"I can't reach it." Ann Xiaoxi looked back helplessly.

Bo Jingyan is sitting on the chair with his legs crossed, eating grapes and watching an Xiaoxi take his tie leisurely.

This man!

Ann Xiaoxi's fist was white. She really wanted to go up and give him two fists. It was bullying the weak.

She was so angry that she chopped her foot on the stool, stared at Bo Jingyan and repeated, "Hey, I said I can't reach it!"

Bo Jingyan put down his grapes, slowly wiped his hands, walked to the edge of the stool and said sarcastically, "didn't you eat when you settled down? Why are you so short."

"What?" Ann Xiaoxi took a deep breath and felt that it was about to burst. She bited her teeth and scolded, "you are tall, your family is tall, take your tie yourself, I won't serve!"

As soon as her voice fell, Bo Jingyan picked her up with one hand and pointed to the edge of the wardrobe on the top of an Xiaoxi, "grab that with both hands first, and then I'll hold you with a tie."

Ann Xiaoxi was very tired. She just wanted to end early and didn't think much. She grabbed the edge of the top of the wardrobe with her hands according to Bo Jingyan.

"What else?" she asked, seizing it exhausted.

Just then, Bo Jingyan suddenly let go. She was hanging in mid air, dragging the edge of the wardrobe with both hands, unable to go up and down.

"Hold on. You'll fall down as soon as you let go. Don't blame me for not reminding you."

Bo Jingyan's voice came. An Xiaoxi's teeth trembled with anger. "Bo Jingyan, you put me down!"

She should have thought of the man's lack of a tie. She must have been unkind, but now it's too late.

Looking at the ceiling not far away, an Xiaoxi's two arms began to sour.

She is too difficult. Why should she meet Bo Jingyan.

"I told you long ago that you are not allowed to stay outside after work. This is the end of your disobedience. Hang well." then he returned to his chair and ate grapes slowly.

An Xiaoxi's face turned red and her arms became more and more sour. She was nervous and afraid. Her eyes began to turn red and angrily scolded: "Bo Jingyan, you bastard! I asked you to let me down!"

"Son of a bitch? No woman has ever dared to call me that. You don't know how tall the sky is and how thick the earth is. Keep hanging."

Ann Xiaoxi's tears are about to fall. Bo Jingyan continues to make sarcastic remarks. She scolds Bo Jingyan a hundred times in her heart, but she has to find a way to go on.

"Bo Jingyan, you are so kind. Let me go."

"Kind? Someone just said I was a bastard."

"I have no eyes. I'm wrong. Can I apologize to you? Put me down." she said, tears falling into her mouth, astringent and bitter.

"After work, go home on time, do you hear me?"

Ann Xiaoxi nodded and didn't answer.

This kind of words can't be answered first. Wait until you go down, and then hang on it. She feels that her two arms are going to be wasted.

Bo Jingyan glanced at her crying face. He was going to hang her for half an hour, but now he can't bear it.

"I'm still pregnant with a child in my stomach. If you hang me like this, it may affect the fine genes of your thin family. In case the genes mutate..." an Xiaoxi sobbed and circled intermittently.

Bo Jingyan frowned and interrupted, "OK! That's all for today. If you dare to have another time, it's not so simple. Press the button at the bottom left. The cabinet can be lifted and lowered. Come down by yourself."

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