Everything around her turned into nothingness. Wu Xuewei stood on the rooftop, looking at the hazy sky in the distance. Her mind kept replaying every moment she had spent with Feng Churui over the years.

Unknowingly, they had known each other for more than ten years, and he had been her goal in life for more than ten years. He had always been.

In fact, she knows that she is contradictory and has always been a contradictory person.

When you are hurt, you want to retaliate against him severely and make him feel how much pain and suffering you felt in the first place.

People are selfish creatures. After being hurt, they will subconsciously form a sense of protection. The saying is that once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of well ropes for ten years. This is probably the case.

Because of Feng Churui, she was scarred, so while she hated him, she rejected him indifferently, hoping that he would never affect her peaceful world.

However, human beings are such contradictory creatures.

Obviously I no longer want it, but I don’t want others to get involved.

She didn't want him to disturb her peaceful life, and she finally calmed down. However, when he really didn't want her anymore and was with another woman, she realized that she would still be heartbroken and didn't want him to. I don’t want to have even the slightest contact with other women!

She knows that this kind of self is very despising, but people's hearts are always contradictory and selfish.

She was not the first, but just one of thousands of people. She had no way to save him, no way to win back his heart, so she could only free herself and redeem herself.

The pain in my heart cannot be relieved at all.

It seems that this heart is sick, and it hurts day and night.

She didn't know how to cure it, or how to make it calm down and stop feeling so uncomfortable, but she couldn't find any way.

The pain of being tortured was like being in a dark room that was so quiet that there was no light. No one came in and she couldn't get out.

In the secret darkness, a person's heartbeat and pain are affected by infinite methods, and the painful, sharp, and hysterical collapse of the heart is endlessly looped.

It's like a knot, with one link intertwined with another, unable to be untied, and constantly twisted.

She was bound by the invisible rope of pain, which became tighter and tighter with every discomfort. The tighter it became, the more uncomfortable it became. The more uncomfortable it became, the more she wanted to be freed.

When the word relief flashed in her mind, she seemed to find a ray of light in the endless darkness.

This ray of light is like a living hope, which can lead her out of this suffocating darkness, lead her to see the light again, push aside the haze, and stand under the blue sky and white clouds to breathe again.

In her mind, a distant voice called her...

He Jingyan humbly asked He Yunsheng for help in getting Feng Churui's number. He then called the city hall number and chased it all the way until he got Feng Churui's private number.

After calling him, he had been on the rooftop, always paying attention to her movements.

Seeing her slowly opening her arms, He Jingyan took a breath and said, "Wu Xuewei, don't—!"

His long arms stretched out to catch her, but all they caught was air.

Wu Xuewei closed her eyes, curved her lips into a slight smile, and jumped——

A black Cayenne rushed into the J line at high speed, its tires screeching against the ground.

The car door was pushed open violently, and Feng Churui staggered down. When he looked up, he saw the person falling like a butterfly, and his eyes were filled with tears: "Xuewei!!!"

Students from University A may always remember this day. The hazy sky was so lifeless that it was so oppressive that people could not breathe.

On the rooftop of the library, a girl who was loved by thousands of people gave up her flowery years and jumped without hesitation, like a butterfly with broken wings, falling weightlessly——

The lifeline was cut off by the blood-filled sky.

In the Mood for Love, flowers fade like flowers.

[Warm reminder: If Xuewei is unhappy, this can be regarded as the ending. 】

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