About Linda, when Su ziye met her in France from the beginning, she knew that she might not be simple. After all, Linda's obsession with her brother is too deep and is most easily used by Kono.

Moreover, Linda's brother died to protect Ou Jingyue. I believe Kono will not let Linda be so simple.

Therefore, Su ziye intends to keep her around and observe. If she is really okay, Su ziye will return Linda's favor. If Linda has something to do, Su ziye can kill her.

Su ziye's plan is that if Linda is a bad person, Su ziye will daze her, put a tracker and explosives in her body, and detonate the bomb and destroy everything when she enters Kono's laboratory.

This is the fastest and easiest way.

However, she still didn't have the heart to do it. I don't know why. Even if she knew that Linda's simplicity was not true, he still didn't have the heart to do it.

Finally, he made some soup to protect Linda's heart, strengthen her brain and help her get rid of the enemy's control. However, whether she can get rid of it depends on her own luck.

Su ziye has been very kind without killing her.

That night, Linda was lying on his operating table, but he only installed a tracker in the place where her body was most difficult to be found. The medicine that turned her body into a bomb was not used on her.

Knowing that there will be endless trouble, he finally

"She will come back to me." Su ziye sighed. "Her deepest obsession is to find her brother. As long as I send out the news, she will come back naturally."

"News?" Ou Jingyue frowned. "Isn't his brother dead? Why is she looking for you?"

"That year, I learned that you would be in danger when performing your task, so I rushed there immediately. However, when I arrived, it was too late. There was nothing else on the ground except fragmentary bodies. Then I found Linda's brother."

Su ziye sighed, "his heart still has a weak beat, so I took him back. Now he is still in my laboratory, but he is no different from the dead."

"Why do you know Linda's brother?" Ou Jingyue frowned. "Midnight brother, if my memory is correct, Linda's brother has always followed me, and you have already completed the training and left. Why do you know him?"

The training time is so long that Ou Jingyue hasn't seen Su ziye. How did Su ziye see Linda's brother?

"This......" Su ziye was thinking whether to tell him.

"Linda's brother is your man?" oujingyue guessed.

Otherwise, how could su ziye be so kind to save Linda's brother and try to cure him for so many years?

Does he seem so nosy?

"Linda's brother knows a lot. I've always wanted to heal him and let him tell me who hurt Xiao Feng, but my efforts over the years seem to be in vain. He's never sober up these years."

Su ziye's medical skills are no matter how high, but after all, he is a man, not a God. He doesn't want anyone to be okay.

"But now, he seems to have no use value." Su ziye smiled, "just throw it away."

"You can't bear it," asserted Ou Jingyue.

Su ziye disdained, "am I such a kind person?"

"Love always starts from never giving up." Ou Jingyue looked like he couldn't bear to push away Qiqi who deliberately hit him.

"You mean, I like Linda's brother?" Su ziye deliberately misinterpreted his meaning. "Do you also think I'm destined to bend?"

Ou Jingyue didn't answer his words. If he talked too much, he would hurt him.

At this time, a car sounded outside.

Su ziye regained consciousness and immediately went to the wardrobe to get his clothes. "It's Xiao Feng. His body was injected with the poison developed by Ran Ran. Now there must be side effects. Xiao Yue, go downstairs to pick him up and help him to my room."


Ou Jing walked downstairs faster and faster.

And Ou Jingfeng just walked to the door.

It was groping forward.

His eyes couldn't see anything. He groped forward. When he heard something, he thought it was Suzi's night.

"Brother midnight, my eyes can't see it again. Can I stay with you for a few days?" Ou Jingfeng smiled with blood on his body, but the smile on his face is still light and light. "Don't let my brother know, can you?"

Ou Jingyue walked over and held him, "I already know."

"..." Ou Jingfeng unconsciously stepped back.

However, he was held by Ou Jingyue.

"Elder brother?" Ou Jingfeng was obviously surprised, like a child who did something wrong. He was stunned and embarrassed. "Elder brother, are you there?"

"So every time you run out of Ranran's medicine, you ignore me because of the side effects of the medicine, not because you are angry with me?" Ou Jingyue thought he must be hating him and unwilling to see him, so he didn't go to Ou Jingfeng.

Originally, just because Xiao Feng didn't want him to know that he was in bad health, was he worried that he would feel guilty?

"Sometimes I'm angry," said Ou Jingfeng with a smile.

"Midnight brother is in the bedroom. I'll help you."

Ou Jingfeng was embarrassed to expose his shortcomings in front of his brother, so he behaved very well.

"Brother, I arrested Kono today." Ou Jingfeng said with some pride.

"Well, you're great," said Ou Jingyue, looking at the smile on his face and feeling a little sour. "Now, no one is threatening our Ou family."


"When you are well, come to the company with me. I'll teach you some management things." Ou Jingyue said faintly.

"OK, so when I can manage Euclidean, you can propose marriage in country D."

"Xiao Feng?" oujingyue didn't expect him to say so.

"Brother, bless you!" Ou Jingfeng stopped, "I wish you and Qiqi will always be so happy."

"..." although he was blessed, Ou Jingyue still felt guilty.

"These days, I've been thinking that if I were with Qiqi, maybe I would break up because of my different personality?" Ou Jingfeng smiled. "Although I don't know why I liked Qiqi so much before, I always think she's missing something when I grow up. It seems that she's not the person I'm looking for."

Ou Jingyue frowned and continued to listen.

"I think since Kono can destroy my health, he may have done something to my memory," Ou Jingfeng smiled. "Maybe I did like someone before, but it's not necessarily Qiqi. If I have fate, I'll meet that girl sooner or later."

Ou Jingyue knew that it was just comfort.

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