Testing him?

"Also a woman, I pity Li Ruoxi." Calm statement of this fact, an shengxia suddenly sneer, "less power, you know that self indulgence is an idiom?"

In other words, an shengxia directly hit Quan Yao in the face.

She doesn't care what relationship he has with Li Ruoxi.

She had to accept it when she left two years ago. She avoided everyone, including him.

Between them, after these two years, everyone has a chance to make a new choice.

But no appetite, right Yao flat put down chopsticks, but did not leave immediately, but staring at an shengxia not in a hurry to eat action.

Let one watch, Ansheng xiarao is really hungry, but not much to eat.

"Why, the food here is not as good as yours?" The man raised his eyebrows.

"Of course not. These things are delicious, but they also have to be shared, with whom to eat." She's really, really, picking out things he doesn't like to hear.

"Well, take your time." Take off the napkin, right Yao elegant wipe mouth, then turned to the bedroom.

"Miss an, the food was prepared by the young master himself." Zhang Ma couldn't see it any more, so she came and said, "you'd better give him a good look."

"Is it?" He did it himself?

I didn't know that in advance, an shengxia was in a trance.

How long has it been since I tasted his craft?

Everything, as if separated.

"I know you're coming. The young master got up early. At this time, he is still resting."

Doodle mouth, Zhang Ma helplessly sigh, "these two years, the young master forced himself very tight, he wants a career, but also to take care of the children, almost no time to sleep, also recently this is good, before the young master is sick, to be hospitalized."

Just imagine, strong as cattle men are hospitalized, we can see how busy he is at work!

"I think the young master has a cold and fever today. Please take this medicine in." Zhang Ma's kind reminder.

"Why can't I see that?" Where does he look sick? I don't know how poisonous it is.

"Miss ANN, you didn't observe him carefully, did you?" Zhang's mother said, "when he was talking just now, he was always weak. At this time, he should go to have a rest. But the young master usually forbids others to enter his room, so I'm going to trouble you now."

"He's all resting..." why does she want to deliver medicine?

"After all, he is also the father of the children. In the past two years, he has worked hard to take care of them and suffered a lot..."

"Oh, I see." Although extremely reluctant, an shengxia still took the medicine and went upstairs to the bedroom.

Push the door open, but it's dark

He didn't turn on the light, did he?

Tentatively went in, an shengxia wanted to turn on the light, but found that the light was broken.

Frowning, an shengxia continued to walk in until he was beside the bed, which made him aware of his breath.

"Who is it?" The man's voice is lazy, but with a layer of vigilance.

"I don't know." After a pause, anshengxia continued, "is the light in your room broken? I'll give you the medicine. Mother Zhang said you had a cold. "

"It's OK. I can't die anyway." Casual tone, the man does not put his body on the heart.

Anyway, he has been here for so many years, and no one will care about him.

"..." is he three years old? We all know that we are ill, but we don't pay attention to it at all!

"You'd better take the medicine and have a rest." She's all here, but he doesn't give face. How about taking a medicine?

"I told you not to eat." Although he refused, his tone was soft. Quan Yao was straight on the sheet, his eyes closed, and his forehead was sweating. He knew he was ill, but he just refused to cooperate!

"It doesn't matter, you can eat it or not!" Stomping her feet, Ansheng Xia thought, she is not a servant. What's the matter with him?

Just about to go out, an shengxia couldn't help adding, "the body is your own. If you don't eat it, it's you who are uncomfortable in the end. If you don't get up to take medicine and have a rest, isn't it the same?"

Humming coldly, an shengxia continued, "by the way, if you don't take medicine today, you are not allowed to hold 771. It will be contagious."

Soft wrist but suddenly let a person pull, an shengxia has not responded, but people are heavily crushed on the bed.

Before the body, is the man strong powerful heartbeat!

Suddenly stare big eyes, anshengxia through the dark, trying to see the man's look.

Unfortunately, I can't see anything

She didn't know what his expression was at the moment.

"It's so noisy." The man gritted his teeth, then pinched an shengxia's chin, the voice line showed a strong warning, "you are not, two years ago pit me, go, how to come back?"

"This is my hometown." Is it strange that she came back?

Or, he never wanted her back

"Then why did I have to take the medicine just now? My own body, I know, is not as good as taking medicine. " Quan Yao snorted coldly, letting the thin lips approach the sensitive ears of women little by little, "why don't I remember that you care about me so much?"

"Or, you know my power now, so you're going to climb up again. Are you sorry?" Every word of the man, with a satirical smile, is laughing at her... An shengxia!

"..." what kind of brain circuit is this?

Look down on her

Do you think she's playing hard to get to get back together?

Even if she came to see him, it was only for her two sons!

However, since he thinks so, no matter how an shengxia explains it, it doesn't work.


"Yes, Quan Shao, I'm here for you. How are you afraid?" An shengxia smiles, "after all, you are so rich now. Ouch, you are powerful. A woman will be moved, not to mention me? I'm just an ordinary woman! "

"I'm not interested in wives, you know." The man patted an shengxia's side face, voice disdain, "your appetite is not too big, if you divorce now, I may consider you."

"Don't you think stealing is more exciting?" Thanks to the dark light, an shengxia didn't show his panic. Then he leaned forward slightly, and his delicate chin came up against the man's broad shoulder.

"Anshengxia, I didn't expect that you would become so humble two years later."

"Time can change a person." Play enough, anshengxia is about to retreat, but the slender waist, but let the man vicious control!

"Let go of me!"

"Anshengxia, I'd like to know how you are going to steal it with me..."

After that, the man turns over again and presses the soft woman under his body easily

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