Bo Jingyan heard the news and turned around to see the pale woman on the ground. He still couldn't bear it.

Liu Yiyi saved his life. He can't let anything happen to her again.

"Yiyi!" Bo Jingyan's eyes tightened and touched his forehead. Liu Yiyi's heart floated a smile. Bo Jingyan still cared about her after all.

She opened her eyes tremblingly, hugged Bo Jingyan and said, "I'm sorry, I really know I was wrong. I saw our photos published in the newspaper that day. I made a big mistake in a moment of confusion. I'm sorry."

Liu Yiyi specially mentioned that an Xiaoxi published the photos in the newspaper that day. Her implication was that an Xiaoxi and she did the same thing, and Bo Jingyan should not be treated differently.

Bo Jingyan's anger dissipated a lot just now. Maybe she was really confused for a moment.

How can the essence of a person who can sacrifice his life to save others be bad?

"It's all right. Do you hurt? I'll ask the doctor to come and show you." he took her to bed and called the doctor.

Liu Yi leaned in his arms and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This time, she understood that she could not take it lightly at any time in the future, otherwise she might lose Bo Jingyan's heart at any time.

"Jing Yan, I'll be obedient in the future." she clenched her mouth and rubbed Bo Jing Yan's shoulder.

The sunshine outside the window came in and shone on her cold face. Bo Jingyan seemed to see the kind and simple life-saving benefactor again.

He always accompanied her for an examination. After the doctor said it was ok, Bo Jingyan left the apartment.


In the editor's office of the newspaper, there was silence, only intermittent keyboard typing.

Chu Yue hasn't spoken since she took the breakfast given by an Xiaoxi.

She deeply understands that the complex workplace relationship is likely to offend people if she is not careful, and she is the only one who is willing to help her and accompany her on her birthday.

Chu Yue doesn't want to be an enemy with an Xiaoxi, but an Xiaoxi is too complicated. She doesn't know what the relationship between an Xiaoxi and Bo Jingyan and Bo Jingyan's assistant is from beginning to end.

She doesn't want to know. She can only talk less and do more to avoid making mistakes.

"Xiaoyue." an Xiaoxi opened her mouth several times to explain the scene in the morning, but she really didn't know where to start.

So until after work, Ann Xiaoxi still didn't explain anything. She could only sigh at the bottom of her heart, pack up her things and go back to the villa.

Once back to the villa, an Xiaoxi explained to old man Bo that he had spent his birthday with his colleagues last night.

"Male colleague or female colleague?" old man Bo's face became dignified and asked without thinking for the first time.

Should Xiao Xi finally realize that Bo Jingyan has only that face to see and plans to love him?

Ann Xiaoxi guessed Mr. Bo's worry, smiled and hugged his arm. "Grandpa, what do you think? Of course it's a female colleague."

"Oh, well, it's also good for Xiaoxi to make more friends." old man Bo relieved his worry, and they talked with each other one by one.

The next day, as soon as an Xiaoxi arrived at the company, he saw Chu Yuemo's fist wiping his palm like he wanted to say and stop, but he didn't say anything for a long time.

"Xiaoyue, if you have anything to say, just say it." Ann Xiaoxi really couldn't see it anymore and asked.

"Sister Xiao Xi, do you know Murong first?"

The previous experience made Chu Yue very cautious, afraid of causing any trouble.

After all, she hasn't figured out the relationship between an Xiaoxi and Bo Jingyan and Bo Jingyan's assistant.

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