Yes, when the child is born, if there is no daddy, what should we do? An shengxia can't help thinking.

These days, there is a steady stream of supplements, and they are sent to an shengxia's apartment.

"I think Quan Shao is crazy. Even if you are pregnant, but you have only one stomach, how can you eat so many supplements?" And it's not necessarily that taking tonic is good for children. Miaomiao sits on the sofa with her eyebrows pressed. Looking from the side, she sees an shengxia's indifferent face.

"Miss an, my young master is really good to you. If you have a heart, you can see that, can't you?" Zhang Ma also moved in to take care of an shengxia.

"How do I feel that Quan Shao is only doing this for children? Instead of taking care of my summer. " Miaomiao rolled his eyes.

"Of course not. If the young master wants to have children, why don't he just find a woman to have them? Young master is really good to miss an, I can guarantee that! " Zhang Ma was a little worried and nearly bit off her tongue.

"Zhang Ma, I know you're nice, but you're heartbroken. Who knows what Quan Shao thinks. At the beginning, she forced my family to divorce in midsummer, but now it's too late to look back." Miaomiao's scornful cold hum.

"What do you think, Miss Ann?" Zhang Ma doesn't care about Miao Miao, but she looks at an shengxia nervously.

"Those are no longer important." An shengxia doesn't care whether Quan Yao cares about her or her baby.

Hospital ward.

"I heard she's pregnant now." Clenching her cell phone, Li Ruoxi gritted her teeth.

"I can't help it. Who makes her stomach so strong?" On the other end of the phone, it's an Rumo.

"By any means, I don't want her baby to be born!" Li Ruoxi's whole body trembles. She can't stand it. An shengxia is pregnant again. If it was just an accident five years ago, what about this time?

"But some things are not what you want." An Rumo pressed the center of her eyebrows. "You should know how my relationship with an shengxia is."

"And what did she say there?" Li Ruoxi asked eagerly.

"She also just, let us temporarily don't move disorderly, say will have a chance..." an Ru Mo mysterious smile.

"I have to wait every time. When can I come back to him?" Li Ruoxi is going to collapse.

"Miss Li, it's not because you are in his heart that you weigh less?" Otherwise, where is the chance for an shengxia to hop?

An Rumo said, "Li Ruoxi, don't worry now, just give yourself a holiday, because soon, they will be separated..."

"Really?" But even Li Ruoxi himself is not sure.

"What do you give me?" Just back home, Han Enya is sitting on the sofa crying. Quan He certainly knows why. It's not because an shengxia is pregnant, but the child is Quan Yao!

"I cry all day. What do you think I am?" As soon as Quan he reaches out his hand, he pulls the woman to sit up. Just as he wants to slap her in the face, he controls her again.

"No, I don't want to cry..." in the bottom of Han Enya's heart, Quan Yao's weight is more important, which is beyond doubt.

"What's good about him? He already has a woman. Whether it's an shengxia or Li Ruoxi, it won't be you in a word!" What's more, Quan Yao has a third child. Quan He pinches Han Enya's chin. "I want you to look at me now. I want you to know who your man is now!"

"You don't want to be like this again, I'm really sad..." looking up, Han Enya weeps pitifully. From her point of view, she can only see Quan He's chin, not her angry eyes. She swallows again, and then she says, "I don't cry, please release me, I'm really sad now..."

"If you don't feel bad, I won't do that. I just want you to know that you are mine. In my sight, you can't be sad for Quan Er, otherwise I don't mind killing you. Believe it or not?" The temper is more and more irascible, Quan he reaches out his hand again, then throws Han Enya to sit on the ground.

Cross legs, Han Enya desperately breathing, only feel in front of this man, more and more like the devil.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. Did I hurt you?" The next second when the man approached, Han Enya stepped back.

"Oh, you dare to avoid me, don't you?" Quan he squatted down and grabbed Han Enya's hair again. "It's a pity that I'm so kind to you. You don't give me face, and you have to avoid me. I really have a dog, which is more useful than you. At least the dog will wag its tail to me and please me!"

"Then why don't you let me go?" As soon as Han Enya's voice fell, she knew that she was impulsive. She shouldn't tell the truth from the bottom of her heart. Then she looked up and saw that the man's face was gloomy, as if she was going to destroy her.

"Han Enya, I can still bear you now, but maybe if you continue to do it, I will really not want you. Just imagine, even I don't want you, what kind of man can you have? Don't be born in bliss

Quan He picked up the wet paper towel on the table and wiped it. He didn't look at the woman on the ground any more, so he turned to go upstairs with deep red eyes. "Han Enya, you come up to me, don't let me say it again, otherwise, I'll play you to death tonight!"

Han Enya smell speech, even if again reluctantly, but still low head, with him upstairs.

But she was really afraid

Afraid to go to that dark bedroom

Afraid of his madness

"I hear you're pregnant."

Rao is an. Sheng Xia didn't expect that Li Ruoxi would come to him.

An shengxia doesn't care.

Instead, mother Zhang came, "Miss Li, if you're here as a guest, I'll pour you water. If you're here to make trouble, I don't know. Do you want to make it big?"

"Don't be so nervous. I'm not looking for trouble with her. I'm just coming to see her. I want to know how hard it is for a woman to get pregnant. I'm so shameless that I take over his working time every day to take care of her."

Li Ruoxi walked into the living room, sat on the sofa, raised her eyes and looked at an shengxia impolitely, "I heard it's been three months."

That is to say, it was before their divorce.

"Did you know that then?" Li Ruoxi asked angrily.

"Please go out." An shengxia's face is indifferent. She will never admit what she hasn't done.

"It seems that I am right." Li Ruoxi said with a sneer, "I thought why you agreed to sign a divorce, but you have to remember an shengxia, who he will never belong to!"

At the moment when Li Ruoxi's voice has just fallen

Zhang Ma immediately turned her head.

"Less power!"

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