In the evening, the servants prepared meals. Rong Ma, uncle Hua and Leng Feifan ate in the small living room of Leng Xingyue's room for the convenience of guarding lengxingyue.

Rong's mother looked at the sleeping cold star moon and said uneasily, "I don't know how the young lady will react when she wakes up and knows she is pregnant."

"You should comfort her well, but nothing will happen."

Uncle Hua kept in mind Li Xiaohan's warning. Now he knows Li Xiaohan's power. That bastard is cruel and cruel. If there is anything wrong with the child, all of them will die.

"I know..." Mrs. Rong said sadly, "I'm not afraid of the beast. Anyway, the big deal is death. I'm old enough to live. I just love miss, special young master is right. Miss is loveless now. Only this child can give her hope to live. Therefore, even for this, I will take good care of her and her children."

"Rong Ma, you are right to think so." Leng Feifan is very pleased.

"Ah Hua, go and have a look again. Have the doors and windows been closed?" Rong's mother was worried. "The thunder will scare the young lady later."

"OK..." Uncle Hua went to check the doors and windows.

Leng Feifan has no appetite. He puts down his dishes and chopsticks, gets up and goes to the bedroom to accompany Leng Xingyue.

Rong's mother asked someone to clean up her things. She was next to lengxingyue to change her clothes. She didn't feel well yesterday, but she's still weak now. Originally, lengfan asked her to have a rest, but she can't rest assured that lengxingyue has to stay here to take care of her.


Cold Xingyue is still sleeping, her eyebrows are tightly condensed, and her body curls up like shrimp. She shivers from time to time, probably having a nightmare.

Leng Feifan looked very distressed and reached out to gently touch her forehead, trying to erase these worries for her.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang of "boom -" and there was a startling thunder outside. Leng Xingyue woke up with wide eyes and screamed in horror, "don't kill my father, don't kill my father, don't --"

"Xingyue..." Leng Feifan is about to appease her. Leng Xingyue suddenly grabs his hand and bites it hard..

"Ah -" Leng Feifan screamed with pain, but he didn't get rid of it. Let her bite. As long as he can let her vent her emotions, it doesn't matter if he hurts..

However, Leng Xingyue bit hard like a madman, as if to bite off his meat

"God, miss, let go of the extraordinary young master..." Rong's mother was frightened when she saw this scene and anxiously advised, "stop making trouble, miss..."

"Let go, miss." Uncle Hua also came to dissuade.

At this time, the sound of "roaring" came from the outside again. Startling thunder came one after another. Leng Xingyue loosened her mouth and kept screaming with her head covered.

"Xingyue, don't be afraid, I'm here, I'll protect you..." Leng Feifan hugged Leng Xingyue tightly and covered her ears, "don't be afraid, it's okay, it's okay..."

Leng Xingyue bit Leng extraordinary's arm again, biting hard, and the blood surged.

However, Leng Feifan bit his lower lip and said nothing.

Uncle Hua and Mrs. Rong looked distressed

For a long time, the thunder dispersed, and Leng Xingyue's mood finally calmed down. She looked up and saw that the person in front of her was Leng Feifan. She suddenly cried out: "Feifan... It's you..."

"It's me, it's me..." Leng Feifan held her face and advised with tears, "Xingyue, everything has passed. I'm here. I'll protect you and won't let anyone hurt you."

"Extraordinary, dad is gone..." Leng Xingyue burst into tears. "I believed Li Xiaohan wrongly. I killed my father... I should have listened to you earlier and took my father to Russia with you earlier... If I had listened earlier, my father would not have died..."

"Xingyue, this is not your problem." Leng Feifan is very distressed and doesn't know how to comfort lengxingyue, "Dad's biggest wish is to hope you can live a good life and hope you can have happiness. Now everything has become a foregone conclusion. We can't change anything, but if you want to realize dad's wish, you should be brave and strong, so that we can start a new life again, okay?"

"Dad is gone, what's the meaning of my life?" Leng Xingyue shook her head crying, "I will never forgive myself in my whole life. I just dreamed of my parents. They said to me, Xingyue, Chu Yunfeng is not a good choice. You won't have good results with him. He will kill you... That's what they told me seven years ago. Why didn't I believe it at the beginning??? Now Li Xiaohan didn't kill me, but he did My parents... I am a sinner and sinful. With such a sin, how can I start again? I just want to die... "

"You can't die." Leng Feifan held Leng Xingyue's shoulder and solemnly announced, "you still have children. You have to be responsible for him..."

"What?" Leng Xingyue was shocked and looked at him incredulously, "what did you say?"

"Miss, you are pregnant." Rong Ma wiped her tears and said, "Huang Sha tested your blood. You are pregnant for three weeks and 21 days. You are a mother..."

"No, it's impossible..." Leng Xingyue shook her head excitedly. "It's impossible. How can I get pregnant? I'm pregnant with that bastard's child? No, I don't want to conceive his child. I don't want... He's my father's enemy. I'm going to kill him to avenge my father in the future..."

"Alas..." mother Rong and uncle Hua sighed deeply. They thought so at the beginning. They were really entangled with the child who killed their father and enemy all their life.

"Xingyue, we don't want to take revenge. Now we have to protect you and the child. It's your responsibility, your blood, and you have to be responsible for him." Leng Feifan anxiously advised, "you are emotionally unstable and will hurt the child. You have to be brave."

"No, I can't have this child..." Leng Xingyue opened the quilt and beat her abdomen. "He shouldn't have come to this world at all. I want to drain him..."

"Xingyue..." it's so cold, "you can't do this..."

"Yes, miss, if the child is gone, we will all..."

"Shut up." Rong Ma scolded uncle Hua, turned to Leng Xingyue and said, "OK, you run away, Rong Ma supports you!!!"

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