"Young master, it has been confirmed. The last online post was released by Miss Liu." Lu Dong reported truthfully after looking for someone to confirm.

"Go to Yiyi there!" Bo Jingyan said from beginning to end.

He couldn't figure out why Yiyi did such a thing! He promised Liu Yiyi that he would take care of her all his life.

After a while, the car stopped under the apartment building.

Bo Jingyan got off first and went straight to Liu Yiyi's apartment. But from the back, he was shrouded in an inseparable cold.

Lu Dong followed Bo Jingyan and knocked on the door of the apartment. No one opened the door.

The room was dark. Liu Yiyi went out to play until midnight last night. Now she was sleeping with her head covered. She didn't expect Bo Jingyan to come back at this time.

"Find someone to open the door!" Bo Jingyan was impatient and continued to wait. He directly asked Lu Dong to find the administrator of the apartment.

Ten minutes later, Lu Dong got the key to the apartment and opened the door.

In the dark room, the ground is covered with the clothes Liu Yiyi took off last night. Liu Yiyi is sleeping on the big bed.

"You wait outside now." Bo Jingyan squeezed his fist heart a little and ordered in a cold voice.

Lu Dong dared not neglect and left the apartment.

Bo Jingyan stood by the window and remembered Liu Yiyi in his mind, which was quite different from what he saw now.

The former Yiyi was educated and reasonable, gentle and dignified, and even saved him with his own life.

After a long time, Liu Yiyi finally woke up. She slowly opened her eyes and suddenly saw Bo Jingyan standing by the window.

"Jing Yan, why are you here?" she was so surprised that she covered her mouth and hurriedly explained: "Jing Yan, I couldn't sleep alone last night. I've been insomnia. I'm so sorry. I don't know when you came."

"You sent the post on the Internet?" Bo Jingyan turned around and his cold eyes fell on her.

Liu Yiyi's face turned white and her smile solidified.

She did it perfectly. How could Bo Jingyan know?

But now that she knew it, she could only try to beg him for forgiveness.

Liu Yiyi quickly got out of bed, packed up the clothes on the ground, went to Bo Jingyan and said softly, "sorry, Jingyan, I was confused for a moment. I'm sorry..."

"Confused for a moment?" a cold feeling flashed across the bottom of Bo Jingyan's eyes.

From the first day he stepped into the mall, he heard this sentence more than once. Anyone who said this to him came to no good end.

Bo Jingyan never thought that Liu Yiyi would say this to him one day.

"I remember I promised you that I would take care of you all my life. Why do you do such inferior things?"

"I......" Liu Yiyi's eyes turned red and got up to pull Bo Jingyan's sleeve. "I'm sorry, I'm jealous of that woman. Why can she be with you every day?"

"Loosen up!" Bo Jingyan suddenly shook off his sleeves, and the chill in his eyes was not relaxed at all.

He hated the insatiable woman and strode out without looking at her again.

"Jing Yan, I'm wrong. I shouldn't think so. Please forgive me." Liu Yiyi was thrown away, stood firm and followed up again.

She can't just give up.

If she let Bo Jingyan go, maybe she would never see him again in her life.

But no matter how hard Liu Yiyi tried, Bo Jingyan still threw her away and strode out in disgust.

No, no!

Liu Yiyi's heart was horizontal, and the whole person fell back. After a loud noise, she fell straight down.

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