early as in the divorce, she said that even if he came back, she would not accept him!

A divorced man is like money on the ground. When you pick it up, it's dirty!

"Anshengxia, you can't let this child have no father."

And he is the child's own father!

Of course, I have the right and obligation to take care of my daughter!

"Anshengxia, you have the heart to see your daughter crying for daddy, eh?"

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