"What?" Li Xiaohan was shocked.

Night battle did not speak, still staring at him.

"Do you want me to trade my life for my life?" Li Xiaohan guessed what he meant. "I have no enemies with you. What do you want my life for?"

"I want you to stay and inherit my foundation." the night battle said no more, "as long as you promise, I'll let him go!"

"..." Li Xiaohan's brain exploded, and the whole person was stunned, "what do you mean? Did I hear you right?"

"Up to now, you don't know anything?" the night battle shook the high foot glass and said in a low voice, "why did Li Xiaodong and night condensate save you? You think it's really just a coincidence?"

"What do you want to say?"

Li Xiaohan narrowed his eyes and stared at the night battle without blinking. Across the distance of ten meters, he sat at the other end of the long table. In the dim light, his face with a dark green mask looked strange, but his eyes glittered with strange light.

"Come here," the night battle pointed at him.

Li Xiaohan hesitated and walked slowly towards him. The closer he approached, Li Xiaohan could see more clearly. Although he was wearing a mask and couldn't see clearly, he had a special sense of familiarity with his body shape, outline and spirit.

This feeling made Li Xiaohan inexplicably frightened. He stopped at a distance of two meters and didn't dare to approach again.

"Why? Scared?" night battle sat in a chair in a proud posture, holding a wine glass in one hand and slowly extending to his mask in the other hand. "Don't be afraid. Come closer and you can see more clearly."

Li Xiaohan was very confused and didn't understand what he meant.

Until the night battle took off his mask and showed a familiar face

Li Xiaohan was shocked and completely stunned

Looking at the night battle, it's like seeing yourself twenty years later. In addition to having more beards and looking more vicissitudes, the night battle is almost the same as Li Xiaohan

"Well, is it like looking in the mirror?" night battle smiled at Li Xiaohan, "do you understand now?"

"I... I..." Li Xiaohan couldn't speak excitedly. "How could this happen? Who are you?"

"Your mother never mentioned me to you?" the night battle smiled coldly, with a strange and cold laughter. "Well, she shouldn't mention it. After all, she hated me. She refused to be with me at the beginning, and hid it from me when she was pregnant. She would rather take your difficult life alone, refuse to contact me, and finally die..."

"You... What do you mean?" Li Xiaohan said incoherently excitedly. "You mean, you mean..."

"Don't you understand? Your adoptive mother Chu Yunfei is your biological mother." night battle stared into his eyes and said word by word, "and I... Is your father!!!!"

"What?" Li Xiaohan was shocked and stunned. A bang in his head echoed the words of the night war repeatedly like an explosion

"Surprised?" the night battle looked at him, What every act and every move every word and action I have made is as like as two peas in my childhood. I am very surprised when Li Xiaodong told me, so I let you take the night cream and bring you to your place. I am clear about what you said and done. When you were young, you looked very much like me, almost the same. Not only did you look alike, you even had a temper like character, but it didn't mean anything, so I let people go last night, "he said." I was very happy to see you in San Francisco. The hotel took your blood sample and it was verified that it was true... You are my son and my only son in the world at night!!! "

Hearing these words, Li Xiaohan's mind was in a mess. He thought of his mother and tried hard to raise and take care of him, but he repeatedly reminded him to keep a low profile and restrain his edge. He was obviously very excellent. At the age of 16, he was given priority in admission to famous foreign schools, but she didn't let him go and asked him to stay at home to go to school.

He took part in some international competitions and won many awards. She was not only unhappy but also scolded him. He developed software himself and got a patent bonus. Large companies bought it at a high price, but she was furious

There are too many such experiences. In short, from childhood to adulthood, his mother suppressed his edge and asked him to be an ordinary person. He didn't even let him go abroad and make him famous. He didn't understand why, but he respected his mother's choice. He would rather put down all his talents and wash the car in a car wash shop to make money to supplement his family, rather than dare to win any more awards

He once asked his mother why, but her mother refused to say. He speculated that there might be some enemies in their family who had great power. His mother was afraid that he would be found by his enemies and lead to great disaster, so she suppressed him.

This question has been hidden in my heart for decades, and now it has finally been revealed. It turns out that his biological father is a dark demon night battle that people are afraid of!

Now, Li Xiaohan finally understands why Leng Zhiyuan wanted to break him up with Leng Xingyue. Even if Leng Xingyue hated him all his life, he would not let them together. It turns out that Leng Zhiyuan knew his life experience and didn't want his daughter to have any relationship with the dark Empire, so he tried every means to obstruct

And Li Xiaodong. It was no accident that he saved Li Xiaohan.

Li Xiaodong knew the existence of Li Xiaohan for a long time. He specially rushed to Haicheng to save him. He wanted to cultivate him and become his own chess piece in the future. He could use it at the critical moment

All the answers are here!!!!

"It's shocking, isn't it?" the night battle hooked his lips and smiled. "It's understandable. After all, I have a special identity. When my son is destined to have an extraordinary life!"

"Is there any misunderstanding?" Li Xiaohan still refused to believe it. "Those people took away my blood last night. When I fought with them, I hurt two people, and they also shed a lot of blood, maybe, maybe..."

"How can I make a mistake about such a thing?" the night battle shouted unhappily. "Your reaction seems to be unwilling to accept this fact. Why? Is it humiliating to be my son?"

"I......" Li Xiaohan couldn't say a word. Yes, he still didn't want to accept the fact. He couldn't believe that the night battle was his father. It was incredible.

"You can't accept it, and you can't help it. That's the fact." the night battle announced, "you have my night battle blood flowing in your body. You are my only successor in the world!"

Li Xiaohan's mind was very confused. He sorted out his thoughts as quickly as possible and looked up at the night War: "so, what do you mean?"

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