His face was also cold. I didn't know when he came out of the ward in the cold night. As soon as he reached out, he pressed Shen Ao's wrist. "Shen Ao, you release her, otherwise, I will make you regret it."

"As long as I find Li Ruoxi now, I don't care about anything else. You know how crazy I am. No matter who I am, I'll make her disappear." Shen Ao ruthlessly put down cruel words, "even if it is an shengxia do, I will not be merciful."

"Are you sure she took them away?" Lengye asked jokingly, "you know how hard it is to let a woman who doesn't have her own heart stay by her side. Maybe she just wants to find an opportunity to leave you. In this case, even if someone stares at her, you can't help it. Don't you also have this idea? That's why no matter where you go, people will stare at Li Ruoxi, Because if she really is willing to follow you, she won't go by herself... "

"She's a patient now..." Shen Ao gritted her teeth. "She won't go by herself unless someone hides her intentionally."

"But it won't be Yasunari." At that time, an shengxia was always in the ward, and it was too late to care about his illness.

Moreover, an shengxia is not the kind of woman who does it but dare not admit it.

"If it's an shengxia, even if she does, she won't pretend to have done nothing."

An shengxia's understanding of the unexpected cold night is false.

Even if anyone doubts himself, he won't.

With this kind of cognition, an shengxia only feels that his heart is quietly passing a warm current.

It's quiet, but it's real.

"You know her..." but Shen Ao still doesn't trust an shengxia.

Even from a rational point of view, the explanation of cold night does hold water.

"That's her personality. She's quite straight, and she's bold." Cold night raised his lips, "in fact, she is easy to see through, just a matter of trust, you just don't trust an shengxia, but I believe it."“ What letter do you want me to take? " Shen Ao repressed the way, "the person, is missing in her hand."

"So now, do you think it's necessary to blame, or is it more important to find someone?" Cold night rational analysis, "since Shen Shao, you also have relations in the police station, now you can order to go down, together with looking for people."

Smell speech, Shen Ao finally find reason, a will Ansheng Xia loose.

"Are you all right?" The cold night looks up and down an shengxia.

"No An shengxia shakes her head. "When I go to see you, she is sitting on the bench in the corridor. Why don't you look for the monitor first..."

At the prompt of an shengxia, Shen Ao also agrees to go to see the monitor first.

But it can be seen from the monitoring that Li Ruoxi was actually taken away by a strange woman.

"Do you know this man?" Cold night first looks at an shengxia, then glances at Shen Ao.

"Don't know..." an shengxia shook his head in difficulty.

At the same time, Shen Ao shakes his head.

"She must know Li Ruoxi, otherwise, she won't take people away here. After all, there is monitoring here..." thinking about it in the cold night, there is only one result.

"It's the people over there."

"You mean, her fiance?" An Sheng Xia asked in surprise.

"How could it be him?" Shen Ao holds his brow, but he thinks it's impossible.

That man gave up Li Ruoxi long ago.

"That man will stay with her when she has nothing. Why not now?"

Cold night hinted, "there is a kind of person who doesn't need to pay back."

Fu family.

"What else do you want to take this woman home to do? Before the wedding, this woman lost her face to you, and now you want her?" Fu Mu looked disgusted. "What's the difference between her and a fool now?"

"Mom, since she is the woman I choose, I won't give up halfway. I know she's not happy these days, so I'll take her home." Fu Zisheng said rationally, "Mom, I know that you dislike her, but she doesn't want to."

"Son, I can promise you anything, but I really can't accept this woman. After all, she has been with Shen Ao and Shen family. First of all, we can't make trouble with her. Secondly, she is half a fool now..." Fu Mu said painstakingly, "son, you have all kinds of women you want. Why do you have to be her, What's worth fighting for? "

"As long as it's her, I think it's valuable." Fu Zisheng said helplessly, "because I will never meet her again. She is simple, clean and pure in heart."

"There are many simple women in this world. Why don't I go to school and find you a student sister?"

For Fu's words, Fu Zisheng only felt resistance, "anyone meets, is fate, mom, if you are not happy, I can take her out."

"Well, don't you come to see me in the future?" Fu's mother only felt cold. "I'm not pulling you here to let you live apart from me because of women. You've been with me since you were a child, and you don't have a father. But now, you let me live alone..."

"Mom, I thank you for your upbringing, but now, she needs me more, because she is just a person now, and you have a better life, as I said before, I don't object to your remarriage." Fu Zisheng was relieved.

"So at the beginning, I really shouldn't let you go abroad, let your thoughts now become so open, think what kind of women, can enter our home..." Fu's mother was dissatisfied with Li Ruoxi's birth before, but she was just a dramatist.

What's more, her relationship with Shen Ao is hard to understand.

But Fu Mu had only such a son.

"Son, don't worry about moving out, you can discuss it again..." Fu's mother can only show weakness first.

"Well, I hope you can really accept her instead of just acting."

Fu Zisheng just stabilized Fu's mother's mood.

But Shen Ao came to the door.

Shen Ao didn't come alone.

There are also midsummer and cold nights.

After all, people are lost in their own hands, AXA Xiali should be responsible for the end.

But an shengxia did not expect that Li Ruoxi was really in the Fu family.

The Fu family is so bold that they fight Shen Ao head on.

"Fu Shao, you give me the person now, I can not care about anything." Shen Ao said coldly, "but if you don't want to give people to me, I have to call the police."

"Call the police?" Fu Zisheng only felt funny, "she was my fiancee!"

Shen Ao heard the speech, trembling all over, and even could not stand steadily. He only said, "she's my woman. You give her back to me!"

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