Cold night!

An shengxia was slightly surprised, but still answered immediately!

"I am an shengxia."

"Why aren't you in the company?" Cold night asked irritably, "I have been to your company, how do you..."

But don't wait for the cold night to finish speaking, an shengxia only hears a busy sound!

"Cold night?" An shengxia's urgent cry.

But the other side, but no response!

An shengxia didn't know until later that he didn't pay attention when driving on a cold night. There was a car accident.

Although the situation is not serious, but the cold night went to the hospital again!

I can't help it. An shengxia can't leave now

Anxiously, an shengxia contacted Shen Ao several times.

But Shen Ao's mobile phone can't get through.

It is estimated that Shen Ao is still in a meeting.

An shengxia has no choice but to say hello to her secretary and take Li Ruoxi with her to leave!


An shengxia is very uneasy, walking up and down in the corridor.

Li Ruoxi is sitting on the bench, staring at an shengxia.

This is Li Ruoxi's only response to an shengxia these days.

An shengxia also noticed Li Ruoxi and went over, "Ruoxi, are you awake?"

But after that, Li Ruoxi once again showed a world weary attitude.

An shengxia was in a trance and thought that he was wrong just now.

When the cold night recovers, the first thing I see is an shengxia.

"When driving, don't call. You're joking about life." The facial expression is not good, an shengxia faces cold night, a burst of reproach.

"Well, I know."

"You know what a fart!" An shengxia is also too angry, actually began to burst rude, "I really doubt now, you before the car accident, but also because of the mobile phone?"


"Shut up, you don't have the right to speak now. I say you are you. What's so funny about mobile phones? You don't even pay attention to driving. Do you think your life is too long?" Anshengxia hands akimbo, no image to speak of, "cold night, you are an adult, how even so simple truth, you don't know, you pay a little attention to your safety, OK?"


But once again did not give cold night the opportunity to explain, an shengxia gritted his teeth again, "I am really convinced you, so spacious road, you drive a little bit to the side, there will be no accident, no, the next time you drive, slow down!"

"So anshengxia, you are so angry now, just because you are too worried about me." Cold night is sure of that.

Yasunari was stunned for a long time, and then she reflected that she was really too excited and impulsive.

"I know you're angry. I'll pay attention next time." The cold night promised.

"And next time?" An shengxia is scared.

"Oh, no, no next time." The cold night laughs.

"What are you laughing at?" An shengxia is speechless. She is so angry. This man is smiling, isn't he?

"It's the first time I've been worried about it." Cold night, tell the truth.

"Don't you have a fiancee?" An Sheng Xia asked depressed.

"Well, yes, but I just feel, not that way." Cold night deeply looked at an shengxia, and then pretended to look out of the window, "in fact, I don't remember the past very clearly. Once when I woke up, they all said that she was my fiancee, so I knew, oh, I already had a fiancee, but I don't remember it."

"You don't remember the past?" An shengxia was very surprised, and his heart was full of waves.

"Well, to be exact, it's not that I don't remember, but that I have a confused memory of the past. Sometimes, I don't know which memories are real and which memories I have come up with out of my imagination." Cold night shakes his head, the tone is full of helplessness.

"Have you ever been ill before?" An shengxia can only guess like this.

"They all said that I had a strange disease when I was a child, so I'm not very strong all the time." Cold night sneers, "is it from the appearance, can't see?"

"Yes, I really can't see it at all. I think you are quite healthy." An shengxia exclaimed“ What's the matter with you? " An shengxia asked unexpectedly.

"Even if I say it, you won't know." Cold night has reserved way.

"But if you don't say anything, I don't know. You know Bo Yehan. He is a famous doctor. Although he is a obstetrician, he knows many famous doctors. Maybe he can cure your disease and let you remember the past." An shengxia reminds me seriously.

"It's no use. Foreign doctors can't help it. Do you think our doctors can do it?" The cold night laughs sarcastically.

"Oh, you look down on domestic doctors?" An shengxia has a temper.

"It's not..." cold night pressed eyebrows.

"Wait, I'm with Li Ruoxi." When an shengxia recovered, he rushed out of the ward immediately.

But the whole corridor, but no Li Ruoxi figure!

AXA turned pale at Chardon!

At the same time, Shen Ao called, "I'm here to end the meeting. She's not alone. Is she with you?"

"Just now, still together, but now..." an shengxia looked around, determined that there was no Li Ruoxi's figure, and gritted his teeth, "I can't see her now, but I'm in the hospital, she should also be in the hospital..."

"Anshengxia, are you kidding?" Shen Ao felt numb and rushed to the hospital as soon as possible!

"Anshengxia, I give you the person, but now you tell me that the person is gone..." Shen Ao shakes anshengxia's shoulder and asks, "did you hide her?"

"No, no, I just put my mind on the cold night. He had a car accident. Later, when I think about it, she will..." an shengxia wants to say nothing.

"Anshengxia, it's better to be the same as you said..."

After that, Shen Ao is crazy. He orders all his subordinates to find someone in the hospital!

If Li Ruoxi is not found, an shengxia will pay a heavy price.

Taking a deep breath, an shengxia only feels sour and astringent.

Li Ruoxi can't speak at the moment. What should she do if she meets some villain?

An shengxia is so anxious that she almost wants to cry. She keeps wiping her tears. Whenever she meets someone, she describes Li Ruoxi's appearance and the clothes she wears today, but she gets nothing.

"I don't think it's possible. She won't go out on her own like this. Ann shengxia, are you..."

When it comes to the exciting moment, Shen Ao grabs an shengxia's collar and asks fiercely, "an shengxia, where did you hide her?"

"I really didn't, not me..."

After all, an shengxia is a woman, and she is scared by Shen Ao.

"Shen Ao, you let her go."

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