Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

1022. Chapter 1022 Love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly【126】

Biquge, the fastest update of the sky-high price of the new wife: mistakenly committed a dangerous affair with the president!

Fortunately, she acted like a fool and prepared to give him a surprise on his birthday. Unexpectedly, he ended up giving her a surprise.

How could he treat her like this? If he had even the slightest affection for her, he would not treat her so cruelly.

What went wrong?

He clearly said he loved her, so why did he marry Wu Yuqing?

If she hadn't accidentally heard it today, she wouldn't have known that she had been kept in the dark!

Being kept in the dark like a fool!

Wu Xuewei, Wu Xuewei, look at what kind of people you fall in love with!

You deserve to be deceived!

Wu Xuewei's condition was really bad, and Wu Yuqing also felt it. She didn't know what made her uncomfortable. She was trembling with cold in the room with the heating on. She squeezed her hand tightly and insisted. Take her to the hospital.

"Xuewei, don't be willful! It was your Uncle Feng who asked me to take good care of you. Now you have to go to the hospital with me because you look very bad, and I can't let you ruin yourself like this."

Wu Xuewei turned around, her eyes quickly becoming bloodshot and terrifyingly red. She looked at Wu Yuqing with cold eyes and her voice was cold: "I say it for the last time, let go."

Wu Yuqing also had her own persistence. She held her hand tightly, as if to prove her determination: "Unless you go to the hospital with me, I won't let you go."

"That's enough!" Wu Xuewei yelled hysterically: "Don't stab others in the heart and pretend to be the Virgin! Who are you showing it to! Get out, I don't want to see you! Get out of my house immediately!"

Wu Yuqing was stunned, and raised her other hand to touch her face: "Xuewei, you... what's wrong?"

Wu Xuewei pushed her away fiercely: "Don't touch me!"

Wu Yuqing was caught off guard by her push, and she staggered back a few steps. There was a pool of wet water on the floor at the entrance of the stairs. She stepped on it, slipped, and fell backwards.


Wu Yuqing screamed and rolled down the stairs.

Wu Xuewei's mind went blank and she looked at her hands in despair. What had she done just now?

Did she push Wu Yuqing down the stairs?

"Ah... don't... my child..." Wu Yuqing's weak voice sounded from downstairs.

Wu Xuewei's face turned pale, and she rushed down quickly. At the top of the stairs, she saw Wu Yuqing lying on the floor, her lower body soaked in blood.

Her hands were tightly clasped on the handrail of the stairs, and she whispered in despair: "I didn't mean it... I... didn't mean it..."

Wu Yuqing weakly covered her lower abdomen, tears falling from the corners of her eyes, her lower body was soaked with blood, and she cried bitterly as she felt a weak life slowly passing away from her body.

Wu Xuewei suddenly came back to her senses and took out her phone in a panic. Her fingers trembled several times because of fear before she slid open the screen lock, "Yes... call an ambulance..."

" could you do this to give my child back..."

Wu Xuewei put down the phone sluggishly and looked at the painful Wu Yuqing, unable to say a word...

She didn't know that she would push her down the stairs by mistake, she didn't know that she was pregnant, and she didn't mean to push her, but Wu Yuqing wouldn't believe it now.

"Yuqing, what's wrong with you?!" Feng Churui suddenly came in from the door and saw Wu Yuqing lying in a pool of blood. A trace of shock flashed across his face, and then he quickly stepped forward and half-hugged her up.

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