An shengxia can't help laughing. It's been two years, and some feelings have gone bad. She doesn't even know which words he says are true or false

She just decided that they had missed each other.

"I was wrong in the past. If I didn't escape then, maybe we could be together." But now, an shengxia can't gamble, let alone remarry.

"It doesn't matter. I can give you enough time to think it over." Quan Yao is not in a hurry.

"Why?" Why give her a chance?

"You don't need to know why." Maybe, what you can't get is always the best.

Quan Yao lowered his head and put out his cigarette again. "Just now, I was teasing you. I didn't mean to choke you. Let's have breakfast together. I'll let the waiter decide what you want to eat."

"No, I'll go home first." Put on the coat, anshengxia eager to go back, just want to go back as soon as possible, you know, she is now a married woman, although nothing happened last night, but I feel sorry.

"Last night, you were willing to stay. I begged you, but you agreed." Turning his mouth, Quan Yao continued, "an shengxia, you don't exclude me in your heart, at least last night."

"I don't want your chance." Don't want to, anshengxia give up directly, her mind at the moment is very confused, the only sure thing is, don't want to heart.

"Is it?" Quan Yao is not angry but laughs, "it doesn't matter, I can wait slowly, you can come back to me at any time, but my patience is limited, I hope when you go back, I'm willing to wait."

"Whatever you want." In the end, an shengxia didn't stay for breakfast, so he went back to his apartment.

"You've been together?" Just walked into the living room, but saw Xiuhe sitting on the sofa, calm face, can't see any sadness.

"Well, just looking at the snow." An shengxia's honest way.

"I still trust you." Xiuhe just reminded, "I'm just afraid that he's close to your purpose, no longer simple."

"In fact, I don't have any use value." An Sheng Xia helplessly shakes his head, "although, I don't know what he thinks now."

"But it's good that he can pay attention to you." Xiuhe said with a smile, "at least, we will be safe."

"Well, I know." Ansheng summer heavy focus, then went to the bedroom, to take care of seven seven.

But don't know, right Yao has been driving silently to the door of the apartment, make sure she arrived safely, then drive away.

Chu family.

"I heard that manager Qin and manager Lin seem to live together..."

"It's impossible. Manager Lin is going to get married. She is a rich man. How can she take a fancy to manager Qin?"

"That's true. Manager Lin's family is so poor. He is a man. He knows how to choose! After all, it's right and important! "

Ear, all these comments, but Lin Ruiya does not care.

When she works with her head down, she never gets distracted, which is also a kind of specialty.

"I heard about you, too." Chutian specially called Lin Ruiya into the office, "if you have any difficulties, you can tell me."

"No, President, that's my life!" Some lives can't be avoided. Lin Ruiya shook her head and said, "nothing else. I'll go down to work first."

Just as Lin Ruiya quits, he bumps into Qin Sheng.

Holding the document calmly, Qin Sheng hardly squinted.

Sneer a few minutes, Lin Ruiya all the way to leave, did not stop.

Standing still, Qin Sheng was surprised by Lin Ruiya's indifference. He glanced at her back. Then he opened the door and went into the office. "President Chu... Manager Lin came just now?"

"I've heard that you've been in the company recently, and you've often been bumped into... This is the company. You'd better pay more attention." Chu Tian pressed the brow, an uneasy reminder.

"Manager Lin and I are just classmates. We have nothing to do with each other. Usually, we just help her." Qin Sheng left the relationship very clear.

"Well." Chutian nodded, "the company doesn't like office romance. If people find out, one of you must go."

"Mr. Chu, I know." Qin Sheng's mind is still clear. He can have a better future in Chu family. Of course, he won't give up just because of a woman.

"I'll try to meet you in the evening. Don't talk to me in the company. It's not nice to hear the news." It's only when he goes to the bathroom that Qin Sheng contacts Lin Ruiya.

Sitting in the office, Lin Ruiya's face was dazed for a long time, then nodded, "well, I know."

"Tonight, you should be safe, right?"

Lin Ruiya sneered sarcastically, "I'm not feeling well today. Maybe I won't pass."

Looking back, Lin Ruiya asks an shengxia out for a drink.

From beginning to end, an shengxia just listened quietly and couldn't give any advice.

"I really want to give up, but I can't let him go." Lin Ruiya is probably drunk, the speech is very broken, let people can't connect.

Anson Xia's only affirmation is that Lin Ruiya doesn't want to get married, otherwise, her life will be over.

"Miss an, you are really happy. Even if you have less right to leave, you can still find a man to take care of you. Even President Chu is waiting for you." It seems that everyone is willing to revolve around an shengxia. How can Lin Ruiya not be envious?

"Some things are just what you see on the surface, but they are not true." An shengxia just shook his head.

"No, I don't even have one to rely on..." Lin Ruiya raised her head bitterly and drank a lot of wine.

"Don't drink..." an shengxia couldn't help persuading, "or, you escape marriage?"

"No, I can't ignore them..." since she was born, she seems to be living for her family. Lin Ruiya is really tired.

An shengxia wants to say something more, but she is surprised to be patted on the back. She immediately looks at the man's face.

"Come out to drink?"

It's Quan Yao!

"Not me." An Sheng Xia pointed to Lin Ruiya, "she has been drinking."

"How dare you two women go out and drink?" Press and hold the eyebrow, Quan Yao is not happy to capture an shengxia.

"Wait a minute... And Miss Lin..." anxiously, an shengxia refused to leave.

"I'll have my men take her home." With Quan Yao's explanation, an shengxia was relieved.

Quan Yao directly drags an shengxia into the private room.

An shengxia is surprised, thin night cold they are also in.

When people see an shengxia, it's like they see a ghost!

Who can think of

Two years later, Quan Yao is still entangled with this woman!

You know, an shengxia betrayed Quan Yao deeply!

Aware of a strange examination, an shengxia just wants to leave as soon as possible.

However, she just took a step, but her wrist was stopped by the man.

"Anshengxia, is it so hard for you to come back to me?"

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