"The son inherits his father's work!" the night battle didn't waste any words. "Li Xiaodong's and mine will all become you alone. I want you to become the first in the world, which no one can match!"

"It's not mine, I don't want it." Li Xiaohan was very decisive. "As long as you don't do damage, I can stand at the top of the world with my own ability! In fact, I'm very close now..."

"It's just close. It's thousands of miles away from the top." the night battle smiled coldly, "yes, you inherited my genes. You have perseverance, wisdom and bravery in your bones. You can do well with your own strength, but how long will it take? When you're old? At that time, everything will be missed..."

Speaking of this, I have some feelings about the night battle, "If I had been so strong twenty-seven years ago, I wouldn't have watched your mother leave, nor would I have known you until now. At that time, she didn't want to follow me. I thought, I licked blood on the tip of the knife every day, so I let her go. Life is like this. Time doesn't wait, and opportunities are fleeting."

Looking at the sadness in the eyes of the night battle, Li Xiaohan was touched. It seems that he still has feelings for his mother

"I know it's a big deal for you. I won't force you. You can think about it slowly and reply to me when you figure it out." the night battle took back your emotions and changed the topic. "Now there's a more important thing to do."

"What?" Li Xiaohan found that the murderous spirit in the eyes of the night battle came back. He had an ominous premonition.

"Revenge first!"

The night battle clapped his hands as he spoke. Several people in black immediately came with a man. The man was blindfolded and blocked his ears. He could not see or hear, but Li Xiaohan recognized it at a glance.

"What are you doing?" Li Xiaohan asked in amazement.

"Li Xiaodong used you, humiliated you and used you as a chess piece..." the night battle handed Li Xiaohan a gun and looked at him, "kill him!"

"You..." Li Xiaohan opened his eyes in amazement. He didn't expect that the night battle would make such a request.

"Why? Are you still reading his life-saving grace?" night battle frowned and shouted angrily, "Haven't you figured it out yet? Li Xiaodong and ye ningshuang stared at me everywhere. At first, they heard about your mother's whereabouts and specially went to Haicheng to find your mother and son. When they found that you were ready to leave, they immediately chased after you. When they met you in an accident on the road, they didn't rescue you immediately. Instead, they drove over and found that you were the person in the car, so they came back to save people ……”

"What?" Li Xiaohan was shocked. He never thought there was such an inside story. At that time, he vaguely saw a car passing by and thought it was Leng Zhiyuan. Now he knows that it is night frost and Li Xiaohan

"Do you really think they are good people?" the night battle sneered. "They just didn't save at first because they knew that the trapped person was my son, so they saved you, and they saved you just to let you be their chess piece and use it against me one day."

"I know all the gratitude and resentment between you and Li Xiaodong over the years. At first, he trained you just to take it for his own use. Later, he found that you have superior ability and can't control it. He was afraid that you would seize the family property, so he kicked you out. When you are self reliant and start the business, he began to make profits and take advantage of everything. How can such a person deserve to be your brother?"

The night battle is indignant when it comes to these things. It's not worth it for his son.

"What you said is true..." Li Xiaohan knew the importance. "But without them, I would have been buried in the sea of fire seven years ago. How can I stand here and talk to you now?"

"So?" the night battle frowned. "Do you want to let him go?"

"I still owe him a life. I'll give it back to him this time. I'll be clear from now on!" Li Xiaohan was very firm. "Please let him go!"

"OK." the night battle is very straightforward, "you speak, I will let people go!"

Then he made a gesture, and the entourage left with Li Xiaodong

Although Li Xiaodong was blindfolded and could not see anything, he probably sensed something and shouted, "Xiao Han, are you there? Xiao Han..."

Li Xiaohan didn't answer him. He just watched his entourage take him away. Then he told the night battle: "let the night frost go together. That's to save me. She also has a share."

"I promised not to move her, and naturally I would let her leave safely." night fighting sat in a chair, "but they will become ordinary people with nothing in the future!"

Li Xiaohan frowned: "what's the difference between you and the bandits who burn, kill and loot?"

"Yes." the night battle said righteously, "bandits burn, kill and rob regardless of the target, but I'm different. As long as I don't offend me, I won't touch him. Whoever falls into my hands must be damned, such as Li Xiaodong!!!"

"If you didn't hurt Han Xue first, how could he offend you?" Li Xiaohan asked, "didn't Han Xue offend you? Why did you find someone to take Han Xue away and do such a wicked act against her?"

"If I did it, I would kill her directly." the night battle stalled, "this yellow haired girl who doesn't know the height of heaven and earth, moving her is dirty my hand!"

"You mean..."

"She was arrogant, insulted me and angered my men, so they gave her a tooth for a tooth and let her taste it. It's fair."

The night battle made a gesture, and a video was playing on the big screen behind Li Xiaohan

Li Hanxue slipped out of the airport and made a phone call while walking. He spoke pure English. His attitude was very arrogant: "sister-in-law, don't be afraid. Those men in the night battle are wine bags and rice bags. If they can't hurt you, they won't hurt me. If they dare to attack me, my brother and brother Xiaohan won't let them go."

"What are you afraid of, I said, what can they do to me? Who dares to touch my hair, my brother and brother Xiaohan will strip the skin and cramp the night war..."

When Li Hanxue said this, the man next to him had something wrong in his eyes, and silently made a gesture to the partner waiting at the door

Then, the man quickly intercepted a taxi and pretended to be the driver to pick up Li Hanxue

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