It's not a simple accident. Who will put broken nails under the chair? Just wait for an shengxia to fall!

"Ever been to the hospital?" Cold night angry questions.

"I've been there for a long time, and I've got tetanus. I'm afraid the nails will rust." Anshengxia explained quickly.

"If Shen Qing hadn't told me, would you have kept it from me all the time?" The cold night was very unpleasant.

"I don't want to give you any trouble. Besides, it's nothing." An shengxia is also afraid, cold night will not agree to let her continue filming.

"Anshengxia, do you think red is very important?" Cold night, cold questions.

"I'm just interested in this script. As for the red, I haven't thought about it. After all, I've been a red for two years now. I've been playing the roles he set for me and the routes of idol stars. But in fact, I also want to take a different style. Now I'm not the same as before. Originally, I don't think I have any goals in life, It's a mother of two, but now, I want to make some achievements, so that I can match you. " An shengxia licked the corner of her mouth and continued, "I hope I can be your pride. At least when people mention me, they won't think that, oh, an shengxia, the idol star, doesn't deserve you at all."

"You think too much. Since I choose you, it's because you have something I should like." Cold night patted an shengxia's head, "how can you not match me?"

Maybe after you like someone, you will subconsciously feel inferior. An shengxia doesn't remember when he felt inferior last time.

Two years ago, right?

Is it for Quan Yao?

But how can people's heart be so changeable?

An shengxia doesn't know why, he will be easily attracted to the cold night!

Just because of this similar face?

The next day, when an shengxia woke up again, the man had disappeared, as if he had never appeared.

"I saw Leng Shao come out of your room in the morning." Shen Qing is incomparable in eight trigrams.

"It's not that you said I was hurt... So he brought me the ointment." "I'm really worried that he won't let me continue to shoot," she said

"Leng Shao is very attentive to you. You just got hurt and rushed over all night. I'm really curious that your feelings can be so good. At first, I thought that there would be no real result between you. After all, there are other people in your heart. As for Leng Shao, he's just a man who easily throws off his fiancee to change his mind." Shen Qing analyzed it carefully.

"I think he's kind to me." An shengxia said with a satisfied smile.

"I also feel now..." Shen Qing patted an shengxia's face, "I don't know if you saved the whole galaxy in your last life, and could provoke such a perfect man."

"Maybe, it really saved the galaxy..." an shengxia gave a perfect smile.

On that day, when an shengxia was filming, he didn't slack off at all. Because of his injury, he didn't increase the pressure of the crew. On the contrary, he cooperated incomparably.

After the completion, an shengxia drove alone to the suburbs.

Today is his memorial day.

At this time of the year, anshengxia will disappear all day. It's no use looking for it.

Even an shengxia's cell phone will be turned off.

"This is your favorite food, and there is wine here. I thought that after you left, I would be alone all the time, but now, there is a new person around me, who is good to me, as well as people..." an shengxia stood in front of the tombstone and said calmly, "in this way, will you be angry, Angry, I found a new one? "

"I don't know if you're doing well now. Are you alone in the sky?" An shengxia sighed, "why don't you find someone who looks like me, so that you won't be lonely. But I'm afraid you'll hate to see my face. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have gone. If you didn't go, you wouldn't have encountered an airplane accident..."

"In fact, I have been unwilling to forgive myself all these years, but maybe, you have completely forgiven me, and then you will find a person who is like you to come to me. That person has completely changed my life and let me go back to the past. Now I have hope for my life, and I don't live in such a muddle..."

An shengxia was surprised and said, "to my surprise, he doesn't mind me taking my son, Xiaobai and Dabai, who also like him very much..."

"I was hurt yesterday, but it really hurt, but I didn't tell anyone, I just told you..." an shengxia just sat down and rubbed the cold tombstone, "I come to see you again today, I will never forget you in my life, Quan Yao..."

Maybe it is the memory of the past, an shengxia's eyes, suddenly sour.

Next, an shengxia just said nothing.

The crew.

"Lengshao, are you looking for midsummer?" Unexpectedly saw the cold night driving over, Shen Qing actively welcome up.

"Where is she? It's said that work will be finished early today." The tone of cold night is indifferent.

"I don't know. I saw it just now, but in a flash, the person disappeared. I'll go to the rest room to have a look..."

Can find all over the troupe, also don't see the figure of an shengxia, Shen Qing suddenly stare big eyes, "bad, shengxia is not in the troupe at all."

"This kind of time, where else can she be..." cold night fidgety press eyebrow, as long as think of, an shengxia hurt before, feel a burst of depression.

"Don't worry, the crew is absolutely safe." Shen Qing rushes into the bedroom, but in the end, she feels cold. After finishing her work, an shengxia is not sleeping in her room. Where else can she go?

Shen Qing calls an shengxia in a hurry, but no one answers.

Shen Qing is like an ant on an oil pan.

Cold night but picked up Shen Qing's collar, "you as an agent, should not be with her all day, now the person is gone, you tell me, you don't know?"

"I'm sorry, lengshao. I really don't know..." Shen Qing wanted to cry, but suddenly realized something. Today is like Quan Yao's Memorial Day!

So, an shengxia should be in

"Lengshao, I know where midsummer is..."

Shen Qing stares at the cold night.

"Don't feel uncomfortable when you go to that place. After all, today is the man's Memorial Day..."

Shen Qingsheng is afraid of the cold night party and thinks more about it. He explains all the way, "in fact, midsummer is really a person who attaches great importance to feelings..."

"You mean she comes to see him at this time of year?"

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