"How's she doing now?" having children is a very physical and physical thing. Qin Xin's health is not very good. Lin Yufen always keeps it in mind and doesn't dare to relax.

"The doctor said she was just tired. She was really too tired." Wen Zeyu's voice was still choking, which had not been relieved from Qin Xin's pain.

He wants Qin Xin to bite himself to relieve the pain. Qin Xin knows it's him. He always shakes his head and prefers to bite his lips. Wen Zeyu is glad that he didn't miss the woman who loves him so much.

At the moment the child was born, the sharp cry pierced the night sky and exceeded Qin Xin's voice, but Wen Zeyu didn't hear it. He only saw Qin Xin finally calm down and a smile on his mouth.

But he didn't give him any response, so he fell asleep. He anxiously asked the doctor. The answer was that she was too tired, so she needed a good rest.

Now I don't know how long it took. Qin Xin hasn't woke up. Qin Xin's production is really very smooth. It only took about two and a half hours. Some people may not be able to give birth even if they were born for a day and a half.

"Zeyu..." Qin Xin heard the voices around him. He didn't open his eyes, so he grabbed the people around him.

When she was just giving birth, the feeling of pain made her feel whether she was going to leave the world. She pulled Wen Zeyu in fear and called his name in fear.

The air was suddenly quiet. Qin Xin was afraid whether he had come to other worlds, so he subconsciously shouted Wen Zeyu's name.

"I'm here, wife, I'm here. Keep your voice down. Now you need to rest. I can hear you." Wen Zeyu quickly got up and approached her face.

"Where's our child?" it's a mother's instinct to care about her child subconsciously. Qin Xin just heard the child's cry, and the pain eased for a moment. She put down all her feelings and went to sleep.

Wen Zeyu focused on Qin Xin. Seeing that she didn't respond, he quickly went to the doctor. The nurse didn't hear what he said to him, so he didn't even know whether he had a son or a daughter.

I didn't notice until now that the child just born to my wife is missing. Yes, people are coming. What about the child? Wen Zeyu can now say that his IQ is zero. Everything came so unprepared.

Looking at them with a confused face, Lin Yufen stepped forward and said that the child had just been sent for observation and would be sent right away. The three members of the family could be reunited.

Just then, the nurse came in with the incubator.

"This is your baby. He is very healthy and all indicators are very normal. He is put in the incubator. Just for safety, you just need to pay attention not to make a noise. The baby still needs to rest."

"Here, here..." Wen Zeyu pointed to Qin Xin. Qin Xin smiled reassuringly. At first, she thought it was her physical problem like everyone else.

"We have a daughter." Qin Xin shed tears of joy. For the sake of the child, she was frightened every day. Whenever there was pain here and there, she would feel useless. Now she has come to the end.

"This is a happy thing. Don't shed tears. Our daughter and I will be sad." Wen Zeyu kissed Qin Xin's tears from the corners of his eyes.

As a man, he let his women suffer like this. He was happy when his daughter came, but he was more ashamed. He also told himself silently in his heart that he must be better to them in the future.

After clarifying a series of precautions, the head nurse left at ease. Everyone consciously surrounded the incubator like a curious baby.

Maybe it's because it's not time for the birth date. The baby curled up in the incubator is the safest form in the mother.

"What a magical feeling. Look at her. She's so small." Wenquan River pulls the corner of Shan Jiang. She's so small. She grew so big from such a small point. Everyone is like this.

"She's not small anymore. She's a little fat girl with a full weight of 8 Jin and 2 liang." I just heard from the doctor that 8 Jin and 2 liang are not small.

Everyone wants to hold the baby, but across the incubator, they can only express their joy and love through a layer of glass.

"Our granddaughter is very much like Zeyu when she was a child. It was carved out of a mold." Lin Yufen excitedly took her husband. Now she is also a grandmother. She looks forward to the stars and the moon, and finally comes.

Like when my brother was a child? The child didn't even show his face, his eyes didn't open, and his little hands were still curled up around his mouth. Can you see that? The hot spring stream doesn't understand.

"I don't think it's very similar. Don't all newborn children look the same?" she passed the newborn in the incubator when she came to the hospital.

From a distance, they were all the same little things. They left before they came close and looked carefully, but it gave her the feeling that they all looked the same.

"That's because it hasn't opened yet." having no time to take into account the curiosity of the hot spring stream, he casually dealt with it and moved his eyes to the baby.

"Has the baby got a name?" Shan Jin also likes girls very much, but there is no way. The family is all Shan Chuan's sons. Now she is jealous.

"Warmth, affection." Wenquan stream suddenly remembered and shouted out.

The quilt covers Jiang's mouth. Loud noise is prohibited in the ward. Pregnant women and children need to rest. His baby is used to it and doesn't notice it.

He is not so nervous at ordinary times, nor does he feel how important the child is, but when he sees the baby so small, he feels inexplicably nervous.

"I'm sorry." Wenquan Creek stuck out his tongue. When he was happy, he was easy to distinguish the surrounding environment. Looking at the baby, he didn't cry, said less, and didn't mean to blame, so he lowered his head.

"Qing Qing, the name was taken by the baby? Qing Qing, Qing Qing..." Qin Xin, who was shaking up and sitting, liked the name very much and kept talking in his mouth.

"Yes, I took it, isn't it very nice?" Wenquan stream quickly pointed to himself, which can be regarded as a great credit!

The family often denied her IQ and thought she was dull, but this time I should be able to look at her with new eyes.

"It sounds good. My baby is very powerful. There is a big baby at home. Now there is another baby..."

Knowing the child's name, everyone kept calling in turn. I don't know if the child was tired of listening. He changed his posture and covered his ears.

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