Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

1023. Chapter 1023 Love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly【127】

Wu Yuqing seemed to have seen a life-saving straw and grabbed his arm tightly, "Arui, save my child..."

"Don't cry, I'll take you to the hospital right now!" Feng Churui picked her up, raised his eyes, and took a deep look at Wu Xuewei standing on the stairs.

That look was extremely cold.

Wu Xuewei's heart tightened and she almost couldn't stand still.

"You'd better pray that the child is okay." Feng Churui withdrew his gaze, hugged Wu Yuqing and left quickly.

Wu Xuewei's legs softened, and she squatted down slowly while holding on to the armrest. She leaned her head on the armrest, pressed her heart with one hand, gasped for air, and stared at the pool of blood on the floor, which was Wu Yuqing's blood.

Her child may have been pushed away because of her own fault.

Feng Churui said, 'You'd better pray that the child is okay.' He was worried that Wu Yuqing would not know that she was also pregnant with his child!

She would never forget his cold glance, like countless knives stabbing at her, cutting her completely.

Her silent tears, her sadness, her pain, and her repentance were unknown to anyone.

Feng Churui and Wu Yuqing were like two executioners. They were the ones who hurt her first, so why did they appear in front of her confidently?

Yes, she pushed Wu Yuqing down the stairs by mistake. She admitted her mistake and she didn't mean it.

If she could go back in time, she would rather be the one who rolled down the stairs than become a murderer of a child!


Standing at the corner of the corridor, with her back against the cold wall, Wu Xuewei looked at the ceiling with distracted eyes. At the end of the corridor was the emergency room, where Wu Yuqing was still giving first aid. Feng Churui stood outside the emergency room next to the door, with his head lowered and an expression on his face. Dark and unclear.

Time, minute by second, affects Wu Xuewei's heart.

She didn't dare to step forward, afraid of seeing his cold eyes again, and even more afraid of his disgusted expression.

The door to the emergency room opened, and Wu Yuqing was pushed out. Feng Churui stepped forward and asked the doctor: "Doctor, has the child been saved?"

The doctor pulled down his mask and shook his head helplessly: "Mayor, we tried our best, but we still couldn't save the fetus. Ms. Wu is still young. She needs to take good care of herself. She can have another baby in the future."

Feng Churui was lost for a long time before he nodded and followed the nurse to send Wu Yuqing into the ward.

Wu Xuewei came out of the corner and stopped the doctor. She was too far away and couldn't hear what they were talking about just now.

She clenched her fingers nervously: "Doctor, how is Miss Wu's child...?"

The doctor looked at her suspiciously and saw that she did not look like a bad person, so he told her: "Ms. Wu's child has been aborted and cannot be saved."

Wu Xuewei didn't know how she walked out of the hospital. She just felt that she had never felt so cold in winter.

She was so cold that she was shivering all over and her teeth were chattering. She hugged herself, trying to give herself a little warmth, but it was in vain.

How can you generate warmth when your whole body is cold?

Step by step, aimlessly walking, not daring to return to the villa. There was Wu Yuqing's blood everywhere, reminding her that she was an executioner who had strangled the life of a child.

Suddenly, she ran back like crazy, all the way back to the hospital.

Standing at the door of Wu Yuqing's ward and hearing her heartbroken cry, Wu Xuewei stared down at her toes and hesitated for a long time before opening the ward door.

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