Mr. Tang dropped two words with special meaning: "Flower arrangement~"

It took him a few seconds to realize what he was referring to, and Lu Momo's face turned red.

Tang Chao smiled evilly and began to eat her delicious meal...

Under the nervousness and excitement of being discovered at any time by someone spying on her, she was enjoying herself heartily. The incident ended violently.

Afterwards, Tang Chao touched her little head contentedly, and Lu Momo was as limp as water, pitifully nestling in his arms, wanting to cry but not having tears...

Next time, don’t offend anyone who is like a wolf and a tiger!

It made her so miserable!


Mr. Rong was sick. The man who had not favored him even though he had a cold all year suddenly developed a high fever.

This disease makes a vigorous tiger suddenly become a big cat.

Even the young marshal can bully him casually.

On the first day, the family doctor gave him medicine to reduce his fever. His condition improved a little, and Luo Anning went to work with peace of mind.

The next day, the high fever persisted and the fluid returned. He also took an increased dose of medicine. Luo Anning became a little uneasy and asked him to go to the hospital. Unexpectedly, Rong Shao hated the smell of the hospital and refused to go.

On the third day, his condition improved a little, and Luo Anning stopped all work and took care of him at home.

"What do you want to eat? I'll cook it for you?" Luo Anning sat on the bedside and asked softly after tucking him in to cover his sweat.

"I don't want to eat anything." Mr. Rong's face looked a little haggard, his thin lips were a little pale, and his whole person was weak and weak.

"No!" Luo Anning said sternly, "You didn't eat anything in the morning, and you don't want to eat now, so what's okay? I'll go make you some porridge, and make a few side dishes, okay?"

Young Master Rong raised his eyes, raised a smile on his lips, and raised his hand at her, gesturing for her to come over.

As soon as Luo Anning leaned down, he grabbed the back of her head and kissed her firmly.

Because of her fever, his lips were very hot, so hot that it made her heart palpitate.

His lips caressed her soft lips, and Young Master Rong said in a low voice, "Okay."

Luo Anning burst out laughing, and then, like coaxing Xiaoshuai, she kissed his handsome and flawless face, "Then you get some sleep first, and I'll go downstairs to do it for you."

The young marshal smelled the aroma of rice coming from the kitchen, abandoned the blocks in his hand, walked into the kitchen with his short legs, and hugged Luo Anning's legs.

Luo Anning lowered his head and looked at the little meat ball at his feet, "Xiao Shuai, go out to play, mom is cooking."

The little guy raised his delicate head and asked, "Mama, what do you cook?"

"Make porridge, does Xiaoshuai want to eat it?"

The little guy was extremely applauded, and with a little bit of thought in his head, he said: "I want to!"

Luo Anning squatted down, pinched a small piece of chopped tomato and put it to his lips. The little handsome bit it with a smile on his face, and started chewing with his little mouth. Luo Anning took advantage of the situation and said, "Before you drink the porridge, you go upstairs. Can you go and stay with daddy? Dad is sick now, can you go up and play with him for a while?"

As soon as he heard that he wanted to go upstairs, Xiaoshuai was not happy. His dark eyes reflected bright light like crystals. He refused quickly and simply: "No! I want to go with Mom~"

Luo Anning lowered her face and pretended to be angry: "Xiao Shuai, you can't be ignorant. Dad loves you so much, and now he is sick. If you stay with him, he will be very happy."

Xiaoshuai thought about it distressedly, and then said, "Mom, kiss me."

Luo Anning laughed and gave him a kiss on his fleshy cheek. The little guy put his short arms around her neck and kissed her back with a small mouth.

"Xiao Shuai went to play with Baba."

"Be good, go ahead~"

The little guy pursed his lips, nodded, turned around and stumbled upstairs.

Mr. Rong was sleeping soundly, but suddenly he woke up with a tightness in his chest.

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