"No...this is not true...you sent me home and sent me to the TV station, you were so high-profile, and you did not hesitate to use your connections to help me get so many exclusive interviews...Isn't this the case when men pursue people? ..." Song Weiwei lost all her strength and leaned against the door frame, looking at Feng Churui with pleading eyes, hoping that he would tell her that it was all a lie!

"You guys chat, I'll go find ice cubes first." Wu Xuewei's face was burning with pain, and she covered her face and planned to leave.

Feng Churui grabbed her waist and pulled her back into his arms. He lowered his head and leaned into her ear and said, "I taught you last night how to please yourself. Now I want to teach you how to behave when you are wronged." A timely and effective counterattack. Xuewei, pay back twice as much now."

Wu Xuewei's eyes widened, what did he say, double the amount? !

Feng Churui smiled as softly as water, and pinched her chin gently. Knowing that she would relent, he cut off all her escape routes, "You can do it yourself, or I can ask the J guard downstairs to help. You can choose either one."

Officially, it was because the guard J was downstairs that she suffered a loss.

J Guardsman is from Team B, and if J Guardsman takes action, the consequences will be more than just two slaps...

Wu Xuewei was struggling in her heart, and Song Weiwei seemed to be stunned. She couldn't believe that the person who said such words turned out to be the gentle and elegant Feng Churui in the past!

"Arui...how could you do this to me, I..." I have spent so much time with you after all.

Song Weiwei swallowed the next words in frustration under Feng Churui's cold eyes.

She is not that stupid. Judging from the current situation, Feng Churui is obviously partial to Wu Xuewei. If she stays, she will only get slapped and humiliate herself.

"Humph, you are a vixen! Stop making excuses!" Song Weiwei dropped her words and turned to leave.

Feng Churui kicked the door shut first, and the door panel suddenly hit her. Song Weiwei felt a sharp pain in her back, and her legs went weak and she fell to the ground.

"Xuewei, have you considered it? If you can't make a choice, then I will let her go and let the J guards take action." Feng Churui stroked her face gently, his eyes filled with affection.

Wu Xuewei was in a dilemma. She had never hit anyone before. Although she was very angry after being hit, she still couldn't let go when she did it herself.

"It seems you have made your choice." Feng Churui sighed in disappointment, "Okay, I'll let her go."

"don't want!"

Feng Churui asked calmly, "Have you considered it?"

Wu Xuewei nodded, "I'll fight."

"Heh..." Feng Churui laughed softly: "That's right."

Feng Churui let go of her, and Wu Xuewei walked up to Song Weiwei. Song Weiwei stood up unconvinced and stared at her with hatred. Wu Xuewei was still a little shaken at first, but now she calmed down and raised her hand to draw her bow left and right.

Bang bang——

Clean and crispy.

"You!" Song Weiwei covered her face and glared: "How dare you hit me?!"

Wu Xuewei was trained by Feng Churui in Team B. She has basic self-protection skills, and her strength cannot be any less.

"Well done." Feng Churui came over and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

Wu Xuewei curled her lips, she was forced, okay, but the moment the fight ended, it was really refreshing.


Seeing them show off their affection, it was like a sharp sword stabbing her eyes. Song Weiwei gritted her teeth and said bitterly: "You... you are shameless!"

Covering his face, he ran out away from the two of them.

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