"What?" Ann Xiaoxi took a look. There was really a button at the bottom left. She wanted to find a tofu and kill her in an instant.

She never noticed that the cabinet was lifting. She hung it for so long.

She took a deep breath and held back her grievance, shame and anger. She pressed the button and came down from the top. She glanced at the thin Jingyan eating grapes on the side. She bit her teeth and wiped her tears while muttering in her heart: "eat, just eat hard. It's best if a grape seed chokes you."

However, God didn't help an Xiaoxi. Bo Jingyan not only didn't choke, but also was still alive.

After he went to the bathroom to wash, his strong body lay in bed, and the bed sank a lot.

"Come here." Bo Jingyan's terrible voice came from outside the quilt.

Ann Xiaoxi's back was cold and covered the quilt tightly, so she didn't hear it.

She bullied her all day as if to let her go. She just wanted to buy two bags of rat medicine to honor his old man one day.

Half a minute later, an Xiaoxi felt a strong force and picked her up. She grabbed the sheet with her hands and refused to move the ground, "you bully me all day, let go of me!"

However, Bo Jingyan made a little effort, her hands were clasped, and the whole person fell into his arms.

"You villain, you let me go! Well... I want to tell Grandpa that you bully me all day..." an Xiaoxi wiped her tears with her hands. The more she wanted to, the more angry she became, and the tears poured out recklessly.

She is a dignified adult. She is played by Bo Jingyan every day. Does she want face? I'm so angry.

"Isn't this coming down? Don't cry, be good?" Bo Jingyan coaxed patiently with his slender hands holding her face.

An Xiaoxi turned her head hard, "no, I just want to cry. You bully me and don't let me cry, huh..."

She was so free. Bo Jingyan didn't let her cry. The more she wanted to cry.

The cry is getting louder and louder. If it goes on like this, it may disturb old man Bo downstairs.

Bo Jingyan wiped the tears on her face and came out again after a while. He hooked her small face and explained: "as long as you have a brain, you should know that such a high wardrobe is lifting. Otherwise, how to take clothes and build a stool every day? You have Alzheimer's disease. You can't blame me for bullying you."

"Wow, even if you bully me, you say I have Alzheimer's disease!"

An Xiaoxi covered her face with her hands and peeped at Bo Jingyan's expression.

Bo Jingyan frowned and hung his hands in the air, trying to help an Xiaoxi wipe her tears, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, he was opened by an Xiaoxi.

A kind of confusion flashed in his dark eyes for the first time.

Bo Jingyan just wanted an Xiaoxi to remember that she was not allowed to stay outside in the future. Unexpectedly, the woman seemed to be really angry and kept crying.

"How can you stop crying? I'm full of you." he asked coldly, holding his chin in one hand.

An Xiaoxi was happy, and the two pairs pulled it off and looked at him skeptically, "really?"

"I lied to you?"

Who said no? Last time he was obsessed with Lu Lu, tricked her into leading the way and said he would promise her an interview. What was the result?

A liar!

However, an Xiaoxi dared not say this. If she did, Bo Jingyan would not agree to her request.

She fumbled back and forth with her fingers, glanced at his expression, gritted her teeth and closed her eyes, and said, "I'm going to work overtime tomorrow night. Can I come back later?"

"What?" as soon as the voice fell, Bo Jingyan's eyes immediately burst into cold light. "Are the people in the newspaper dead? Let you work overtime every day!"

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