But she didn't

Instead of crying for him, she resolutely turned away.

When an shengxia returns, Quan Yao still lowers his head and drinks all the hot water.

"The doctor said, your health is not a big problem, just because you are too tired, you have a rest first, if you want to eat anything, just tell me directly, I will contact Zhang Ma to cook for you, it is estimated that you are not used to the food in the hospital." After all, Quan Yao is ill, and an shengxia can't turn a blind eye.

"In fact, you still care about me." Quan Yao raised his mouth with pride.

Thin night cold only feel shame.

Is it really good that Quan Shao is so proud?

Why don't you pretend to be pathetic all the time?

"The first time I saw you faint was because you were old." An shengxia's simple words completely blocked Quan Yao's mouth.

"So you don't care about me?" Quan Yao raised his eyebrows and asked, "an shengxia, if you don't care about a person, you won't be so patient. Don't I know you?"

"Quan Shao, cough... Let's withdraw first. Take care of yourself. After all, I think you are very sick." Bo Yehan and Si yejue withdraw with one voice, intending to give them a private space.

After the brothers left, Quan Yao was no longer cold.

On the contrary, I feel uncomfortable all over, "an shengxia, are you sure I'm just tired? How do I feel now, dizzy?"

"What's the problem?" An Sheng Xia asked with a frown.

"There are legs, but also a little uncomfortable, maybe fainting, hit something." Quan Yao is very weak.

"Shall I call a doctor for you?" Rao asked, but an shengxia had already pressed the bell.

After a while, the doctor and nurse came in and gave Quan Yao a general examination.

Perhaps Bo Yehan explained that the doctor deliberately aggravated the situation of Quan Yao.

Ansheng Xia Wen Yan sure as expected Ning eyebrow, "you don't want to, first hospital observation for a few days."

"Maybe, I'm really old, but a fall can cause so many things." Quan Yao lowered his eyes and was silent.

"Fortunately, the injury is not particularly serious, you can recover in a few days." An shengxia's simple comfort.

"Anshengxia, I know you dislike me." Quan Yao said goodbye on purpose.

"..." AXA was speechless.

She didn't like him.

But it's definitely not because of old age.

"I don't think you're old, and most women like you." An shengxia doesn't want to hurt a man's self-esteem either.

"I know you're just comforting me." Quan Yao laughs at himself.

"Didn't you have narcissism before? Why are you so vulnerable because of a minor illness? " Unexpectedly, Quan Yao is so fragile. Seeing his bad face, an shengxia sighs slightly. Then, he tries to coax the man and comforts him, "how can you be more glassy than Dabai?"

"When people are sick, it's also right that they will think wildly." Quan Yao doesn't feel that he has much affectation.

An shengxia patted him on the back and coaxed him patiently, "it will get better. The doctor also said that you just need to pay attention to rest..."

Coaxed by the woman gently, Quan Yao comfortably closes his eyes, but his mouth brims with a smile

An Sheng Xia didn't know, still coaxed him patiently, "what do you want most now, I'll go out and buy it for you..."

"Anshengxia, as long as you can stay with me."

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