Rong Chong'er felt weak all over. Whenever she thought of Asheng lying cold and stiff in the morgue, her heart throbbed tightly.

A kind of powerlessness and despair came over me deeply.

Glory helped Beloved to the morgue. Tang Jun stepped forward and silently patted Feng Yuxi on the shoulder.

He was also sad about Asheng's death, but he knew that besides Beloved, the person who was most sad was Yu Xi.

It can be seen from Yu Xi's changed attitude towards Beloved that he really saw the goodness of Beloved, so he wanted to pursue Beloved again.

Not to mention the fact that Ah Sheng was his real boyfriend before, Yu Xi's road has already been tortuous. What's more, now that Ah Sheng has died trying to save him, Tang Jun can imagine that the future road will be more difficult for Yu Xi than before. Ten times a hundred times.

Feng Yuxi felt bitter in his heart, but he couldn't do anything.

Especially when he saw Beloved's eyes full of hatred, the person he would rather die was himself.

Rong Gong's words seemed to wake up Rong Chong'er. She was stunned for a long time before nodding with tears in her eyes.

"Sorry, the body has been picked up by the family."

At the door of the morgue, Rong Chong'er and his party were told by the nurse expressionlessly that Asheng's body had been picked up by her family members just fifteen hours ago.

Feng Yuxi and others had been outside the emergency room and did not dare to follow the morgue. Therefore, during the whole process, they did not see Asheng's family members.

What's more, she didn't know that Asheng's body was picked up shortly after leaving the emergency room.

For Beloved, this news undoubtedly deprived her of the right to see Asheng for the last time.

Her vision went dark and she fainted completely.

"Beloved! Beloved!"


How sad does a person have to be to burst into tears even in a coma?

From the time he returned home to now, Beloved has been in a coma for three days. He is like a nightmare and cannot wake up.

She would call Asheng's name unconsciously, and tears would overflow from her closed eyes.

Glory didn't dare to bring Beloved back to City S. He was afraid that his parents would be worried, but how could there be an airtight wall in the world?

On the third day after returning to the imperial capital, Young Master Rong and Luo Anning came over after hearing the news. When they saw Beloved Hai unconscious on the bed, and Feng Yuxi accompanying him in a state of undress, they didn't know for a moment that this was evil. Or fate.

It just so happened that Ah Sheng was Beloved's boyfriend, and he died trying to save Yu Xi.

"Uncle Rong, Aunt An Ning, I'm sorry." Feng Yuxi stood up helplessly, lowering his head with a look of remorse.

Young Master Rong pursed his thin lips tightly, and Luo Anning spoke softly: "Yu Xi, you have not sorry for us, you are sorry for Asheng's family. Yu Xi, please go back and rest. We will take care of Beloved here."

How could Feng Yuxi not hear the eviction order in the words? However, he felt uneasy. As long as Beloved didn't wake up, his conscience would be tortured day by day.

Both emotionally and rationally, he should take care of Beloved.

Because she is Asheng's girlfriend, he owes Asheng his life and has the obligation to take good care of Beloved. Also, he likes Beloved. Even if he knows that she must want him to die at this moment, he will still stay.

"Yu Xi, you know that if you stay, Beloved will not welcome you. Even so, do you still choose to stay?"

Feng Yuxi raised his head, his throat was stiff, he wiped his face, and said, "Aunt An Ning, even if Beloved hates me, I will stay. I owe Asheng my life, and now that he is gone, I want to save it for him." Take good care of Beloved. No matter what Beloved does to me, I deserve it and I won't have any complaints."

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