At five o'clock, Shan Jiang appeared on the set on time, and many female staff and actresses flattered.

"Shan is always good!"

"Shan Zong is good! Did you come to pick up the stream?"

"Mr. Shan, long time no see."


Several soy sauce actresses who think they are very charming are flirting in front of Shan Jiang. They are eager to be like hot spring Creek. Sheets are always favored by golden diamond men like this. Even if they keep them, they can be mistresses instead of girlfriends.

Even one night!

Such a man is perfect. How can he be given by the hot spring stream that wants to have a body without a body, a chest without a chest, and acting without acting?

In fact, there are many people jealous of Hot Spring Creek on this set.

"Shan Jiang!"

The hot spring stream gave a shout of breath.

She has packed up and is ready to go to the gate of the set and wait for Shan Jiang to pick her up. Who knows, she saw him staying with several charming actresses in the crew, talking and laughing.

Wenquan Creek felt a fire burning in her stomach and couldn't help shouting Shan Jiang's name.

When several actresses saw that the main palace was coming, they couldn't help but consciously step back. They stepped back to the single river in the middle of Wenquan river.

"Baby. Angry?" Shan Jiang was in a good mood when he saw the burning flame in the eyes of Wenquan Creek.

"No? How could it?" Wenquan Xi PI laughed and said loudly, "come on! My parents are still waiting for you, Xiaojiang. Have you prepared a gift?"

In particular, the three words "Xiaojiang" almost disgusted Wenquan Creek itself.

She took a demonstrative look at several actresses, but the actresses felt that she was showing off triumphantly.

How could president Shan visit his parents in Wenquan creek? It must be this hot spring stream that wants to boast. She is a woman who is played with. How can she always marry the sheets home?

"Good!" Shan Jiang touched the small head of Wenquan stream without hesitation. When he heard her soft and cute call him Xiaojiang, his mood was happy to bloom.

"The first time to see my father-in-law and mother-in-law," Shan Jiang said with a smile.

"OK! Let's go!" with that, Wenquan stream dragged Shan Jiang's arm forward.

Of course, Shan Jiang was happy to be dragged by her. They stuck together and left the set together.

After they had gone for a while, several actresses finally recovered.

"Did you hear what Mr. Shan said just now?"

"He said that he had prepared rich gifts for his first visit to his father-in-law and mother-in-law!"

"He, he also called Hot Spring Creek baby."

"Father in law and mother-in-law, is Wenquan Creek going to marry into the single family?"

"What the hell is this?"

"Is Mr. Shan blind? Should he marry a little artist who is not famous?"

"Big news, it's really big news. I'm going to tell others."

"Me too. I want to tell Yang Xiaoyu and Wang Xueni to go."


"What are you talking about?" Liu Yimin widened her eyes and shouted unbelievably.

"Yes... It's true... Liu Yanyan heard it with their own ears and saw it with their own eyes." sister Wang was startled by Liu Yimin and said tremblingly.

"How could this happen? Wenquan river is going to marry Shan family? Wenquan river is going to marry president Shan?" Tan Linlin couldn't believe it. She held her head in her hands and shouted in surprise.

"Come on! Come on!" Liu Yimin shook her head and commanded, "call Yao Xiang and ask him to find out for me! Find out!"

How? How can president Shan marry the rotten woman Wenquan creek?

may not!

As soon as sister Wang took out her mobile phone, there was a new wechat, a video sent by Yao Xiang.

In the video, Wenquan Creek and Danjiang stick together. The whole process is like a pair of conjoined babies. They are not willing to separate until they take the car.

"Ah, ah --"

Liu Yimin scarlet her eyes jealously and threw all the cosmetics in front of her on the ground.

"Sister Yimin, don't worry, don't worry." Tan Linlin couldn't believe this. She comforted herself and Liu Yimin. She said, "maybe it's forced marriage by Wenquan creek? How could the single family want her kind of trick girl who hooks three and four?"

"Hook three and build four?" Liu Yimin said faintly. Then, he silently showed a cunning look and said sarcastically: "hum, if Wenquan Creek could marry into a single family, I wouldn't believe Liu."

"Yes, yes! I don't believe she can marry into the single family? How can Shan Jiang want an obscene woman like her to be his wife?" Tan Linlin nodded and said seriously.


After Wenquan Creek got into the car, he immediately changed his face, cold face and didn't speak.

This man is so disgusting.

I kissed her at noon, and now I flirted with other women.

It's shameless!

Bitch man!

"Baby? Huh? Jealous?" Shan Jiang asked jokingly with joy.

"Who... Is jealous?" Wenquan stream angrily denied and accused, "You cheap man! You shameless playboy, aren't you tired of flirting with so many women?"

Although Wenquan stream was scolding him, Shan Jiang felt like a warm spring breeze blowing through his heart.

"Do you really see me flirting with other women? Don't wrong others..." Shan Jiang looked innocently at Wenquan stream and said.

"You..." Wenquan Creek looked at such an aggrieved Shan Jiang and got goose bumps.

He, what's going on?

It's like... A little pain!

"Shan Jiang." Wenquan Creek shouted, and then said seriously, "you look like a little victim who was stabbed with chrysanthemums. For your poor sake, I won't care about you."

Well, he really doesn't seem to flirt with others.

It's just those women around him.

Although Wenquan stream was a little angry, it all disappeared when it saw Shan Jiang's miserable appearance. Although she didn't know why she was angry.

"Wen, Bao, Bao." Shan Jiang's face turned black and shouted with gnashing teeth.

"Hmm?" Wenquan Creek blinked and looked at him innocently.

"Oh, oh, oh..."

The next second, her mouth was blocked by someone.

After a fierce, the hot spring stream finally breathed fresh air, gasped and looked angrily at someone who was elated.

"You - Shan Jiang, you are so hateful! You are inhuman! You are so bad! You......" Wenquan stream angrily accused with a slightly swollen mouth.

Someone spread his hands, looked innocently at the hot spring stream and jokingly said, "I just want to prove that I'm not a little hurt."

Yes, full of attack!


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