People who can go to the Spring Festival Gala must have certain strength. She can make a very perfect vase at most. Forget the others to avoid embarrassment.

Seeing a very wonderful sketch, everyone was happy and smiled. Qin Xin suddenly screamed and startled everyone.

"Wife, what's the matter?" Qin Xin arched his waist and covered his stomach. At the critical moment, Wen Zeyu didn't know how to put his hands, and asked with concern.

"My stomach... Suddenly hurts..." Qin Xin also felt very scared. The sudden pain made her confused. She should not have done anything she shouldn't have done or eaten anything she shouldn't have eaten. How could she have a stomachache?

Because it was not due, neither husband nor wife thought about it. Everyone was frightened by the sudden changes, but also because they didn't know or thought of it at all.

"The amniotic fluid is broken. Contact the doctor quickly." fortunately, there were three experienced people on the scene. Lin Yufen was the first to notice the amniotic fluid flowing from the trouser leg.

The Wen family has their own hospital under their name. It's almost due. They're going to live in the hospital after new year's Eve dinner and new year's Eve. They wait quietly for production, but now they need to go ahead of time.

Fortunately, it is their own family industry. After a phone call, experts and professors have made all preparations, and the ambulance arrived at Wen's old house within 20 minutes.

Only two parents are allowed to accompany him in the ambulance. Wen Zeyu accompanied Qin Xin to the hospital first. The others are going to ask the driver to take him to the hospital together.

When all of them arrived at the hospital, Wen Zeyu had accompanied Qin Xin into the delivery room. We didn't know whether the situation was good or bad. Everyone was very worried.

"It hasn't reached the production period yet. I don't know if there will be any problems." Lin Yufen is very nervous because Qin Xin's health has not been very good.

And at the beginning, the child was almost exiled. Naturally, parents were very worried. Lin Yufen's eyes were always wet when she entered the hospital.

"There should be no problem. It's just a few days earlier than the expected date of delivery. It will be safe for mother and son." he Shujuan is also worried, but she is still more rational and doesn't want to think bad.

"I hope so." Lin Yufen nervously paced back and forth in the corridor. She didn't know what the operation was like. Was it a natural birth or a caesarean section? Qin Xin didn't eat anything at night, and he didn't know whether he had the strength to produce.

Originally, everything was planned very well, and all doctors were always ready, but it was an accident, so they were so nervous and anxious.

"The doctors here are top experts and there will be no problem." Wen Leiting is still as serious as usual, but people who know him know that he will be very serious only when his mood fluctuates greatly.

An hour later, the lights in the operating room were still red. No doctor came out to explain the situation to them. The atmosphere outside was extremely depressed. It should have been a happy thing.

"Who, who, whose child won't take an hour or two? I spent most of the day giving birth to Danjiang. It'll be fine. Giving birth to a child is a very happy thing. Let's not make such an expression. We should believe that nothing will happen."

Jiang Yue doesn't like this oppressive atmosphere. The onlookers are clear. She's not as worried as they are. She's coming. She should be happy rather than worried. At least she shouldn't be such a sad expression.

"Yes, what my mother said is not wrong. We should be happy to welcome a little life." everything has happened. Just wait for the results quietly. In this blank time, we should not make any bad plans.

The mobilization of Wenquan Creek and Jiang Yue played a little role. To meet the little life, we really shouldn't be sad. Although the atmosphere is still tense, it has more become a hidden expectation.

"Congratulations, you are a young lady, and your mother and son are safe." everyone standing here today can be said to be a big man. When the attending doctor came out, he was stunned. I can only say congratulations.

"Can we go to see them now?" everyone was relieved to hear the doctor's reply. Lin Yufen couldn't wait to see her granddaughter.

However, because the due date of delivery has not been reached, for the sake of insurance, newborns still need to be observed. They can't meet for the time being, and parents also need to rest.

It's a pity to get this news. The mother and son are safe. It's enough to make people happy. Children can go to the incubator to see it. Don't worry.

At this time, the bell of the new year rings, and the new year has come.

"The little girl is really in a hurry. It's a good day for the end of new year's Eve and the arrival of new year's Day!" Shan Jin clapped her hands and expressed her wishes.

"My great granddaughter, of course, is blessed." Wen Leiting laughed. There was another baby at home. Their family liked girls more. Now they can do it.

"You have to go to hell. I want a great granddaughter tomorrow," said Shan Jin jokingly. He heard a strong meaning in Wen Lei's mouth.

"I'm going to get angry. What's the matter?" Wen thunder gave Shan Jin a white eye. He was still one step faster than him, and a strong sense of superiority came into being in a moment.

It just comes from contempt for the rival in love. There are no other thoughts and feelings.

The two quickly entered the state of bickering. Everyone laughed without saying anything and looked at it quietly.

"The little lady has been sent to vip15 for rest. After the little childe is sent to the incubator, he will also be sent to vip15 for rest. You can wait upstairs."

The nurse came out to inform the current situation. Originally, the incubator should be placed together for easy management, but this hospital is opened by their family, so it's not impossible to open a special case for them.

"Let's go now." he Shujuan took the lead in entering the exclusive elevator. The elevator can't hold so many people, so she went in two batches.

Qin Xin was probably too tired from production. Now he was still asleep. As soon as he entered, Wen Zeyu made a silent move.

Every mother in the world is great. She was afraid that Qin Xin's body would not support her, so she was ready to break the abdominal birth. However, because the palace mouth had been opened, Qin Xin temporarily decided to give birth naturally.

Looking at his wife's pain in bed, Wen Zeyu could only hold her hand tightly and give her speechless strength. Wen Zeyu himself had already closed his eyes in her heart rending cry.

I can't bear to watch. I just hate that it's not myself lying there.

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