Biquge, the fastest update of the sky-high price of the new wife: mistakenly committed a dangerous affair with the president!


There was a loud noise, and her body hit a soft object. It bounced a few times and fell again. Her body was in pain. Wu Xuewei let out a low cry and opened her eyes tremblingly.

What she saw was orange, not the cold concrete floor. She thought she would die, but to her surprise, what she imagined did not happen!

"Master Feng, you can't go there!" The police officer stopped him.

"Get away!" Feng Churui angrily kicked away the people surrounding him, rushed out of the encirclement, and ran over.

"Wu Xuewei...?" He stood there in a panic, wanting to reach out and hug her, but he didn't dare to touch her easily.

A thin layer of cold sweat broke out on Junyi's face, and his back was soaked with sweat. He looked as if he had just been fished out of the water.

Hearing the sound, Wu Xuewei put her hand on the air mattress with difficulty, trying to get up.

A long arm stretched out, covering her waist with a strong force, and as the world was spinning, she was thrust into an embrace with a familiar aura.

The tall body was trembling invisibly. Feng Churui's lips turned white. He clasped her shoulders with a scared look on his face and checked her body up and down. After a few seconds, he bent down and picked her up, and left quickly. .

"Master Feng! Where are you going? Please put Miss Xuewei down, we have to do a full body examination for her! Master Feng, Master Feng -" all the police doctors gathered around, trying to stop him.

Feng Churui's face turned stern, and his voice became angry: "Get out of here!"

Wu Xuewei, who was shrinking in his arms, raised her head with difficulty, poked her head out from his shoulder, and said to Dr. J behind him: "I'm fine..."

"Shut up!" Feng Churui lowered his head and scolded him with cold eyes.

Wu Xuewei shrank her neck, her eyes were misty, she wanted to cry but didn't dare.

Feng Churui carried her towards the ambulance and stepped up to get in. Then he turned back and scolded the doctors and nurses who were standing nearby, "Why don't you get over here?!"

The doctors, nurses and police officers who had been scolded were still in a daze, but they were scolded again and ran over quickly.

No one expected that Feng Churui, who has always been elegant and well-educated, and has a gentlemanly demeanor, would actually show his exposed side.

Holding Wu Xuewei and lying on the stretcher of the ambulance, doctors and nurses gathered around to examine her. Feng Churui followed the car. The nurse asked the driver to drive: "Go back to the hospital!"

Feng Churui's eyes darkened, "Go to the Civil Affairs Bureau!"

"Master Feng...?" The doctor and nurse questioned at the same time.

"Do as I say!" An unquestionable command.

The ambulance honked and drove quickly out of University A, turned a corner, and headed for the Civil Affairs Bureau.

After twenty minutes of careful examination, the doctor breathed a sigh of relief and said with excitement: "What a blessing! Miss Xuewei only has soft tissue contusions on her body, nothing serious, and she will recover in a few days!"

When the man who had been pressing his lips tightly with a cold face heard these words, his brows suddenly relaxed, and the fear and worry in his eyes faded away.

Wu Xuewei's mind began to clear up and she felt that her behavior was extremely stupid!

If she really has three advantages and two disadvantages, wouldn't it make the relatives who love her miserable and send the white-haired person to the black-haired person?

Fortunately, the police arrived in time, and thanks to the cushioning of the inflatable mattress, she was lucky to be fine, but just because she was fine didn't mean she didn't feel guilty.

At this moment, the doctor had finished the examination, but she still didn't dare to open her eyes and look at him.

She didn't want to threaten him with suicide, but she just couldn't think about it and couldn't get out, so she chose an extreme way to seek relief.

Not anymore. If you have a clear mind, you will understand that in addition to yourself, everyone also bears the responsibility for their family.

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