Youyou opened her eyes, and her confused eyes gradually became clear. When she saw the small ball of flesh sitting on her chest, Rong Yan put a hand on his forehead in annoyance: "Rong Xiaoshuai, tell me why you don't sit on a good bed, but dad." On your body!"

"Mom, let me play with you." The little guy said reluctantly, sitting on his chest with his two short legs dangling, which was very comfortable.

"Go down." Rong Yan closed his eyes and didn't want to say more.

"No." He refused cleanly.

Young Master Rong suddenly opened his eyes, stretched out his long arm, grabbed the back of his collar and moved the little meat ball from his chest to the bedside, and said angrily: "Come downstairs with me, dad doesn't have time to play with you."

Unexpectedly, he was rejected. The little guy was very unhappy and puffed his mouth, "You are sick."

"So?" Mr. Rong raised his eyebrows.

The little guy made a dizzy movement, then climbed on top of him using his hands and feet and sat down, with a serious expression on his little face carved in the exact same mold as his, "Shuai Shuai wants to take care of you."

"Heh..." Young Master Rong chuckled, "You have little arms and short legs, can you take care of me?"

After pouting his rosy mouth, Xiaoshuai simply stopped talking, plopped down on him, closed his eyes and planned to sleep.

Anyway, Mama said she would come to accompany Baba, and now he is accompanying her.

"Hey, Rong Xiaoshuai." Rong Shao tapped his head with his index finger.

The handsome little chubby hand slapped him away.

"Haha... He has quite a bad temper." Mr. Rong laughed and patted his little butt, "Go downstairs to play with your mother. Don't follow me. Do you hear me?"

The little guy turned his head to the side and groaned angrily: "Shuai Shuai didn't hear that!"

Young Master Rong picked him up again and put him next to the bed. The little guy sat up and stared at him angrily with his dark, pure eyes. Young Master Rong stretched out his long legs and pressed them against his belly, then slowly pushed him away. At the end of the bed, "If you don't want to be infected by the virus, go downstairs quickly."

"I don't want it." He climbed up again using his hands and feet.

"Tsk, you little brat, why are you so disobedient?" Young Master Rong pushed again.

Xiao Shuai simply grabbed Ba Ba's foot and began to tickle the soles of his feet with his fleshy fingers. Young Master Rong was really ticklish and wanted to kick him away, but was afraid of hurting him. He tried to pull his foot away but was killed by this little brat. He hugged her tightly and couldn't help laughing for a moment.

The little guy continued scratching proudly, and Master Rong threatened: "Shuai Rong, let go! If you don't want to be kicked out of bed, let go quickly!"

Xiaoshuai: "(ˇ?ˇ)"

Mr. Rong: "Ha... hahaha... Xiaoshuai, let go..."

Xiaoshuai: "~\\(≧▽≦)/~"

Young Master Rong: "You little bastard, you asked for this!"

Luo Anning was holding the porridge and heard laughter coming from the bedroom in the corridor. The father and son...

The door was not closed tightly. Luo Anning pushed it open and saw that the big bed was in a mess, and the quilt fell to the ground. The father and son were in a quarrel. Xiaoshuai was held in Rong Yan's arms, tickling him vigorously. The little guy couldn't stop giggling.

"I said you two..."

Rong Yan stopped, but only for a moment: "An Ning, you're here."

The little guy laughed so hard that his stomach hurt. As soon as he saw Luo An Ning, he coquettishly asked for help: "Mom, help... cluck, cluck..."

Putting the porridge on the bedside table, Luo Anning sat down by the bed, looked at the father and son having fun, and said with a smile: "Okay, don't make trouble Rong Yan."

Only then did Mr. Rong stop his hand and hummed proudly: "For your mother's sake, let me let you go first."

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