An Xiaoxi took his hand and looked at the pricked marks on his fingertips. She looked up and looked at him with clear eyes: "Why are you so good to me?"

"Fool." Bo Jingyan pinched her round face: "no, Hello, who am I good to?"

Unfortunately, his kindness is not the only one to her.

"I'll get you a band aid." an Xiaoxi was about to leave and was held by Bo Jingyan.

"Don't bother. The flowers are almost picked. Let's go." Bo Jingyan took her hand and went home with a basket of fresh roses.

When he came back, the farmer also carefully told an Xiaoxi how to take a bath.

Ann Xiaoxi had nothing to do. After dinner, she began to deal with these flowers.

When it's done, it's just getting dark.

Ann Xiaoxi sprinkled the petals in the bathtub, took her clothes and planned to take a good dip to relax.

The fragrance of rose petals makes people tired, and the tense nerves begin to relax. An Xiaoxi bubbles on the water and lies comfortably in the bathtub.

Before a good soak, the door of the bath room was pushed open from the outside.

Ann Xiaoxi was startled. After seeing that it was Bo Jingyan, she felt inexplicable: "I'm taking a bath."

"I know." Bo Jingyan was so indifferent that he even began to hold his clothes in front of her.

"What are you doing? You want to take a bath and go to another bath room. It's not the only bath room."

"I also want to take a rose petal bath. I haven't done it yet." Bo Jingyan untied the two buttons on his shirt with his long sleeve fingers.

"Then you go to the bar, I won't go." an Xiaoxi wanted to get up and was pressed by Bo Jingyan.

"I'm kidding you. I'll come in and get a razor." he turned and took a brand-new razor out of the drawer under the washstand. "Don't soak too long. It's easy to catch cold." then he turned and went out and helped close the door of the bath room.

Ann Xiaoxi breathed a sigh of relief. Although she wanted to leave Bo Jingyan a good memory at last, she couldn't cross the heart.

Since grandma... She really can't open her heart to Bo Jingyan, and she doesn't know what happened.

Bo Jingyan took the razor and smiled bitterly. Then he threw the razor on the sofa.

Ann Xiaoxi soaked for half an hour. When the water temperature was almost up, she came out. She felt a little uncomfortable in her stomach and went to shout Bo Jingyan.

"Why is her stomach not comfortable?" Bo Jingyan was worried and squatted down to see her stomach.

"I don't know. I just feel very uncomfortable and tight." an Xiaoxi doesn't know what's going on. Taking a bath is a little uncomfortable.

"Won't it be born?" Bo Jingyan was not sure, and he didn't have this experience.

"It's still early, more than two months." she remembered the date.

They are worried. Bo Jingyan is wondering whether to go to the hospital, but foreign hospitals are not as convenient as domestic ones.

He watched an Xiaoxi's stomach move, as if something had crossed from inside.

He was stunned and looked carefully. An Xiaoxi's stomach began to move again, and the bulge of his stomach ran from here to there.

Ann Xiaoxi also felt: "it's fetal movement."

"What is fetal movement?" Bo Jingyan was confused.

"It's the baby doing exercise in the mother's belly." she hasn't felt it before, or maybe the little guy has little strength. This time, it's estimated that he followed her and made such a big move.

Bo Jingyan felt very magical, which was an essential beginning in his father's career.

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