"I'll call back later." Of course, Chutian knows that lengye and an shengxia have lived together, but he still can't face it calmly when he hears the man's proud voice. His fingers are trembling uneasily, almost unable to hold the mobile phone.

"It's so late. What can I do for you?" Cold night pressed eyebrows, subconscious questioning, showed that he had an shengxia.

"It's nothing. It's just something personal." Chutian deliberately emphasized the word "private affairs" in order to stimulate the cold night.

"Just tell me what it is. I'll tell you later." Cold night of course want to know, what is the so-called private matter.

"Mr. Leng, even if you are together, she is not your private property. Should she have personal space?" Chutian deliberately does not answer directly, but laughs, indifferent attitude, let a person is very uncomfortable.

At first, the cold night was very unhappy with the call.

Hearing these four words of personal space, it is the most overbearing sneer.

"Private space, I give her, she can have." Cold night is really the word hegemony, play to the extreme.

"Mr. Leng, I thought you would be very busy recently. I heard that you have lost the goods in your hand, but I don't think you are in a hurry. There are still half a month left to deliver the goods to the government. Aren't you afraid of losing money?" Chutian was really surprised. The cold night was either too good in quality, or it was just a matter of design. Otherwise, if you lose the goods, you can't be so calm.

Chutian didn't know what medicine had been sold in the gourd in the cold night, and he could only keep quiet.

"Thank you for your concern. I don't need to trouble you about work." Cold night evades the heavy and takes the light way, "also, she wants to rest at night, don't call again."

"I can hear that you are very nervous. You know that you don't spend a long time with her. In fact, you are not sure how long the relationship between you and an shengxia will last, are you?" Some feelings, to the sudden, perhaps, will also be very suddenly lost, Chutian disdain involved in the corner of the mouth, even if an shengxia and lengye really together, but not married, there is no emotional foundation, it is estimated that it will not last long.

On the surface, looking at the love feeling, maybe it can't stand the storm at all.

"People are always fond of the new and tired of the old. So are you, Mr. Leng." Chu Tian hinted.

"Otherwise, they will not abandon their fiancee, but choose an shengxia." Chutian always thinks that cold night can easily abandon his fiancee, let alone an shengxia?

One day, he will be tired of an shengxia.

As a result, isn't it separate?

"At least, I also know to refuse, at the same time, I also let an shengxia firmly choose me." Cold night casual way, "it's you, really ridiculous ah, know early, what's the use, not always, just the role of a friend?"

"But because when you show up, it's when she needs it." In the past, Chutian did not believe in the so-called fate, but now, he had to believe it.

"Is it really so hard to admit that you are not needed?" Cold night just feel, Chutian is ridiculous, constantly make excuses, is not willing to admit, an shengxia does not love him this fact.

"Don't call again. After all, it's our private time at night." Cold night said, immediately cut off the call, and then choose to shut down.

"How is my phone charging?" After an shengxia took a bath, he found that his mobile phone couldn't be opened and was charging.

"I think the battery is old. I've charged it for you." Cold night's face, temporarily don't see happiness and anger, an shengxia also easily believe.

"No one called me, did they?" An shengxia asked while wiping her wet hair.

"What do you want?" Cold night is cold not Ding's rhetorical question, some displeasure.

"It's not. In the evening, no one will contact me." An shengxia's unexpected cold night temper and silent explanation.

"An shengxia, since we are going to have children, now, maybe at night..." the cold night glanced at the woman's clean and white neck and began to act.

"I've done it, and you?" An shengxia sat at the head of the bed and licked the corner of his mouth, some clean.

In fact, she has no objection to having children, and she has discussed this topic between us.

Since we have to give birth sooner or later, it's better to choose this time.

Since anshengxia wanted to open up, he relaxed a little.

Looking at the cold night again, I was shocked by this amazing face!

How can this man be so handsome? So much like him?

"Well, I did, too." Cold night understated the explanation, "with the next room."

"You really save time." An shengxia is speechless.

"You lie down quickly and find a position and posture you like." Cold night with the cover, evil charm of thin lips.

"So direct, is there no Prelude?" Anshengxia put up his hands, the boss asked.

"Of course you can ask for anything you want." Cold night squints deep eyes, constantly discharge.

"I don't think you look right now. I don't think you are angry, or are you unhappy because you lost the goods?" An shengxia seems to be wronged, "it's not my fault."

"Where do you want to go?" Cold night said with a smile, "I originally wanted to give you a massage, and then... Since you are so anxious, let's start with kissing."

"Well..." AXA was speechless when she was in Chardon. She felt that the corner of her mouth was blocked by force!

"Keep your voice down, there's still a son at home..." Leng Ye whispered in the woman's ear deliberately, bringing that little, slightly warm breath.

"Did you lock the door?" As long as an shengxia thought about it, in case her son would rush in, her face turned red and she was very nervous.

Unknowingly, the man reached out and pinched an shengxia's Scarlet face, and then gently kissed, "nervous what?"

"I don't want to be seen by my son..." an shengxia doesn't want to continue to imagine. If he is really seen by his son, he has no face. Although the child is still young, what he should know, what he shouldn't know, and what he knows is very clever. An shengxia is very afraid and beats the man's heart.

"Well, I locked the door long ago. Are you satisfied?" Cold night that women's point of resistance, but also in the same scratch, no pain, but very comfortable.

"So you were just teasing me?" An Sheng Xia asked, this just know, he was cool, is the boss is not happy, want to bite this smelly man!

"Why an shengxia, you want to murder your husband?"

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