Biquge, the fastest update of the sky-high price of the new wife: mistakenly committed a dangerous affair with the president!


After hanging up the phone, Feng Churui's face froze for a moment, and he played with the phone with his long and clean fingertips. His eyes were so secretive that no one could peek into his thoughts.

Song Weiwei took off her apron, tidied up her somewhat messy professional suit, put the hot milk on the dining table, and looked at him who still couldn't come over, "Arui, I've made breakfast for you, come and eat."

Feng Churui raised her eyes indifferently, her eyes staying on the dining table, which was the breakfast she had made.

In fact, at this point in the past, he was already on his way to City Hall Z, but he didn't expect it. He just accidentally said that the housekeeping aunt would take a few days off and he would cook for himself, but she remembered it in her heart.

Early in the morning, he was about to rush to the airport to handle matters in Feididu, but he didn't expect Song Weiwei to come.

Well, it came with the breakfast she bought.

After hesitating for a long time, he stood up and let her in. Song Weiwei looked at his apartment curiously, admiring from time to time. A man who can keep his home so neat and spotless must be a man who loves to be clean.

Feng Churui listened absently and didn't express his opinion. However, she accidentally dropped her breakfast on the ground, and the porridge spilled all over the floor.

Song Weiwei was so embarrassed that she didn't know what to do. Feng Churui screwed up the bridge of his nose and said that he would just clean it up. Song Weiwei felt guilty and asked Ying to make another breakfast for him.

Feng Churui refused, but couldn't stand her insistence, and finally had to let her into the kitchen.

He sat on the sofa and flipped through magazines until his cell phone rang.

To be honest, he was a little surprised when he received Wu Xuewei's call.

Until he hung up the phone, he didn't ask clearly whether what she just said was 'can we get married again'...

He hastily ate a few bites of the breakfast made by Song Weiwei. He was thinking about something and it was tasteless. When Song Weiwei asked him if it tasted good, he still said gracefully, "It's good."

After hailing a taxi downstairs in the apartment and sending Song Weiwei away, he asked the driver to drive to the airport.

From boarding the plane to landing, he had been restless. He felt uneasy for no reason, as if something was about to happen.

This feeling lasted until I received a strange call, and it was finally confirmed.

His mind, which had always been clear and sane, was suddenly a little confused. He only heard a boy yelling furiously on the other end. It seemed that Xuewei was in the school library... jumping off the building to kill?

The blood all over his body seemed to have condensed. He stood absently at the entrance of the airport where people were coming and going, looking at the hazy cloudy sky, his heart sank suddenly...

That elegant and handsome face, with a calm and indifferent expression, began to crack, and deep panic emerged from his eyes. In the next second, he jumped out of the crowd and rushed out.


Below the library, students who had finished class were already crowded, pointing and looking at Wu Xuewei who was standing on the top floor.

Soon, police cars, fire engines and 120 ambulances drove into the campus with their sirens honking. Jing Cha immediately opened the cordon and dispersed the crowd. The firefighters opened up the inflatable mattress and rushed to the top of the library to persuade them.

Doctors and nurses are also downstairs ready to help.

"Classmate Wu Xuewei, please calm down. The position you are standing in is very dangerous! If there is anything unthinkable, we can solve it slowly and don't go to extremes! You have to think about your family. Losing you is the biggest blow to them! "Jing Cha shouted to Wu Xuewei upstairs with a loudspeaker.

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