Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

1021. Chapter 1021 Love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly【125】

Feng Churui was good to her because the two families were family friends. He was good to her, firstly, because he was the little girl he had watched since childhood, and secondly, being good to her could maintain the friendship between the two families.

And what about Wu Yuqing?

She cares about her, and she really can't figure out what she wants to achieve from her.

Wu Yuqing knew that she didn't believe it. Although she didn't say anything, all her emotions were written on her face. She hesitated for a moment and asked what was in her mind: "Xuewei, are you hostile to me?"

Wu Xuewei looked at her indifferently and ordered her to be kicked out: "Do you have anything else to do? If not, I want to go upstairs to rest."

Wu Yuqing was about to say something when the phone rang. She glanced at it and said to Wu Xuewei, "Sorry, I'll answer the call from your Uncle Feng."

Wu Xuewei suddenly lost her mood, and regardless of whether it was rude or not, she got up and walked upstairs.

"Hey Rui... I've already taken the household registration book... Should you go now... That's right, the Civil Affairs Bureau will be off work when you get off work... So you'd better go now..."

Wu Xuewei had already stepped onto the first step and suddenly turned around. The blood suddenly faded from her face, and her eyes widened in shock.

What did Wu Yuqing just say? Go to the Civil Affairs Bureau with your household registration book?

With whom?

Feng Churui?

Wu Yuqing raised her eyes unexpectedly and saw Wu Xuewei's face was so pale that there was no trace of blood, her whole body was trembling slightly visible to the naked eye, and her body was shaky. She blurted out: "Xuewei, what's wrong with you? Why is your face even paler than before?"

The voice reached Feng Churui's ears through the radio waves. He was shocked and said: "Yuqing, who are you talking to?"

Wu Yuqing said hurriedly: "Well, I'm talking to Xuewei."

At this time, Wu Xuewei had confirmed what she was thinking and chuckled. Seeing Wu Yuqing hurriedly explaining to him on the other end of the phone only made her feel cold all over.

She turned around and slowly climbed up the steps one by one with her legs like a machine. The warmth in her heart gradually disappeared, and then she was surrounded by coldness.

"Xuewei is in City S? Why are you with her?!"

"When I stole the household registration book from home, I met Xuewei at the entrance of the shopping mall. I saw that she looked bad, so I followed her back to her villa. Rui, I won't tell you anymore, Xuewei Wei's face looks very bad, I'll take her to the hospital first." Wu Yuqing said, preparing to hang up the phone.

On the other end of the phone, there was a loud sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, "Yu Qing, listen, you..."

Feng Churui's anxious voice stopped suddenly, and Wu Yuqing fed her a few times before realizing that her phone had run out of battery and shut down automatically.

After thinking about it, she felt that what Feng Churui didn't finish was asking her to take good care of Wu Xuewei, because the Feng family had a close relationship with the Wu family, so Wu Yuqing put away her phone and chased upstairs.

She grabbed Wu Xuewei from behind and said, "Xuewei, I see that you look very bad. Come to the hospital with me and let the doctor examine you properly."

"Let go." Wu Xuewei didn't look back, her tone was cold.

Her whole body was shaking uncontrollably, and her mind was still compulsively repeating what she had just said on the phone over and over again. She felt that her heart was being eroded by severe pain, and a suffocating feeling surrounded her. , tie her up.

Deception, it turned out that he was deceiving himself, and the things he said that had nothing to do with Wu Yuqing were all lies!

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