"Oh, by the way, someone called you just now, but when your mobile phone was dead, I didn't go back. It seems that Chu Shao has something to tell you." After the cold night is satisfied, you will look lazy. Then you can press the soft woman in your arms and feel refreshed.

"Well, I'll get back to you tomorrow. It's the same thing." On the other hand, an shengxia is extremely tired. Subconsciously, he hears Chu Tian and the phone call, but his reaction is very weak. He is so tired that he just wants to have a rest. As soon as he closes his eyes, he falls asleep.

When an shengxia turns on her mobile phone early in the morning, she finds that Chutian dials more than ten times in a row, but she doesn't answer.

"Chu Shao, do you have something urgent to ask me?" Anshengxia quickly dial back, for fear of Chutian, what's important.

"He won't let you answer the phone?" In the cold of Chu day, the voice questioned.

"No, he told me that you would call me, but last night..." an shengxia held down her eyebrows and thought of what she was so tired that she didn't have the strength to look at her mobile phone. She was shy and coughed several times. Then she explained, "the mobile phone is dead."

"Well, I thought you didn't want to answer my phone." Chutian mentioned cold night several times.

"You came to me, did you find anything?" It occurred to an shengxia that the main purpose of his call back was to know the whereabouts of the goods.

Chutian was silent.

He is very clear that the reason why an shengxia calls him quickly is because of the cold night.

Otherwise, an shengxia will not be so positive.

But no way, the world is so unfair.

Some people are destined to be preferred.

For example, it used to be Quan Yao, but now it's a cold night.

"If you don't find anything, forget it." Anshengxia frowned.

The loss of goods this time is not only unexpected, but also strange. An shengxia knows that it can't be found out in a day or two.

"What I want to say is that my people haven't found the result yet, but it's certain that his goods are really moved by people, but it's not Xiuhe's person, but the enemy before Quan Shao, who takes him as Quan Shao to revenge." Chu Tian's simple explanation.

"So it is. Is there any whereabouts of the goods now? We can't produce so much in half a month. If we can't take them out, we will lose money." An shengxia is very anxious.

"Don't worry about it. I don't think he's worried about it. He must have a back hand." Chutian always felt that the cold night was not so simple, "an shengxia, some things, you'd better let him do it by himself, it's useless for you to worry."

"I just want to help as much as I can." An shengxia is thinking about the cold night, hoping to be needed.

"Anshengxia, don't take it too seriously." Chutian knocked the steering wheel in his hand and hinted coldly, "when you love someone, you should love yourself first."

"A lot of people have said that to me." An shengxia tilted his head and didn't pay attention to it for the time being.

"If I find the goods, I don't think Mr. Leng's face will look good. Most people who know about it now are watching his jokes." Chutian thought that it was very interesting that men were very good face. Even if he really helped to find the goods, it was estimated that lengye would not thank him, but would disdain him.

"Those people are just falling down the drain, because he has no foundation in China, waiting to see him get off the horse." An shengxia is more distressed about the cold night, and thinks that those who watch the play are very shameful.

"I can't help it. When people are standing on the high ground, those downstairs who are watching the opera feel that since they can't climb up, it's better to hope that someone can fall down." The way Chutian disdains.


"Cold night, you now give me a clear word, our goods, is really out of thin air?" Sitting on the sofa, thin night cold just drank a cup of tea, his face immediately chapped.

"The goods were put in the warehouse in the suburbs and stolen." As if talking about drinking Longjing tea, cold night indifferent, "my people are also investigating."

"If the goods are gone, even if you win the bidding, you will lose. You should understand such a simple truth." Stand up straight, Bo Yehan walked around the office, lost the original calm demeanor, he has been very patient, at the moment all broken merit, but to admire lengye, not rare this business, is not afraid of anything.

"My suspicion now is that Xiuhe embezzled our goods." The cold night hinted.

"Without enough evidence, it's useless to say anything now. If we can drive out the latest batch of goods at the fastest speed?" Thin night cold just think, quickly speed up, try to remedy this mistake.

As for what Xiuhe did, Bo Yehan didn't care at all.

"But at the same time, you also need to know that making new goods also requires cost." As a businessman, the last thing cold night wants is to lose money. He goes on, "the best way is to let Xiuhe hand over the goods."

"Do you think it's possible? Now Xiuhe is sitting at home laughing..." Bo Ye is cold.

He originally wanted to teach Xiuhe a lesson, but now, on the contrary, Xiuhe saw a big joke.

"Don't worry, just wait." The eyeground peeps out a trace of smile, cold night sarcastically wave a hand way.

"Cold night, what can you do?" Thin night cold is curious, cold night can be so calm, if really no way, certainly impossible.

"I just don't think worry is the way. Maybe time can help." Cold night is determined, there is no trouble, there is no way to solve, only calm down, can think of the right way.

"But I can't wait now." If it's an ordinary case, Bo Yehan won't be so anxious. However, this time, it's a big case of cooperation with the government, involving many interests. It's not just a simple breach of contract.

It may even affect the relationship between the company and the government in the future.

Bo Yehan didn't want to think about it any more. He just felt a headache. He waved his hand and said, "if we wait any longer, we will lose a lot of money. This is undoubtedly a loss business. I don't want to regret cooperating with you, so lengye, you'd better give me a reasonable solution."

"Thin little, your patience, still need to continue to temper." Grab the car key, cold night is still light, as if any wind and grass, will not affect the cold night.

"I just think your personality is more and more like... Him."

Looking at the cold night's side face, thin night cold suddenly said, "if you don't know me, I will think that you are Quan Yao."

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