After Wenquan Creek put on her makeup, she left the dressing room with Betty. Betty is going to play outside, while Wenquan Creek is going to shoot scene a.

While opening the door, sister Wang was hurrying in and bumped into the hot spring stream.

That disgusting and disgusting expression stared at the hot spring stream for a while before passing her.

Hot Spring Creek thought to herself, did sister Wang know what happened to her neck?

However, clearly her trace has been covered by Betty. Did Liu Yimin tell sister Wang?

Maybe, sister Wang may not know. She always thinks she's upset.

Wenquan stream didn't care, so he went straight to find Zhang Dawei.


After sister Wang entered the dressing room, she gave Xiao Yang and some assistants a look, and they went out in dismay. Sister Wang went to the door again and locked the door.

"Yimin, Yimin." sister Wang walked quickly to Liu Yimin and said, "Yao Xiang sent me a video."

"Take out your cell phone and show it to me." Liu Yimin said anxiously.

"I want to see it too, I want to see it too." Tan Linlin also came up curiously.

Then, the three people surrounded and stared at sister Wang's mobile phone together. They looked at it carefully and couldn't turn their eyes.

The video is when Shan Jiang sent Wenquan Creek back at noon. Because Shan Jiang didn't get off the bus and the scene in the car can't be seen outside, the video only captured the picture of Wenquan Creek jumping out of the car, then closing the door, pointing his middle finger and sticking out his tongue to the people in the car.

There was no picture of single river in the whole process, only one person in Wenquan river. However, what Wenquan Creek did in the video shocked the three women present.

"Wenquan Creek, dare you stand up your middle finger and stick out your tongue to Mr. Shan?" Tan Linlin wiped her eyes, watched the video again and asked in surprise.

"This car is Mr. Shan's car. You're right. She did these two actions to Mr. Shan." Liu Yimin was stunned for a while, recovered and said coldly.

"My God, how can it be? How can this woman be so vulgar?" sister Wang looked at the video incredulously and asked incredulously, "how can president Shan have a special liking for such a woman?"

"Sister Wang, you just weren't there, you know?" Tan Linlin's small eyes turned, then approached sister Wang's ears and whispered, "when Wenquan Creek just made up, there were strawberries on the collarbone of her neck. Isn't it clear who was in it?"

Sister Wang covered her mouth in surprise and couldn't speak.

"Linlin, was hot spring Creek so vulgar before?" Liu Yimin stroked his forehead and asked.

Tan Linlin thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "yes, Wenquan Creek was like this when she went to school. She was careless, crazy, liked handsome guys and dull. Her grades were a mess. I've been filming outside and did better than her at the end of the term. I thought her brain was abnormal before. Maybe she had a wrong nerve."

"However, since she got to the crew, she hooked up with President Shan. I don't know where she hooked up with Wen Zeyu of Wen's group and had an unclear relationship with Childe Qin. Later, she became brother to Li Yuansheng. I knew that I was wrong about her." Tan Linlin shook her head and said gnashing her teeth: "Her previous simplicity must be pretending. She is a schemer, green tea bitch. Once she has a chance, she will climb up than anyone else."

Liu Yimin listened to tan Linlin, nodded and said, "Linlin, you are smarter than ever. Remember, she is definitely not a fuel-saving lamp."

"The day she's here is the obstacle to your star path." Liu Yimin reminded coldly.

"Hum! She can't compare with me!" Tan Linlin turned her eyes fiercely and said gnashing her teeth. "Her acting skills are so poor that even with the entertainment of he Qiulian and Hager, she can't stay in this circle for a long time. She must want to marry a rich family with the help of the springboard of the entertainment circle."

"But do you think she will marry into a rich family?" Liu Yimin sneered faintly and said sarcastically: "whether it's the single family, the Wen family or the Qin family, which one will want a woman like her? It's possible for Li Yuansheng. After all, isn't his family very poor? However, do you think Li Yuansheng will marry a little actor?"

"How could it be?" sister Wang answered with an expression of disgust. "I heard that he was in love with the daughter of XX family. It sounds good. In fact, he was kept. Later, the daughter was tired of it, so she dumped him. The most important thing is that the daughter looks like pig Bajie."

"Pig Bajie? Ha ha..." Tan Linlin imagined a fat pig woman in her mind and couldn't help laughing.

"If Wenquan Creek could be with Li Yuansheng, it would be fun!" Tan Linlin thought and said.

"What's on your mind?" sister Wang glanced at Tan Linlin and said, "do you think Wenquan Creek is a fool? Don't put it with Shan and stay with Li Yuansheng? If you were such a fool, you wouldn't do that?"

"Yes, too." Tan Linlin nodded reflexively, stunned for a while, reacted, angrily pointed to sister Wang and said, "sister Wang... You... Who do you say is stupid?"

"Who else can it be?" sister Wang rolled her eyes and ignored Tan Linlin.

Tan Linlin was furious.

"You two stop!" Liu Yimin said silently, then looked at sister Wang and asked, "sister Wang, Yao Xiang didn't hear anything else? I gave 200000 this time! 200000, is this a sky high price?"

When Liu Yimin was so popular, many paparazzi came to follow her. Finally, Fang Jun sent someone to send her away. Some took tens of thousands, some took thousands, and the most seemed to take 100000.

Therefore, she thinks that 200000 to track a small artist is already a sky high price in the entertainment industry.

As everyone knows, the current market is not what she can imagine. Yao Xiang still has a big news in his hand. He will never easily take it out and count it into this transaction of only 200000.

"Oh, Yimin, don't worry. Yao Xiang just started working today!" sister Wang patted Liu Yimin on the shoulder and persuaded him, "I've told him to be serious this time, otherwise, I'll tell him that we'll make him unable to stay in the entertainment industry."

"Can't get along? How can we do this? Yao Xiang is a very powerful paparazzi!" Liu Yimin frowned and said discontentedly, "what if you offended him?"

"I... am I also excited for a moment? I'll say good words to him next time!" sister Wang scratched her head and ate a lot of stuffy farts.


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