Petite body, also not much strength, an shengxia seems not a man's opponent.

As we all know, an shengxia has remarried, but she is lying in the same bed with her ex husband. She struggles constantly, and her face turns red. She screams with shame and anger, "you get up!"

"No." Rao is in the dark, the man seems to be able to capture an shengxia's helplessness, he is smiling happily, how many days and nights, what he is waiting for is this opportunity, to press her under the body, and then hold her neck fiercely, so that she can't survive and die.

"Why..." why betrayed him?

"What?" The brain almost lacks oxygen, where does an shengxia have the redundant spirit to deal with him?

"Anshengxia, you are so damned!" He repeated these words three times, and Quan Yao gritted his teeth.

When an shengxia thought that he was going to kill himself, the man suddenly let go.

Holding his own neck, an shengxia breathes pitifully, as if he had just passed through the gate of hell. The bitter moist is also in his eyes. It's very uncomfortable. He almost thought he was going to strangle her.

An shengxia finally knows how much this man hates himself.

"It's the end of your meddling." Even if he's sick, what does it matter to her? I knew I shouldn't have listened to Zhang Ma's words, otherwise, I wouldn't have been put down like this. An shengxia grasped the medicine bottle!

Thinking for a while, an shengxia still left the medicine, supported his weak body and went out.

Staring at the woman's trembling back, Quan Yaomeng lowered his eyes, "where are you going?"

"Go home." Simple two words, but it is pulled out from the teeth, Ansheng summer deep breathing, desperately this did not cry out.

"Don't worry, I'll let you see Qiqi, but I can't until you get well." With a steady voice, an shengxia went out completely.

"Seven seven, let's go home." An shengxia doesn't look good either.

Qiqi was scared, "Mommy, why are you crying?"

"Seven seven good." Ansheng Xia really took up the seven seven seven, and then looked at the round bald head, suddenly guilty.

"Goodbye, brother!" Qiqi immediately turned back and looked at Xiaobai and Dabai.

But they don't go to see Qiqi at all. Instead, they stare at an shengxia bitterly.

Oh, after having a sister, it's so eccentric!

Xiaobai angrily rushed into the bedroom and vowed never to talk to her again!

Dabai also coldly returns to his room, no longer looking at an shengxia.

Heart accumulation of bitterness, an shengxia can't help but go to the door, "Xiaobai, Dabai, Mommy will come to see you again, OK?"

Two steamed stuffed buns, silent at the same time.

An shengxia wanted to be close to her son, so she stayed for a while and then left.

"I'm afraid he'll take 77 for identification." Back at home, an shengxia explained the reason for her bald head.

"Ah, wuwuwu..." Qiqi rushed to Xiuhe's arms.

"Don't cry, 777 is not ugly at all. It's beautiful!" Xiuhe hugged Qiqi and praised him!

"Really? Although my uncle said that, I just looked in the mirror. I don't know how ugly it is!" No wonder my brother doesn't like to play with me. It must be because my hair is too ugly

"No, they didn't like you before?" As soon as an shengxia's voice fell, she covered her mouth. She really can't speak!

"Ah, wuwuwu..." Qiqi likes to cry since she was a child, especially now.

An shengxia had no choice but to apologize.

"You see, Mommy knows she's wrong, so forgive her and give her a chance to reform, eh?" Xiuhe kept coaxing Qiqi in his arms.

Seven seven cry of voice hoarse, this just have to nod, "well, that this time, I forgive Mommy, can't have next time!"

"..." after a vicious education, an shengxia is speechless. Who is the daughter?

Before long, Qiqi was coaxed to sleep.

"Are you afraid that he will know the identity of Qiqi?" Xiuhe went to the door, but saw an shengxia sitting on the sofa in a daze.

"Well, I don't want him to do identification. It's not good for us." Anson Xia nodded.

"But he also determined that Qiqi was his daughter." Xiuhe stretched out his hand and pressed the center of his brow. "I heard that you often met recently. Didn't you say that you would forget him?"

"He used 77 as a chip to let me see my son. You know, my son is my death. For them, I am willing to do anything." AXA plays the card.

"Do you think Quan Shao will help us?" This is what Xiuhe is most concerned about.

"Before, I thought it was possible, but today I realized that he hated me all the time." How can a man with hatred help her?

"Hate, that there are feelings, at least better than heartless." Xiuhe is satisfied with the result.

"And your family?" An shengxia didn't know him very well.

"Long dead." Xiuhe also went to the sofa and sat down helplessly, "Why are you so curious about my things all of a sudden?"

"Nothing. I'm also surprised. Your Chinese... Can be so good. Aren't you Chinese?" An shengxia asked curiously.

"Because I lived with my family all the time." Xiuhe downplayed the way, "it's late, you go to rest."

An shengxia is embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter. We're just married. We can sleep separately. You don't have to wait for me to sleep all the time before you go to the guest room." Xiuhe smiles, "I'll go to the guest room and give you the big bed."

"Thank you very much." Anshengxia nodded politely.

"Don't be so polite. We're married." Xiuhe put down the words, and then turned to leave.

An shengxia's eyes are dark. Yes, she has remarried.

No matter what it is, she and Quan Yao are from two worlds.

It can only be said that nature makes people.

Maybe it's better to be with a man you don't love than a man who has hurt each other

Because from now on, no one will get hurt again

However, on this night, an shengxia couldn't sleep. When she got up to take a bath, she found a small strawberry on her neck

It can only be that he did it on purpose when they quarreled!


This strawberry can't go down for a while. How does she meet people?

The screen of the mobile phone flashed, and an shengxia immediately reached for the answer.

"Did he see that?"

In the receiver, it's a man's malicious and playful voice!

"Do you want to be so boring?" People are sick, and still want to calculate her, right?

An shengxia retorts angrily, "even if he sees it, he won't be angry with me!"

"Well, when a man won't be jealous for you, he just can't love you."

Pause a few seconds, Quan Yao leisurely way, "an shengxia, do you deliberately fake marriage?"

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