Put Su ziye on the back seat. Ou Jingyue wants to drive in front, but he is stopped by Su ziye.

"Xiao Yue, listen to me," Su ziye said with difficulty, "Xiao Feng... Xiao Feng may come soon... If I go to the hospital... His body..."

"Xiaofeng needs to be taken care of. Don't you need it?" Ou Jingyue shouted loudly, "you also need a doctor!"

"I... nothing..."

"Su ziye!" Ou Jingyue yelled at him, "go to the hospital. Don't worry about anyone. Just go to the hospital!"

So many doctors can cure him!

It's gonna be okay!

"... i... no... nothing..."

"What's the matter?" Ou Jingyue cried in his voice. "Su ziye, if you dare to die, you'll break into the hell palace, and I'll pull you out!"

Su ziye looked at Ou Jingyue with tears in his eyes and smiled with nothingness, "Xiaoyue... Ask you... A... Question..."

"Shut up!"

"... do you... Think... I'm... A good... Good brother...?"

"Yes, you are!" oujingyue repressed the trembling in his voice. "Every time, whether I or Xiaofeng, we have something on our mind. We can't tell our parents, but we can tell you, because we trust you and think you are worth relying on. In our hearts, you are a good brother and a good brother worthy of our trust and dependence!"

Regardless of the tears in his eyes, Ou Jingyue said, "every time as long as we are in danger, no matter where you are and what you are doing, as long as we say a word, you will always catch up with us as fast as possible. Without your care, we would have died hundreds of times!"

"So... Don't die," said Ou Jingyue, like a helpless child with tears flowing down uncontrollably. "Brother midnight, don't die and live well, I beg you... Be selfish once, even once, think more about yourself and live well..."


"..." Ou Jingyue looked at him dimly with tears.

At the beginning of Su ziye, who was very weak, suddenly seemed to have changed a person. He actually sat up from the back seat, and his body was very straight, with a little pride in watching a good play on his face.

"Scared you?"

Ou Jingyue was really frightened. Regardless of his image, he wiped the tears on his eyes with his sleeves to make his eyes see more clearly.

Su ziye doesn't seem to be hurt, but there are so many blood stains on his clothes. Is this... A reflection?

"Midnight brother, you..."

Su ziye looked down at the blood on his body, "come on, let's go in and say, this is not a place to talk."

Ou Jingyue got out of the car.

However, Su ziye opened his hands to him.

"Why?" oujingyue looked blankly.

Although it is a good thing that midnight brother is not injured, he is worried that all this is his fantasy.

"Aren't you very strong? Come on, hold me," Su ziye said a little trickily. "If someone around the house sees that I'm not dead, it's bad."

Is that so?

Why does Ou Jingyue think the credibility is not high?

But at present, he has no choice. He would rather be fooled than Su ziye really has something to do.

So he reached out and hugged him. Although it was a little hard, he still hugged him all the way into the living room with the princess, ready to put it down, but Su ziye stopped him.

"Go to my room."

Ou Jingyue took him upstairs again, then kicked open the door of the room and walked in.

"All right, all right, put me down!"

Ou Jingyue put him on the chair.

Su ziye stood up and took off his clothes and trousers stained with blood.

"Go and get me a wet towel."

Ou Jingyue went to the bathroom, soaked the towel with warm water, dried it, came over and handed it to Su ziye.

Su ziye wiped off some blood stains on his body and revealed his skin without scars. However, there were many shallow skin injuries on his lower abdomen, but they were not deep. Even if they were not handled, it would be all right.

Therefore, Ou Jingyue was sure that Su ziye was really not hurt!

He really won't die!

"Are you kidding me?" Ou Jingyue seemed to finally react. "Are those blood fake?"

"Yes," Su ziye smiled, "I'm a doctor. I'm so ashamed of my injury. Didn't you find that my shirt is special?"

The blood is not his. He tied a blood bag on his body in advance and it will break if he touched it. This is what he specially asked Wen Hanxue to learn. He filmed all year round and is familiar with these props. As for the knife he gave Linda, it is also specially made.

There is a spring inside, which will retract when poked hard. Therefore, Su ziye's body is just a shallow wound.

Let Linda go. He's stupid enough. How can he really let himself die?

"What's going on?" Ou Jingyue sat in front of Su ziye and watched Su ziye deal with the wound on his lower abdomen.

"Xiao Feng is the experimenter of Kono's failure, and Linda is successful." Su ziye said faintly, "at the same time, there are many other people who are successful. They are controlled by Kono. If Kono doesn't give orders, they will always disguise as ordinary people."

Ou Jingyue frowned.

"Don't you always want to know what n172 is?" Su ziye looked up. "This is the model of those experimenters, and n172 is the final experimental result. I heard it's very powerful. You can act by yourself and have your own consciousness. If you get him, it's basically equivalent to getting God's help, so everyone is looking for it."

"What?" Ou Jingyue couldn't believe it.

"Unfortunately, many people in the underworld know that those who get n172 get the world, but no one knows what this is," Su ziye smiled. "This is a person. You all say it's funny on you. Isn't it funny?"

How can a living person be on them?

"Alone?" Ou Jingyue didn't quite understand. "Is this man... Very powerful?"

"It's said that his skill is not generally strong and his brain is very flexible. He's like a robot. However, no one knows where he is now. Therefore, don't let Kono go. If he contacts this man and becomes an enemy with us, we'll suffer again."

"What if you kill Kono?" said Ou Jingyue. "If you kill him tonight, can you eliminate future troubles forever?"

"I've let seven go."

"Seven o'clock?"

Su ziye smiled, "she has always wanted to win me into the Mafia, so what I asked him to do, he will try his best to complete it. The above account is to capture Kono alive. Whoever killed Kono will have trouble. Anyway, it's a trouble. It's better to throw it to the Mafia."

"..." tough enough!

Ou Jingyue thought, "where's Linda? She's from Kono. Now that Kono has been arrested, where has she gone?"

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