"Well, because this day is the day when Quan Shao leaves. Although Sheng Xia accepts this fact, he will be sad on this day every year..." Shen Qing explains, "after all, if you really like it, how can you really forget it."

"It's just that I put that man in my heart." Shen Qing added.

"In fact, I don't think you need to be jealous of lengshao. After all, who hasn't had a past? Qianshao is the past of midsummer, but you are the future of midsummer." Shen Qing continued his efforts.

When the cold night comes to the tombstone, there is no an shengxia

"It's strange that people are not here." However, when Shen Qing saw the flowers in front of the tombstone, she happily said, "summer must have been here. There are flowers here. Except for her, no one will buy such colorful flowers."

Can an midsummer, in the end where?

"You go back first. I'll stand here alone for a while." Cold night said.

Shen Qing nodded and took the lead in driving away.

I don't know how long lengye has been staring at the tombstone. Shen Qing only thinks that lengye's eyes are a little penetrating.

"Midsummer, when did you get back to the cast?" Shen Qing cold night to see the truth of right Yao, told anshengxia, anshengxia fiercely surprised.

"I just came back, too. Why didn't I meet you all the way?" An shengxia asked unexpectedly.

"I guess the road is different." Shen Qing touched his chin, "I always feel that lengshao seems to be jealous. When he sees the tombstone, he looks very strange..."

"He will always know about it. I can't keep it from you all the time. In fact, he should have known it earlier. I'll have to explain it patiently." An shengxia's mood seems to be very low.

"Every year to today, you will have a fever and a cold, but this time, you don't seem to have any!" Shen Qing's unexpected discovery is that an shengxia's packing today is very good.

"Well, I'm sleepy now, and I want to rest." After an shengxia closed her eyes, she fell asleep.

At first, Shen Qing didn't feel that something was wrong.

But after that, an shengxia couldn't wake up.

"Sheng Xia, an Sheng Xia, are you ok?" Shen Qing keeps pushing an shengxia's body, but an shengxia refuses to give any response.

"Sheng Xia, don't scare me. You've accepted that Quan Shao left you. You said that you would never be sad again. You are ready to get married..." Shen Qing thought that an Sheng Xia was just too sad, but later, she didn't think so.

Because the sign of an shengxia is not a cold and fever, but a deep coma!

Shen Qing immediately contacted lengye

But the cold night is not in the service area!

No way, Shen Qing had to contact Chutian!

Chu Tian just received the call, then personally arrived at the crew, a will anshengxia on the car! But almost at the same time, I was caught in the cold night!

"Put her down." Push open the door, cold night a few steps will go to Chutian.

"I don't want to argue with you now. I just want to take her to the hospital." Chutian knows that we can't delay now.

I don't know why AXA is in a coma, so I have to go to the hospital. I'm racing against time.

"Since she is ill, you should give her to me." Cold night a hand, then pressed an shengxia's arm.

"But where were you when agent Shen contacted you?" Chu Tian hums coldly, "if you really care about her, I won't appear, because at that time, you can't get in touch at all!"

"I'm here now." Cold night gnaws a tooth way, "Chu little, you give me to let go."

"Now you have the heart to quarrel with me. Don't you know that her body is the most important now. If you delay, you won't be afraid of any adverse effect on her." The word of Chu is determined.

"She's my fiancee now, so I won't let you take her away." Cold night that vision, straight look to Chutian, irrefutable!

"You are just possessive, but not necessarily. You really care about her." Chutian only thought it funny. At first, he was not at ease. He gave an shengxia to lengye, and now he was even worse.

"I repeat, put her down." The sound of cold night is the last warning.

"If, I don't let go..." Chutian wanted to say nothing.

Cold night really, is to strong, from the hands of Chutian, will anshengxia away!

"Enough cold little, I don't have time to waste time with you now, she is in a coma, I don't know what the situation is, I just want to send her to the hospital now, but I can't believe you..." Chutian vicious way, "she is in your hand, coma, I think I can still believe you? It's all because you didn't take care of her. "

"So you think I can trust you?" Cold night suddenly feel ironic, an shengxia was ok, even last night, they were still sleeping together, but at the moment, just like a wounded spirit, close your eyes, can't feel anything, just like a cold corpse.

"When are you going to quarrel? Why don't you send an shengxia to the hospital first?" Shen Qing is very anxious. "If there is any accident in midsummer, you will really be happy, won't you?"

"Leng Shao has to stop me." Chutian's cruel way.

"You give her to me." Cold night did not give in.

"I really convinced you, at this time still have to quarrel..." Shen Qing is also no way, since the hand of Chu Tian took an shengxia.

"So, I take her to the hospital..." Shen Qing holds an shengxia and sits in the back seat.

I got directly into Chutian's car.

Cold night immediately pinched his arm, but still gritted his teeth, on the co pilot.

All the way, Chutian was racing wildly for fear of being a second late.

Shen Qing holds an shengxia's cold body, but she is not sure. What's the matter with you, an shengxia?

Sitting on the co pilot's seat, I look back from time to time in the cold night

But Ann still keeps her eyes closed.

When an shengxia was pushed into the operating room, everyone's heart seemed to stagnate!

"What's the situation now?" Miaomiao, hurry up!

Bo Yehan stands on one side, through a few familiar doctors, to understand the situation of an shengxia!

"I don't know yet, doctor Bo, they will try their best..." the nurse explained concisely that an shengxia had just entered the operating room, and everything was still unknown.

"How can you come to the hospital so well?" Li Ruoxi is very uneasy, walking back and forth in place, always feel uneasy.

On one side, Shen Ao just watched Li Ruoxi closely.

"Is it you?" Suddenly, Chutian came up to Li Ruoxi and looked at her coldly. "Originally, the heroine of this play should be Li Ruoxi, but later, it turned into an shengxia, so you have been unconvinced..."

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