"Bo Jingyan." an Xiaoxi suddenly shouted.

"Hmm? What's the matter?" Bo Jingyan was afraid that she was not comfortable, and hurriedly ran two steps over.

"I want to learn to ride a horse." she wants to feel the feeling of riding a horse and riding a horse under her body. Feel free.

Bo Jingyan was very happy that she was finally interested in the matter: "OK, when you give birth to a child, we will go to the equestrian class to apply for the exam."

An Xiaoxi looked down at her big belly: "can't she now?"

"Of course not now. It's too bumpy to ride, but it's OK to ride slowly on the horse."

"That's all right." an Xiaoxi's eyes flashed a moment of gloom, and then disappeared.

After riding the horse for two rounds, Bo Jingyan was afraid that she would be tired and helped her down to have a rest.

The farmer not only has two horses, but also has a large rose garden. It is a first-class rose, which is used to export all countries to make rose dew.

These roses are taken good care of and bloom every month.

Just this time, the flowering time was coming. The farmer just wanted to go to the rose garden to see the flowers in full bloom, and invited Bo Jingyan and an Xiaoxi.

An Xiaoxi was just not tired. They went to the rose garden together.

Ann Xiaoxi should have never seen such a big rose garden.

It's really too big. I can't see the edge at a glance. I can smell the fragrance of roses before I reach the edge.

The farmer kindly took a basket and signaled that an Xiaoxi could pick some favorite roses and take them back.

Ann Xiaoxi is naturally happy.

Ann Xiaoxi looks at the pink flowers. It's like being in the fairy tale world. Only the fairy tale world can have so many flowers, right?

She happily stretched out her hand to pick the most beautiful rose.

"Hiss..." Ann Xiaoxi was stabbed. Her fingertips hurt and took back her hand.

"What's the matter?" Bo Jingyan hurried over to check.

The tip of the index finger of the right hand was pierced with a small hole, and blood came out.

"Why so careless." Bo Jingyan painfully took out a paper towel and pressed the wound: "does it hurt?"

"It turns out that only the fairy tale world won't hurt..." an Xiaoxi whispered.

"What are you talking about?" Bo Jingyan didn't hear clearly.

She shook her head. "It's all right."

Bo Jingyan wiped off the blood stain and gently blew: "does it still hurt?"

"No more pain." Ann Xiaoxi took back her hand.

"No, let me see." Bo Jingyan picked up her hand again and observed it carefully.

The little hole was still bleeding, and he frowned painfully.

Bo Jingyan went to the farmer and asked for a band aid. Fortunately, someone always gets it in this rose garden, so there are band aids here all year round.

Stick it up for her. Bo Jingyan won't allow her to pick roses again.

"But I want to pick some and go back to the rose bath."

"Then you follow me. Which one do you like? Tell me I'll pick it." Bo Jingyan picked up the basket and walked ahead as if it were serious.

An Xiaoxi followed him quietly. Looking at him behind, his back was tall and broad, giving people a feeling that he could block the storm.

His appearance was impeccable and his family background was so good that so many women flocked to him, right?

Bo Jingyan didn't say when he saw her. He reached out and picked the flowers he thought were good. He even picked a lot all the way.

However, master Bo has never done such work. His hands are inevitably stabbed several times. Some blood stained on the rose petals, making them particularly dazzling.

"How about these?" Bo Jingyan showed her the flowers in the basket and deliberately put down his hand that had been stabbed several times.

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