"Er......" Leng Feifan was stunned. He didn't expect that Li Xiaohan would think so well. Indeed, uncle Hua and aunt Rong would be frightened if Li Xiaohan left one here, lest they and Leng Xingyue be killed. Similarly, they were unstable, and Leng Xingyue wouldn't be at ease

Therefore, Li Xiaohan withdrew all the people. At the same time, in order to protect the safety of lengxingyue, he used his contacts and resources to mobilize Bordeaux police to guard.

These arrangements are impeccable.

Since he thinks of Leng Xingyue like this, why does he force Leng Zhiyuan to death?

Cold extraordinary really can't think of it..

"I've arranged the special plane for you." Li Xiaohan continued to explain, "The special plane you rented is too bad for lengxingyue. She is now weak and pregnant. She can't bump. The special plane I arranged has a strong sense of comfort. Seven days later, at 9 a.m., a driver will pick you up to the airport. Later, Mr. Meng will send relevant information to your mobile phone. You will check it at that time."

"OK, I see." Leng Feifan didn't refuse. He believed that Li Xiaohan's arrangement was the best for lengxingyue.

"The last thing..." Li Xiaohan slowly approached Leng Feifan, warning word by word, "I know that you all hate me. Maybe you don't want Leng Xingyue to be pregnant with my child, but... This child must stay! If there are three long and two short children, you, Leng Xingyue and them..."

Li Xiaohan pointed to Uncle Hua and mother Rong, who were hiding behind Leng Feifan and looking out at the door, and solemnly warned, "don't want to live any of them!"

"Li Xiaohan, you......" Leng Feifan was so angry that he clenched his teeth and clenched his fist.

"Don't think that if all my people are gone, you can escape from my palm." Li Xiaohan continued to warn, "I tell you, your every move is under my supervision. Only when the children are safe can you live a safe and stable life. This child is your amulet. She is here, you are there, okay???!!!!!"

Leng Feifan glared at Li Xiaohan angrily. He didn't intend to hurt the child, but Li Xiaohan threatened him in this way. He felt very insulted. This is not only an insult to him, but also an insult to Leng Xingyue

Everything Li Xiaohan did to Leng Xingyue was just for this child

"Did you all hear that?" Li Xiaohan averted his eyes and stared at Rong Ma and uncle Hua who were trembling at the door.

"Listen, I heard..." although they were unconvinced, they didn't dare not nod.

Li Xiaohan's lip angle aroused a satisfactory radian, wiped his extraordinary cold arm and left straight

Leng Feifan was so angry that he thought he was still looking for clues to find out the truth and prove that there was something strange. Now it seems that his father was forced to death by the overbearing Li Xiaohan


Li Xiaohan left and took everyone away.

He knows Leng Xingyue's personality. If anyone is left here, she will think of him and his father's death, and then be stimulated and affect her body.

Therefore, he even took the red smoke away. He only transferred four unfamiliar maids to take care of Leng Xingyue and handed over the security problem to the Bordeaux police.

In this way, the psychological pressure of lengxingyue should be much less..

At six o'clock in the afternoon, the sky was already dark, and a dark cloud shrouded the head, bringing an ominous omen.

Li Hai held an umbrella to cover the rain for Li Xiaohan, for fear that he would get wet when the rain fell. However, Li Xiaohan pushed him away, avoided the blind area of his sight, and looked up at the room of lengxingyue.

At this moment, he has a myriad of thoughts in his heart. Like the rolling clouds, even if there are thousands of words, he can only be silent

"Master, let's go," Mr. Meng whispered. "Wait a minute, it'll rain heavily."

"Has everything been arranged?" Li Xiaohan asked this sentence many times today. Although it was all arranged by him in person and everything can be said to be watertight, he was still worried that he was leaving. He would not see the cold star moon in a short time, and his people were withdrawn. Although Mr. Meng negotiated well with the police in Bordeaux, he was still worried.

I always feel like something will happen to the cold star moon without taking care of it myself.

"Don't worry, ah Chao Arden. The eight of them keep the red smoke. They are divided into two shifts to secretly protect Miss Leng. It will be fine." Mr. Meng knows what he is worried about. "Besides, what about me? You said that before the child was born, where Miss Leng was, where I was with the eight people, and we will try our best to protect their mother and son."

"HMM." Li Xiaohan nodded. Yes, on the surface, he transferred all the people away. In fact, he left some reliable people to guard secretly. With Mr. Meng, he should rest assured.

"Go, have a safe trip!"

"Meng Shushan, I've given my wife and son to you. You must watch it for me." Li Xiaohan warned Mr. Meng, "if something happens to them, I'll ask for you!!!"

"Yes." Mr. Meng nodded repeatedly, "I understand. I will protect them with my life!"


Li Xiaohan looked back and got on the bus reluctantly.

The car slowly left, and Mr. Meng and others also left in the car behind.

Leng Feifan stood in the room on the second floor and watched Li Xiaohan leave. He also saw Li Xiaohan's reluctant appearance just now. He didn't understand whether Li Xiaohan cared about the child in lengxingyue's belly or lengxingyue?

From the intuitive point of view, Leng Feifan always feels that Li Xiaohan loves Leng Xingyue, but from what happens in reality, Li Xiaohan's tyranny and actions often make him angry. Now he is about to be confused about what is true and what is false..


Li Xiaohan's people left, and Rong Ma and uncle Hua also relaxed. They found those maids, nurses and female doctors, all Chinese, who are very kind-hearted. In order to reassure them, they all showed relevant certificates. The medical staff were invited by Li Xiaohan from the Royal Hospital. The nanny was actually a servant of the cold family. I don't know when Li Xiaohan arranged it.

Leng Feifan looks at these arrangements and feels that Li Xiaohan is very interested

And Rong's mother was still more alert. Although she was relieved of these people, she still called them aside and told them again and again that only miss and master are their own masters, and don't listen to others.

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