"Anshengxia, why don't you stay with me tonight, eh?"

The magnetic voice is very attractive. Where is the powerful and invincible Quan Yao?

Clearly is a heart fragile man, need her to coax.

"..." opened his mouth, Ansheng Xia first was an accident, then shook his head in a panic, "no, I want to go home!"

"All so late, return what home, anyway he is not necessarily at home..." Quan Yao head, pillow in the woman's arms, "you don't move, I'm a little cold."

"Then I'll give it back to you!" Heart uneasy up, anshengxia just want to try to keep away from him!

Who knows why he suddenly changed!

"Why are you so afraid of me?" He's not a monster!

"Stay with me. I won't do anything. I'll take you back tomorrow." Once a man identifies something, it will come true.

"What do you mean?"

"Being with you makes me feel at ease." Closed eyes, Quan Yao unexpectedly fell asleep again!

An shengxia moves disorderly several times, but is forced down by the man.

"Anshengxia, if you continue to move around, I can't guarantee that I will just sleep with you and not do anything else." The reason why he doesn't do anything is a respect, but after all, he is also a normal man in all aspects, and it's normal to have needs.

"You go!" Rao is an shengxia how to shout, but the man just can't hear, but playfully raised the corner of his mouth, "well, you continue to shout, even if you cry broken throat, no one will come to you."


What's his bad street line?

Anshengxia doesn't know how depressed she is!

Lin Ruiya did not expect that in the dead of night, she would knock on Qin Sheng's door again.

"Why are you?" Just ready to go to sleep, but heard the doorbell, Qin Sheng felt that during the day, he spoke very clearly, do not want her to continue to pester themselves.

"Well, you're disappointed to see it's me, aren't you?" There is nothing more sad than this. Lin Ruiya lifts her curly hair. In fact, she has dressed up specially today. She just doesn't want to show her fragile appearance.

With another smile, Lin Ruiya was born beautiful. No wonder those rich men like to find her as their lover.

But she never reluctantly, but also accompany dinner, accompany chat just, never pierce the last layer of defense.

Now Lin Ruiya tilted her head and winked at Qin Sheng. "What's the matter? I just slept once. It's so heartless. Don't you invite me in?"

"So what do you want to do?" Subconsciously side open body, Qin Sheng pressed eyebrows, irritable question, "you sit down to drink a glass of water, go."

"It looks like you really don't want to see me." Du mouth, Lin Ruiya helpless way, "in fact, I come here, is not to quarrel with you, anyway, we are all adults, since you know, I lied to you, but also worry."

"What do you mean by that?" Qin Sheng asked sarcastically.

"Well, it's not the first time for me. I just think it's a shame to marry that rich old man. After all, he's so old. Maybe I'll be a widower when I marry him. I can't enjoy the taste of a man at all. As for you, you're young and I like you. So I want to play with you a few times before I get married."

Deliberately pause for a few seconds to allow Qin Sheng to digest, Lin Ruiya raised her eyebrows and continued, "don't worry, after I get married, I will never come to you again. After all, I will be the wife of the rich man. When I find out that I have an affair with you, I can't eat with you."

"Oh, you mean, just looking for me to sleep?" His eyes were filled with satire, but Qin Sheng relaxed his face, "then you wait for me, I'll take a bath first."

"Good." Linruiya nodded repeatedly, "you hurry up, I have washed, I want to sleep with you, go home to rest, otherwise my parents will see, I have someone outside."

"Well." Qin Sheng then used the fastest speed to clean up. He just wrapped a bath towel around his waist and went to the bedroom barefoot.

Lin Ruiya was lying on the bed sheet with a familiar smell in her nose. She heard the footsteps and her eyelashes trembled slightly. Then she changed into a charming smile again. "So fast?"

"Well, finish it quickly, you can go back, otherwise it's too late, it's not good." After Qin Sheng opened the bath towel, he rolled over the woman's soft body.

It's very touching.

Finally, it all stopped.

As she said when she first came here, she got out of bed barefoot, bent down, picked up the clothes scattered on the ground and put them on.

"I really want to leave. It's so late." Qin Sheng sits up and squints his playful eyes. This woman's taste is very good. It's a bit uncomfortable to think that she will get married next month.

"Well, I have to go." Lin Ruiya won't forget how this man humiliated himself, but he, after all, is his first man. He can't help but want to come to him.

But after marriage, she promised that she would not entangle again.

"Never mind. Stay for the night." Qin Sheng frowned.

"No, go to bed early." Lin Ruiya walked on without stopping.

Qin Sheng didn't know why he was uncomfortable.

Even if Lin Ruiya walked away, Qin Sheng was still in the aftertaste. The more he thought, the more energetic he was.

But he knew that there was no future between them

When I wake up again, I accidentally lie in the hotel room, and an shengxia's mind is buzzing.

Suddenly sit up, fortunately the clothes on the body is complete, Ansheng summer grabbed a hair, in the memory of what.


Young and magnetic voice came from the French window. Quan Yao had a cigarette in his hand, and his face was cold and noble.

"How could I..."

"You've been holding on to me since you fell asleep last night, so I opened the room."

After that, Quan Yao took a few more steps to the woman and spat out a mouthful of white smoke.

An shengxia keeps coughing, but the man smiles back. Then he lowers his head and bites the woman's soft lips

"Anshengxia, I'll give you a chance to come back to me."

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