"Maybe the young master is too tired to eat..." mother Zhang worried.

"Since the young master Dabai was ill, he hardly had a rest. He didn't even sleep that day when he came home from the company..."

"Even if the young master is in good health, he can't stay awake for a few days. In addition, he has to deal with his work documents. No wonder he faints at home..."

Zhang's mother shook her head helplessly. "Fortunately, at home, if you fall outside, especially on the road, you don't know how dangerous it is..."

"He hasn't slept for days?" An shengxia asked unexpectedly.

"Yes, young master is very worried about young master Dabai. He wanted to contact you, but he didn't think it was appropriate. He told me that you didn't like to come to the residence..."

When it comes to I half, Zhang Ma added, "in fact, I don't think so. Miss an, you are so kind and kind. If your son is ill, you will come here for sure..."

"Is there no servant at home to take care of the children?" An Sheng Xia asked strangely.

"Yes, but the young master still likes to do it by himself." Mother Zhang pressed her eyebrows and said, "when you treat your children, are you careful or perfunctory? They can feel it. It's estimated that the young master also wants to give them more care. Money can't be earned. But the child's growth process is only once, and the young master doesn't want to leave a regret. After all, when the young master was young, he was ignored all the time, so he didn't want to make the same mistake again..."

Mood complex sent right Yao to the hospital, an shengxia some uneasy.

After receiving the news of Quan Yaojin's Hospital, Bo Yehan couldn't be idle and came immediately.

"Don't worry. I've got an expert. He's just too tired. Nothing else." Bo Yehan explained.

But pausing for a few seconds, Bo Yehan laughs again, "but I'm also surprised how he tired himself like this. I thought he was made of iron and never had any small problems."

"He's looking after his son..."

"In fact, Quan Shao asked me a question before. He asked me why women refuse to marry. In fact, he knows a lot of things, but he wants to wait for you slowly." Thin night cold words, anshengxia temporarily no mind to digest.

"In a word, you can do it by yourself. Some people don't have this shop after passing this village." Patted an Sheng Xia's shoulder lightly, thin night cold also just stood aside, silent.

When Quan Yao wakes up, the first person he sees is Bo Yehan.

Quan Yao frowned slightly.

"She was there just now. She must have gone to the bathroom." Seems to see the right to Yao fundus dislike, thin night cold no gas explanation.

"When did you go?" Quan Yao raised his eyes and looked around.

"Just now..." Bo Yehan looked down at his watch, "about two minutes."

When it comes to an shengxia, she comes in with a cup of hot water and says, "have some water."

"You know I'm awake?" Quan Yao asked unexpectedly.

"I was in the corridor just now, and I heard someone talking..." an shengxia is not an immortal, of course, he can't predict.

"But it's a little hot, you drink slowly first..."

An Sheng Xia has no time to remind, but Quan Yao has drunk up a cup of boiling water.

"I want to drink more!" Raise a handsome profile, Quan Yao this tone, more like in Sony Ericsson.

"Don't you feel hot?" An shengxia looks strange and goes out.

Quan Yao can't bear to cover his mouth.

"You deserve less power." Thin night cold see lively that kind, smile of tears flood, "unexpectedly, you also have today?"


"I think you like an shengxia. Before, I thought you were heartless and possessive, but now I think you are really interested in it, not just playing around, not for the sake of children. In this case, why don't you tell her to let her know? Is your face really so important? Do you think it's cool to hide a person's liking, or it's drag, or it's face? In fact, none of them. I think you are stupid, and stupid... "

As a past person, Bo Yehan enjoyed instructing Quan Yao, "do you know how I can catch up with Miaomiao? Because of my shamelessness, I tell her almost every day that I love her. "

"They're not the same." Quan Yao snorted coldly, "and I never talk nonsense."

Some words are obviously insincere. Even if they are said, I'm afraid they will only have the opposite effect.

"She doesn't like to hear that." What an shengxia wants is more real.

In the past, an shengxia would have been moved.

But at this time, she had already seen through the routine.

"So women, still can't be too smart, know too many routines, it's really hard to chase..." Bo Yehan pressed his eyebrow, "fortunately my family Miaomiao, is quite stupid..."

It can only be said that women in love are retarded.

But after the escape, IQ soared, sharpness is no less than the police.

"Don't underestimate a woman's EQ and IQ. Sometimes, people are just pretending to be stupid to give you a step down..." Si yejue came coldly.

"After all, the most difficult thing is Shen Jiang. She never shows up after hiding. Unlike my family Miaomiao, she still wants to see me every time she hides. So she will go to an shengxia on purpose. Isn't it for me to find her?" Thin night cold narcissistic way.

"She doesn't like to escape..." Quan Yao refers to an shengxia.

But the woman who does not escape, once decided to give up, it is really give up.

An shengxia is different from others. She likes to face it directly.

Because she once escaped.

So she knew there was no solution to escape.

Forget a person the most ruthless way is, although do not escape, but ruthless do not meet, not cheap.

When we meet again, we must have forgotten all about it.

It's just like an shengxia. After forgetting him, he reappears.

But when you think about it, after the most painful time, it only took a few days for AXA to forget his love.

Only a few days, she can easily do not love him

In retrospect, Quan Yao always wants to know

Did this woman really love him? Quan Yao shakes his head and laughs sarcastically. It should be love.

But because of being divorced

She suddenly woke up, so decided not to love.

Quan Yao laughs. This woman is really cruel.

Everyone thought that he didn't want her, he chose another woman.

But in fact, it's all the opposite.

Why did he retire?

At the moment, he just hopes that this woman can ask him for love once

His real thought at that time was that he hoped her and begged him not to give up his marriage

He just wanted to see her shed a real tear for love and for him

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