Biquge, the fastest update of the sky-high price of the new wife: mistakenly committed a dangerous affair with the president!

Song Weiwei was so stimulated by the situation in front of her that she lost all reason. She completely forgot whether the status of a person who could come and go freely in the Jun District Courtyard was something she could slap at will.

Wu Xuewei was a little confused, and her face was instantly numb with pain. Not to mention how strong Song Wei was, the only girl, but the potential of her anger bursting out was enough to make her incredibly strong.

She covered her face in disbelief, raised her head to look at Song Weiwei who looked angry, and frowned angrily: "You said Feng Churui is your boyfriend? Where is the evidence?"

"Evidence?" Song Weiwei laughed as if she had heard some big joke. She crossed her arms on her chest. She was half a head taller than Wu Xuewei in eleven-inch high heels and squinted at her. , "Don't you think it's a little brainless to ask for evidence from me? Don't you know if Ari is my boyfriend? On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, Ari took me to visit Chief Yang C's house and he acquiesced that I was him Girlfriend, you didn’t see or hear any of this?”

Wu Xuewei pursed her lips, "How do you know he was acquiescing? Did he not want to deny that he had made Miss Song lose face and not come to the stage? After all, he was contributing to the S City TV station at the time, so he had to go through the back door to beg Grandpa Yang. An exclusive interview.”

"Are you still shameless? Can you see it when Ah Rui pursues me? You vixen, shameless...Ah, Ah Rui?" Song Weiwei suddenly looked behind her, a hint of panic flashed across her face With a panicked expression, his eyes began to dodge from left to right.

Just as Wu Xuewei was about to turn around, a hot chest pressed against her back, and his waist was hugged by him. Feng Churui ignored Song Weiwei, but lowered his head, pinched her chin, and turned her face to face him.

Seeing the red five-finger prints on the white jade-like skin, Feng Churui frowned angrily, raised his hand and gently rubbed it with his cool fingertips, and said in an incredibly soft tone: "Did she hit you?"

"Yeah." Wu Xuewei was a little aggrieved. Why should she, a legal wife, endure the woman he provoked to come and slap her?

Growing up, except for the time when she made a big mistake and was beaten by her father with domestic methods, her family was not willing to let her get hurt with a finger.

"I'll blow it, and I'll get you an ice pack later." As he said that, Feng Churui's pretty brows furrowed slightly, he carefully held her face with his hands, and blew it.

Song Weiwei was deeply hit, staggered back a step, and hit the door frame. She hurriedly covered her arm in pain.

"Arui, is she the reason why you want to cut off contact with me?" She asked unwillingly.

Feng Churui didn't bother to give her a look, and concentrated on blowing Wu Xuewei's slightly swollen face. Wu Xuewei shook her head before he gave up.

Suddenly, he raised his head, and a sharp look flashed through his clear eyes. The corners of his lips were still slightly raised, but his smile was full of coldness, "Remember I made it very clear, what I did to you was just for show. , you and I use each other to get what we need. Why don’t I remember that one of my ex-girlfriends was Reporter Song?"

Song Weiwei seemed to have remembered something and confronted her sharply: "You asked me if I have a boyfriend!"

"Ha..." Feng Churui said patiently: "When I use you to act, of course I have to confirm whether you have a boyfriend. If you do, it's not good to let him misunderstand me. In other words, if it wasn't you, someone else would accompany me. Acting in this play. It’s just that I happened to meet you who interviewed me that day. So, you can understand it, right? "

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